Feed, Fast, HIIT – May 2014 ♥️

This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Let’s complete our goals this Spring:

    Goal for this month:

    Starting Weight:

    Tracking Weight:

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Goal for this month: 190 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 195 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: Fast twice Tu – Thu, Sprints, Strengthening, and Stairs climbing (36 floors).

    I always read this thread but never do it so heres to the first time and reaching that goal!:)

    Goal for this month: 181 lb

    Starting Weight: 209 lb

    Tracking Weight: 186 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 2 x fasts per week, walking 45mins-1hr per day, running 30 mins x2 a week, 1 x 30 min swim per week

    Lets Go!

    Hi Rocky

    Goal for this month: 156 lb

    Starting Weight: 166 lb

    Tracking Weight: 161 lb

    Feed, Fast, Exercise: Fast Mon & Thurs, running 2-3 times weekly, Pilates, weights

    Great to have others participate in this simple and easy tracking.

    The tracking is easy, the doing is challenging.

    I’ve peaked (plateaud) for the last 5 months and expect with the better weather and fitness consciousness that I can hit my target.

    ..and surpass it.


    “A doctor might say eat well, exercise, and get good rest.
    I’m thinking they may someday say. Eat well, fast well, exercise, and get good rest.”

    I’m a Faster and we say, Feed well, Fast well, HIIT well, and get good rest.


    “Long Term 4 year goal: 100lbs fat loss to 174lbs by age 50
    IF Starting Weight: 274lbs 3-4-2013
    IF Restart Weight: 247lbs 3-7-2014 27lbs lost
    Weigh In: 4-6-2014 242lbs.
    Weigh In 5-2-2O14 241lbs

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 600cal semi-fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
    -TDEE non- fasting weekdays 1740 calories aim.
    All calories consumed Noon-5pm weekdays. No restrictions Sat or Sun.
    Jumprope 3sets 10min after meals & before bed. JumpingJacks if winded.”

    I’m almost waiting for perfection and motivation to set in for me.

    Waiting for my jump ropes in the mail.

    Waiting for the outdoor weather.

    Waiting for my momentum.

    The waiting should be over this weekend.


    Hey everyone… I want to start this fast for 2 days (600) , eat for 5. Starting today (UK) Monday 26th May.
    Anyone who can help me or give me guidance would be so very much appreciated. Thank you 🙂

    I heard it via Horizon on BBC

    First it’s about getting through the 2days a week on 500 or 600 calories.

    Some eat small amounts all day long , others 3 or 2 meals.

    Personally I had my last intake around 5pm. And go to bed as soon as I start getting terribly hungry.

    Some have no problem. Other simply just can’t do it.

    So before trying anything more complicated than it needs to be . Master the two days a week.

    If you’re wanting results in that time. Then eat only to your TDEE. On the other 5 days.

    However. IMO. Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle. It’s works over a long period of time. Focus on the two days and after you get used to it. Focus on the scale at snails pace. Even if you loose only 3 lbs a month. That’s 36 lbs a year.
    My goal is 100lbs over 4 years.

    More protein than carbs seems to help get used to it, but after 8 weeks. Use the recommendations in the book!

    Hi Charlie:

    Here are some thoughts for those just starting 5:2: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/warnings-to-newbies/

    Good Luck!

    Goal : 144 lb

    Starting Weight: 171 lb

    Tracking Weight: 146 lb

    Yoga, exercise.

    Very close to goal weight. Hope to reach by end of June


    “First it’s about getting through the 2days a week on 500 or 600 calories…Master the two days a week”

    Great thoughts and I’m cramming to reach my target this month. This helps.


    “Very close to goal weight.”

    Keep leading and inspiring us.

    Goal for this month: 190 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 190 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: Fast twice Tu – Thu, Sprints, Strengthening, and Biking.

    Hit my target this month, crammed on last week.

    Now for the next month…

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