Feed, Fast, HIIT – June 2014 ♥️

This topic contains 55 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Let’s complete our goals for beach shape or other reasons:

    Goal for this month:

    Starting Weight:

    Tracking Weight:

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 190 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: Fast twice Tu, We, Thu, Fr, Strengthening and Biking.

    Let’s complete our goals for beach shape or other reasons:

    Goal for this month: 224

    Starting Weight: 274 3-2013

    Tracking Weight: 230 6:1 2014

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:
    Walking 10 miles or more per day.
    Skipping jump rope for 10 minutes prior to meals.
    Practicing the 7 compound lifts
    Have stopped fasting until I get diabetic sugars within healthy targets!
    Eating 1,750 calories a day with optimal nutrition.

    Too close to 50 lb mark of 224.
    Ultimate goal is to loose 100lbs by September of 2018


    “Have stopped fasting until I get diabetic sugars within healthy targets!”

    I was unaware that fasting adversely affected in this way.

    I’m impressed with your workouts.

    Well , I’m a diabetic newbie!
    So before I make anything worse than it has to be. I’m putting my sugars levels first. Hopefully in. Few months I can return to losing fat and main priority.

    Poasteing this from another site.

    My understanding is you can double the amount of your exercise , but you can’t double the health benefit.

    However this is my overview of longevity.

    You can do compound lifts, and do cardio, in combination with H.I.I.T. In that is the maximum potential. Except to also increase N.E.A.T

    You can count calories , but the longevity benefit comes from ADF with low sugar, and high amounts of antioxidants. Probiotics help maximize immunity and uptake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants .

    Here’s the compound lifts . These work every major muscle group. I’m not doing this to transform into Atlas. I’m doing this to transform into the health of an athlete. Below explains it better.

    The Big 7 – The Seven Most Important Weight Training Exercises
    This is a short article to set in stone the 7 most important weight lifting/weight training exercises.  I’ve mentioned them several times in various posts, and also in several of my ebooks, but let’s get this defined once and for all.
    Note – these are not necessarily in order.  We’ll save the debate about which “one” is the most important for later…
    The Big 7
    Chest Press (Bench Press)
    Military/Standing Pres
    There are many variations to each of these.  Dumbbell versions, barbell versions, seated vs. standing, different grips, different angles, etc.
    But the key things about this list:
    a) they are all compound movements, not isolation exercises
    b) together, they hit every major muscle in the body (yes, they even work your abs for you fitness-models out there!)
    c) they produce RESULTS
    d) they should form the basis of any good program/routine; if your routine doesn’t include each of these at least once a week, even if you are a beginner, get a new program
    e) with the variations, you could do just these 7 exercises for years and never get bored
    Anyone disagree?  Anyone want to debate which one is the most important?

    “Anyone disagree? Anyone want to debate which one is the most important?”

    After reading about the compound workouts and more that you shared…no disagreements.

    I have found that because of access to equipment, my routines have varied.

    Also there is a difference from warm and cold weather routines because my workout area is outdoors on a balcony. I have the equipment to do the big 7 in my area, Not so in the health club in my building. I’m limited to 3 of the big 7 indoors.

    I have incorporated HIIT in the Squats, Dips, and inverted Sit-ups. I am fatigued when done and need to rest before I can do my Sprints cardio routine.

    You are right. I have done this for years and boring is not what describes this regimen.

    I do alternate between HIIT and static contraction, where the difference is the number of repetitions.

    “My understanding is you can double the amount of your exercise , but you can’t double the health benefit.”

    One can only wish.

    Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 193 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Fasted Mo, Tu,

    Good luck with that, rockyromero! 🙂


    Thank you for the encouragement.

    The turtle symbol well represents the path & speed of this journey.


    Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 190 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Fasted Mo-Tu, Th-Fr for dual 36 hours

    My Weight Chart:>Weight Chart

    Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 188 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Fasted Mo-Tu, Th-Fr for dual 36 hours

    Using the Fast Beach and I may hit my target sooner.

    Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 185 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Fasted Mo-Tu, Th-Fr for dual 36 hours

    I have hit my target sooner than I thought. Now to set the next target.

    Goal weight : 144

    Starting Weight: 166 (03/10/13)

    Tracking Weight: 144.4 – 06/12/14

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 4:3, yoga and 5 Tibetan rites

    Now that I am within earshot of my goal weight, I am thinking of going for 140 by September and work on toning and building some muscles.
    My healthy weight range is 140 – 144

    I was stuck in 150+ for a while and changing to 4:3 helped restart my weight loss. Not sure how I can eat normally after eating this way for over 15 months. Maybe alternate between 6:1 and 5:2.

    Good luck rocky and rest of the people here. Stay strong. This works (believe me, I have tried everything out there ) and if you think this is not working, ignore the scales and just keep doing it for a few months – you will be amazed.


    “Now that I am within earshot of my goal weight, …

    I was stuck in 150+ for a while and changing to 4:3 helped restart my weight loss. ‘

    That’s precisely what I had been going through for the past six months.

    I believe that I’ve found the right combination that fits for me in feeding, fasting and HIIT.

    I shifted in beliefs and approaches and I’m also close to my target.

    Great to know of your participation.


    “I believe that I’ve found the right combination that fits for me in feeding, fasting and HIIT.”

    I noticed that you have already reached your goal for the month and the needle has started moving to the left.

    Hope you can share what you have changed to help others 🙂

    Good luck


    “Hope you can share what you have changed to help others”

    It’s very subtle, however, significant to me. I’m still testing this out, going forward.

    What had shifted for me is a couple of things. One is that I no cal fasted for 4 continuous days and found that it was easier to do than I had thought. It was an interesting turning point and I obtained insights about myself. That I could do it and possibly fast for more days even after that, seemed peculiar. Next I shifted from fasting on weekends to during the work week. I had always thought that I needed to eat to be at my strongest posture to do my business to be successful. In business, the strongest always do better. This belief that I needed to eat to be stronger shattered for me. I found that I was stronger and more mentally alert during a work week with fasting. My emotional state even improved.

    How could that be?

    I had watched videos of Michael Mosley struggling after his 3rd day of fasting and that image stayed with me. Who wants to suffer and struggle like that? That influenced me to hold me back and I stayed in a 6 month plateau, reverting to my original starting weight. I had felt that I was good enough at that stage and was unable to change. Such is the power of a mistaken belief.

    Each of us has to find what works well. Many seem to struggle as I did.

    So now, I’m steadfast in no cal fasting for 36 hour periods during the work week and enjoying it and working out, also. That’s a shift for me.

    One other bonus shift that is subtle and even more important: it’s my self talk.

    What is your self talk when fasting or not fasting?

    The answer to that is in direction proportion to your fasting success, and eventually, your life success.

    Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 184 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Fasted Mo-Tu, Th-Fr for dual no-cal 36 hours

    I expect that my weight will remain the same as I begin to strengthen for longer periods with heavier resistance.

    Summertime weather makes this more fun.


    “Very close to goal weight. Hope to reach by end of June”

    How close are you?

    rocky now i know HIIT stands for HIGH Intensity INTERVAL training! and herte i was thinking it was HRT!


    “was thinking it was HRT!”


    Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would be a different thread with very aggressive people.

    Our thread is still aggressive, but more naturally.

    HIIT does have a certain swagger to it.

    Join us?

    rocky, ha ha? you learn so much here, samms post(s) i really do like!this is what makes 5 2 a mans diet!

    its goal/challenge orientated- i mean samm, what and where have you/did you learned about/learn about “optimal nutrition” and how many supplements do you take/how do you vary your foods?


    ‘Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would be a different thread with very aggressive people’……

    What do you mean by the above statement?

    i try to minimise supplements and vocus on certain foods/fresh veg


    “What do you mean by the above statement?”

    Just a flippant remark about something that I know very little about, although it sounds aggressive to attempt.

    In my future life, I would consider a science that promotes healthy longevity.

    Just not yet.


    ‘Just a flippant remark about something I know very little about, although it sounds aggressive to attempt‘……

    I don’t understand what you are saying here; please explain so I can.

    ‘In my future life, I would consider a science that promotes health longevity’…….

    This doesn’t seem to have anything at all to do with the question I asked you.

    precious y dont u xplain what u know about hrt? to diffuse the situation, and stand us all in our stead eh?- does it or its abesnce help/hinder eggression?

    Hi davidrob

    I’m sorry but this issue is not for you to resolve; only rocky can explain his extremely questionable comments.


    ‘Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would be a different thread with very aggressive people’

    I am surprised that you have not yet responded to the response I posted to your previous one; you have been on the forum since it was posted so I would have thought you would have had time to read it.

    I can attest that you have to be accountable for statements made on this forum if they are found to be offensive; I have not described in which ways I find your ‘flippant‘ comment offensive because I wanted to give you the opportunity to explain what you meant by such a statement and why you feel making it was ‘acceptable‘.

    I am also surprised that no other women on this forum have taken exception to it; especially those who are operating on severely depleted hormones; I can only assume it is because they have not read it.


    Please excuse any misunderstanding on my part. I thought I had responded to your satisfaction.

    I thought being aggressive was a positive adjective. Obviously, not for you.

    I don’t know the issues that may be going on with others and my intent is to be sensitive.

    Most of the time it happens.


    ‘Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would be a different thread with very aggressive people’

    There would have been an end to this issue by now if you had responded in an appropriate manner, but I find both your responses to my asking for an explanation of what you meant by the above comment; to be flippant and also arrogant, in that, I have informed you that I find the above comment offensive and yet there is not a word of apology in your responses.


    ‘I thought being aggressive was a positive adjective. Obviously not for you.’

    Having read many of your posts; you don’t strike me as lacking in intelligence so I find it hard to accept that you don’t know the real definition of the word ‘aggressive’.
    Let educate you; definition of the word ‘aggression’ –
    Unprovoked attacking, hostile acts or behaviour.

    The words given in a thesaurus for ‘aggressive’ are violent, antagonistic, hostile, destructive, belligerent and forceful.

    I think you will find that the majority of people in the world are in agreement with me; that being aggressive is not a ‘positive adjective’.


    ‘I don’t know the issues that may be going on with others and my intent is to be sensitive……’

    There was no discussion in your thread about hormones prior to this comment and they were only mentioned because one of the other posters was mistaking HRT for the HIIT you were discussing.
    You were clearly making a joke about women who take HRT and their levels of aggression; the majority of people who take HRT would be women.

    Where is the sensitivity in that? It’s actually quite the contrary.

    What I find hardest to believe is that you of all people on this forum would make such a comment – as a joke – that is insulting to a huge body of women kind.

    Your trade-mark on this forum; is to dissect people’s posts and take a comment out of context and give some, in my opinion, holier than thou homily about it.
    In other words you take issue with what they have said and present it back to them.

    So in light of that practice; I am taking huge exception to what you have posted and would like you to properly apologise for it.


    Since starting 5:2 in January 2013 and posting from April last year, in the last 6 months I have been really discouraged by some posts and the political correctness which seems to be emerging. So, because I still love fasting and am managing to maintain my 22kg loss I still watch, and occasionally respond.

    Rocky, you’ve been around on the site for ages, telling your story and supporting people, and I don’t think there should have to be any apology for an obviously flippant, joking remark. I have greatly respected Precious BooBoo for the support she has provided to many fasters, but that doesn’t give her, or anyone, the right to demand that you explain yourself or apologise because she takes offence at a comment.

    with best wishes for your future fasting

    Hear hear Vicki. I am a 10 month faster who also posts infrequently and I am of the same view. Some folk take umbrage far too readily

    Going through  my mail and saw this question to me about optimal nutrition.

    I’ve been on fat gain and dieting roller coaster since  I was 20. like many young people I was very poor after leaving home. My wife to be and I both were around 120lbs.  The feeling of being hungry was one I didn’t like.  Dieting was off putting to me , I believe because of how many meals I missed when I went out on my own. What was worse was roommates that ate me out of house and home.  No matter what brought home was gone in short order.  I talk about it only because this is what I  suspect shaped my eating habits 20 years.  I would at least three times a day without any thought to nutrition.  By the age of 30 I was 250lbs. I went on some popular diets, but regain the weight when the dieting stops . Well. More like when eating in unmanaged way again.  

    About 6 years ago like many people it’s easy to look up everything about dieting online.  Specifically Wikipedia.   After a Facebook suggestion by a friend that has been thin all his life. Suggesting I only eat once a day. I looked it up.   There I found  CRON and other CRON  like diet lifestyles.  CRON  is calorie restoration optimal nutrition.  Where I’m going in terms of my single opinion is IF/CRAN-19/5

    Where I was trying to reaf and find what worked for me.  I came across the American version of eat, fast, live longer.  Where a suggestion was made to commit to what is doable.    So I tried the fasting for 600 calories twice a week 5:2.  Not everyday was optimal nutrition.  A typical fasting day was two meals. About 5 hours apart.  After having four successful 5:2 weeks in a row I decided to go with 4:3 3 fast days.
    I would go with ADF , but for my will power on weekends I never got through to successful fasting day on Saturday or Sunday unless I was alone. So the Doable suggestion works for me by fasting Monday,Wednesday, and Friday.   I also try to count calories and eat healthy on Tuesday’s and Thursdays.
    If I go out to a restaurant I simply order grilled fish. On the weekends I try to do the 7 compound lifts. 

    I’m also trying the suggestion made in The truth about exercise.  To try and lower fats in the blood after eating , by walking or doing cardio.   I found that what is easiest most doable is jumprope accompanied by jumping jacks . Especially if I have eatin a ” fry up” or junk food. A simple jumprope gets me into the target range fast and so easily transported there is no excuse. 

    Skipping breakfast and skipping rope after dinner is what I have found to be the most doable approach to weightloss.  
    However  at some point I added a 100 calorie protein drink that has 33-50% nutrition for most vitamin and minerals. I started making my own , because most of the store bought drinks were high in carb too.  I found that adding chocolate flavor and coffee and a lot of water and ice sweetened with stevia. Made the CRAN 100 calorie breakfast easily doable.  
    If I were to point to the 1 thing, or if I were allowed to point at 1 thing only for dieting. It would be hunger management.  I mean. Isn’t that only that makes dieting so hard? 

    So I plan my menu out for seven days. I have my foods delivered because I easily start buying foods that are not on my menu.  I calculate my BMR x 7 subtract 1,000 calories. This 1,000 is for built in snaking.   Then subtract another 4,400 calories. From diet.
    I plan to exercise 2,400 calories worth.   
    So this is my 2lb a week formula.   
    It seems like a lot until you look at it on 4:3 approach. 2,000 calories BMR
    14,000 calories to maintain weight.
    -4,800 calorie restriction
    -2,400 exercise 

    Monday………….600 hunger hours 3
    Tuesday …….2,000
    Wednesday……..600 hunger hours 3
    Friday……………600 hunger hours 3
    …………………7,200…hunger hours 9

    I ate kidney beans on fast day lunch, and catfish on fast day dinner.
    On those weeks I had no hunger at all and lost 1-2 lbs a week for four weeks.
    I only exercise vigorously just before eating on feed days for thermic response.  No calories from drinks made the food calories more meaningful.

    I would eat vegetables on fast days and fruits on feed days. This is what I believe helps go from adequate nutrition to optimal nutrition. I do take a centrium supplement 3 days a week when I’m working on my feet all day.
    I feel that zinc and iodine are very important,but difficult to get from foods I like without salt.

    Please , I invite you to look very closely at this calorie plan.based on 2,000 calorie diet for weight loss. Using intermittent calorie restriction adequate nutrition.   It has only 9 hours of hunger per week. With no more that 1-1/2 hour of hunger at time before and after dinner. 

    So when I get to goal weight I don’t think it will be a good idea to return to super market and habits that made me obese.  I believe I’ll try to go on 6:1   And once a month 4:3.  

    Lastly, calorie restriction has been studied now for over 100 years and statistically proving that it increases longevity.  I plan to have calorie restriction even after goal weight . 
    1 by exercise routinely 
    2 buy eating my food calories  in a 4-1/2 hour window.   Similar to 16/8 I believe the calorie restriction benefits are similar when combined with exercise , specifically H.I.I.T. After the last meal of the day.

    When I reach goal weight this is how I plan to keep at goal

    Monday 100 cal breakfast drink 9 am / 250 cal vegetarian chili lunch 12:30pm / jump rope 10 minutes 2:45 pm / 250 catfish dinner 4:30
    Tuesday 100 cal breakfast drink 9 am / 750 cal lunch@12:30 / jumprope 10min @2:45pm / 750 cal vegetarian dinner.
    Wednsday 100 cal breakfast drink 9 am / 750 cal lunch@12:30 / jumprope 10min @2:45pm / 750 cal fish dinner.
    Thursday 100 cal breakfast drink 9 am / 750 cal lunch@12:30 / jumprope 10min @2:45pm / 750 cal vegetarian dinner.
    Friday 100 cal breakfast drink 9 am / 750 cal lunch@12:30 / jumprope 10min @2:45pm / 750 cal fish dinner.
    Saturday 100 cal breakfast drink 9 am / 750 cal lunch@12:30 / The seven compound lifts @2:45pm / 750 cal dinner.
    Sunday 100 cal breakfast drink 9 am / 750 cal vegetable buffet @12:30 / The seven compound lifts @2:45pm / 750 cal steak and lobster dinner@4:30pm
    Also I might add that I plan to choose jobs where I walk a lot .
    Once a month fast on Monday,Wednesday, and friday if I’m 3 lbs over goal weight.

    SAMM, I really like your very detailed, thorough plan 🙂 Personally I like to vary my foods a bit more, but I’m taking your advice about exercise after eating to heart. I noticed that I often feel lethargic after lunch, no matter what kinds of foods I eat, but if I get up and take even a short, brisk, walk, that takes care of it. Then I realized that I’m usually up and moving, getting ready to go, after breakfast, and that my son and I often do our exercise routines after dinner, and realized it would be a good idea to build on that. It’s a practice that should clear extra glucose as well as extra fats out of the blood after eating, putting less of a strain on storage metabolism, putting insulin to good work burning energy instead of having to store as much of what we’ve eaten.


    Your comment here, caused me to reflect.

    “Lastly, calorie restriction has been studied now for over 100 years and statistically proving that it increases longevity. I plan to have calorie restriction even after goal weight . ”

    I’m with you on this and it occurred to me that hunger is a trigger for eating. For me, it has meant time to eat. I can pause and take time to look at food alternatives. Not so with my wife. When she is hungry, she has to eat almost immediately or very soon.

    Is there a different response to the hunger trigger, other than food, that would satiate this?

    I can think of drinking water as one.

    What else would there be?


    Your comment reminded me of walking after eating.

    “I noticed that I often feel lethargic after lunch, no matter what kinds of foods I eat, but if I get up and take even a short, brisk, walk, that takes care of it. ”

    In the city, it always happens after eating at a restaurant. There is something to that.

    Some believe that there is a 10 pound differential in city and suburbs living because of this.

    @ rocky
    Taking a wild guess and assuming I know the typical reason for hunger.
    I would start by having probiotic health as the corner stone dieting or not diet

    Many foods feed our bacteria in our guts. Some foods harm good bacteria. Some poor bacteria can have us crave breads. Hmmm like drinking diet soda may harm the good bacteria, and the poor bacteria thrives on breads. So when we feel empty, or get a hunger pang we may have learned to feed the bacteria.
    Read carefully about probiotics.

    Tyrosine is a precursor for serotonin.
    Eat foods high in tyrosine when changing foods or a diet completely.
    Think of it this way. When starting to eat solid foods as children it can take up to 30 attempts eat the solids without spitting them out. When we apply this knowledge to adults changing to foods they are not accustomed too. Tyrosine may be the only key to changing foods. I recommend anti oxidant foods or fish in the diet everyday. I personally stopped drinking soda and switched to teas.

    There are many foods that can help to feel full . However there are only two foods that make you sensitive to the full feeling. Red kidney beans, and catfish.

    My approach to changing from junk foods to anti cancer diet. Was to use fasting, ph score, and probiotics to better absorb antioxidants. The thing about cancer is if we out live all accidental, preventable, and age related diseases. We will eventually die from cancer. On the cellular level it is best to help the youngest cells survive with anti oxidants. Red beans and blueberries are very cheap and very high in this effect.

    Also there are craving for foods that can indicate a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Dieting can can also make sensitive to these cravings, by eating some of the tyrosine foods and starting to include vegetarian meals high in vitamins and minerals . Not saying can have junk, just saying it may be an easier transition I to health foods , basically high vitamin and mineral foods. Try and move away from starchy foods, not completely , but low starch , higher tyrosine will help the brain want for the health foods.

    I read on a forum once where a woman was so new to health foods she was looking forward to going to the store and not have to think. Personally relating to that. I have my food delivered, but stop at fruit vegetable stands.

    Always good to hear from you!

    About lunch time sluggishness .
    That would indicate to me . you need healing rest.
    It’s normal algorithm for humans to get sleepy around lunch time.

    As the contents of breakfast no longer provide chemical reatctions in the stomach. The body regulates heat, but s no longer adjusting to digestive heat. This is a regular occurring HARD WIRING we almost all get sleepier the more time that passes from our last digest.
    My understanding is. To have a 20 minute nap and no more. However if Ill may need more. Would suggest bumping in five more minutes at a time until find the magic number for nap.

    When it comes to carbs. Some gush and some trickle. vegetables typically gush sugar levels where as starches trickle. This may be your ticket. Finding some starchy vegetables like sweet potato to get through the sluggish part of the day around 1-3 pm. For variety. Carrots,turnips,cauliflower,broccoli,sweet potato, potato, yams,beets, corn and peas.
    Here’s a link to search for highest starch vegetables and their nutrition values.

    I would also suggest not drinking stimulants like tea 6 hours prior to bedtime.

    SAMM, you are absolutely correct, I have CFS/ME and do best with about 10 hours sleep per day, but cannot always get it. Usually get 8-9 hours at night, the rest napping in afternoon or even early evening. Some nights I wake up in middle of night and can’t get back to sleep; some afternoons are too busy/worried for nap. Best nap lengths for me are either 1.5 hours or 3 hours. But even 5-10 minutes can do some good. Much more than 10 minutes and I need at least an hour and a half or I wake up disoriented and grumpy. If can’t sleep, brisk walk for even 5-10 minutes is next best thing. Different foods or food combinations, caffeine in various forms, don’t seem to help. Skipping lunch is better than eating if I can’t move about afterward. Or just having 1 to 1.5 ounces of seeds or nuts, especially if it’s been at least six hours since breakfast on a non-fasting day. That doesn’t seem to be enough calories or carbs to set off the sluggishness.


    This may be the first time learning of this.

    “The thing about cancer is if we out live all accidental, preventable, and age related diseases. We will eventually die from cancer. ”

    Is it that our immune eventually collapses?


    Prolonged fasting seems to be at the core of an ongoing healthy system.

    The material in the article is very scientific and I read the summary.

    This gives me even more confidence in the value of fasting.

    Looking for the key to longevity.  May in be medicinal . However intermittent fasting may remove some locked doors from their doorways.

    I firmly believe nutrition before and after fasting will be keys. I mean in respect to healthy foods, anti cancer diets, vs junk foods of poor diets. Is why I switched my 5:2 to 4:3 and choose healthier anti precancer foods for feed days. My understanding is this is always present in us. It’s a matter of wether were helping or hindering it with intermittent fasting or constant over eating – protein especially.

    Poor diet is a preventable health risk that rivals tobacco deaths.
    Personally im leaning towards the yin yang of low energy day of fasting followed by the high energy of feed day.
    The weekends are for muscle health
    I’m trying to create a calorie deficit, where if my BMR is 2000 calories,
    I eat 2000 calories , but exercise 500 calorie worth.

    Hi vicki and barbarita

    I’ve only just seen your posts otherwise I would have responded earlier; I’m reluctant to bring this subject up again, as the thread has moved on, BUT if I don’t respond, it looks as if I agree with your rational and I don’t.
    And hey, I didn’t post the offensive comment in the first place…….

    I’ll address most of this to you vicki since it was largely your views on this that barbarita concurred with.
    You have every right to your opinion and I have no wish to disabuse you of it but then so do I have a right to my opinion too. You are concerned about political correctness emerging on the forum but surely this is a reflection of real life? Just because we are online doesn’t mean people can say whatever they like with free rein. And yes I did take offence at the comment but it was not directed at me personally; it was directed at a sizeable portion of the population who would be, largely, women.

    You seem to think it was acceptable because it was ‘flippant’ and a ‘joke‘.
    In the UK in the last 2-3 decades we had comedians who made jokes about gay people calling them ‘queer’, disabled people calling them ‘cripples’, other races calling them ‘coloured’ people or worse. I could go on; because of political correctness they can no longer make these offensive kind of jokes which hurt and offend people and cause feelings of alienation.

    I could ‘just’ make jokes on here about people with red hair calling them ‘ginger’ or worse or I could make jokes about men losing their hair calling them ‘baldy’ etc. The joke might seem funny to a lot of people who aren’t concerned with political correctness but it wouldn’t be funny for the people on the forum who those things applied to.
    So my point is just because rocky was ‘joking’ doesn’t make it alright.

    As for ‘demanding’ that he explain himself and apologise; I could have taken the much, much easier route and simply reported the post and had it removed. In this anonymous way; I would not have attracted any negativity towards myself which has transpired….
    But unless it’s spam; I think this is quite an underhand way to go about things and that is not my style. I will stand up and be counted (alone if necessary; as has happened here) when I feel strongly about something.

    I also could have jumped in with both feet and objected strongly to the comment without giving him any chance to explain why he would post such an inflammatory statement but again I gave him the opportunity to explain his comment; just in case there was some skewed justification for writing such a thing.
    And as for asking for an apology; I realise my wording could have been more eloquent but I don’t think it is unreasonable to ask someone to apologise when they have made, in your opinion, an insulting, inflammatory statement which is offensive to a huge section of society.
    Not just to me.

    Hmm ,
    It’s been since the 14th that sorry was plainly stated. It is now the 22nd.
    I hope this doesn’t carry over to July’s goals thread.

    Edited to correct my date.
    Sorry since the 20th.

    Yes Samm

    I can read and have explained why I responded to vicki and barbarita; I don’t have to explain anything to you.
    And yes, your correction was needed; it was only the 20th. Two days ago…..
    You definitely won’t hear from me again into July unless you persist……


    I’m looking up shiatsu pressure point massage.

    You might find it interesting that you may use you fingers to push on the pressure points between your neck and jaw , where it is most tender.

    So it’s extremely easy to do , just need to see how- looking for a video on you too 4 U.

    Apply pressure to those those pressure points on both sides of neck/jaw increases alertness.

    Check out this video on YouTube:

    Sleepiness especially in the afternoon come on in waves of seven minute cycles. 3 of them
    Interrupt them by pressing on the pressure points when feel the tiredness coming on.

    Can’t find the video of what I ave in my mind.

    See if you can put your bottom tip of your middle finger on the fingernail of your index finger.
    Press on your body any ole where and you will understand that is a very strong way to apply pressure.

    By applying pressure on both sides . Behind the jaw where it is slightly painful and tender. Press in and hold for 15 seconds and release for 15 seconds. Do this three times just as you feel the tiredness come on.

    I’ve done this many years on 3rd shifts. Especially when I get tired while driving and recognize the sleepiness coming in waves. When I interrupt the cycles my alertness is greatly increased. Has no effect when I’m not drowsy.

    Three sets. Takes about 1 1/2 minute. You will increase your alertness while waiting for the sleepiness to fade/ cycle away.

    This is very short video an explanation of shiatsu

    I believe the self massage healing to very helpful. When dealing with fatigue.

    Here is another verbal video explaining why shiatsu is different than other massage techniques.
    There are other interesting videos by the same uploader.


    It’s a subtle shift and may be significant from your thought.

    “The weekends are for muscle health”

    I’ve been struggling to get a full strength training workout and time becomes a factor during the week. I do a quick strengthening and sprints and I exhaust what energy and time that I have to start the day. Weekends get crowded also but more on a social aspect. A full compound strengthening once on the weekend may be the right time and allow me to do this as an ongoing practice. Thanks for this nugget of inspiration.

    During the week, the strengthening is more for motivation, cardio and aesthetics and while fasting, just enough to get me through.

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