Feed, Fast, HIIT – January 2014 ♥️

This topic contains 42 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Goal for this month:

    Starting Weight:

    Tracking Weight:

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:


    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain:

    Current Weight: 12 stone 9.5
    Loss to date: 43.5 lbs

    Goal for this month is to get back to pre christmas weight, good luck everyone x

    God luck Fast for life!!

    Thanks Angie, feel free to join us here in recording your journey x

    Start Weight: 170 lbs (01-Jan-2013)
    Weight on IF beginning – 166 lbs (10-Mar-2013)
    Waist : 42″+
    Goal Weight : 142-144 lbs
    Goal Waist : <32″
    Goal Date : 01-May-2014



    Weight: 153.2 today morning – though I broke through 150 and was 149.2 last week, I gained few due to some Holiday parties, holiday snacks at office, home and friends visiting on fasting days – could not avoid eating more after fasting.

    Waist : 34″
    Exercise : Beginner’s Yoga for 1.5 hours.

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 190 lb

    Tracking Weight: 190 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 6:1, strengthening, stairs & sprints more consistently.


    My weight is on a plateau & I will get back to 5:2 fast after the hectic holidays.

    I enjoy hot Bikrum Yoga and indoor training. Great for cold winter days!

    Hello feeders, fasters, and hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1095 – 41 = 1054 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints. Struggled with sprints and breathing well.


    Getting back to a routine with the extra holiday time.

    Glad to see fastforlife and sivasankar leading us forward this year!

    Sadly I will not be reaching my goal, and exercise is a bit hard for me atm – so I’ll won’t be posting here with you anymore for a while. Unless it’s to congratulate people of course ^^

    Nika, im not sure if something has happened, or if your quiting 5 2, but i do hope after all your hard work and achivements you will rethink, youve been such an insparation to others here, i hope that you will stick with us, if you need a break for what ever reason come back when you feel ready, i for one will miss you greatly, we are here for you if you need us. thinking of you. xx

    ” Unless it’s to congratulate people of course ”

    Join us when your time permits.


    Hey fast for life, I’m not quitting completely! I’ve just found that my head isn’t into exercise at the moment, and the dieting is a bit hard as well. But I’ll keep going, at least trying to eat healthy, but throwing exercise onto the pile is a bit too much right now. Got a lot going on, so want to give myself a bit of a break 🙂 Mostly concerned with not gaining now, instead of losing.

    P.S. I’m still checking the forum almost daily 😉

    hi Nika, i do understand how you feel, i wore myself down by fasting 4 3, swimming twice a week (40 lengths each time) and an hours dance class, plus my fulltime job that was demanding and on my feet rushing around all day, my body dropped the weight but i became very tired, that might not sound like much to some but for me it was a huge change, im really glad your taking time to listen to your body and give it a rest, you know this plan works and can pick back up when you feel ready xx

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 2 lbs

    Current Weight: 12 stone 7.5
    Exercise: none
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 45.5 lbs

    hello everyone, ive managed to drop 2 lb this week, 3 lb to go to get back to my pre holiday weight, im back at work on monday and intend to join the boot camp that we hold at my place of work on thursdays, also thinking about going back to 4 3 next week as well, but will see how i feel, best of luck for this weeks results xx

    I’ll be checking in after this weekend of fast.

    It’s a football watching weekend with the play offs, sedentary potentials and zero degree temperatures outdoors.

    A perfect non fasting storm in the making scenario.

    As my wife likes to say: a first world problems.

    I’ll reflect more on gratitude as I fast.

    Encouragements to all the fasters!

    Hello feeders, fasters, and hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1054 – 36 = 1018 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints. Did much better with the sprints and my breathing has improved. Back in the groove already.


    I look to my left, I look to my right. Is there no one else doing stair climbing here?

    Hi Rocky, your post on watching football made me both smile and think. Over here, ( England, the British Isles, no longer Great Britain) we play “Football”. You Americans play “American Football”. Two completely different games. You call our game “Soccer”!!!!. Football here is played with a “naturaly” round ball while you have a ball more akin to our rugby ball. Now over here Rugby is played by men “with queer shaped balls”. Similar to your American Footballs. The difference is you throw the ball forward while we throw it backwards while running forwards???.
    We all play golf but it was invented in Scotland. Now Sottish men are reputed to be as tight as Yorkshire men, (Where theres muck theres brass) when it comes to giving things away. It is said that a Scotsman, returning home was angry at his wife for giving him a boiled egg for his dinner. He hit the boiled egg (still in its shell) with his upturned walking stick out of the door into the long grass. Not one to throw any thing away he went after it. Could not find it so started to swipe the long grass with his walking stick. He hit the egg out of the grass some 100yds down into the field…Being hungry he ran after it… you get the idea?.
    Now we also have Cricket which men at a crease hit a ball thrown at them by the opposing bowler. I know it sounds a bit like your Baseball but it is not. In cricket we have many strange laws, rules and positions. For example, the fielding side positions its players around the “Batsman” who has “strike” at his “wicket”.He hits the ball with his “Bat”. The other “non strike batsman is at the other “wicket 22 yards away down at the other “crease” at the Bowlers end. The “fielders place themselves around the field and near the Batsman who has the “Strike” in positions like, Wicket Keeper, Silly Mid Off, 2nd, 3rd 4th Slip, Long Off,Short Leg, Boundary, etc. The Bowler, throws a variety of balls such as a Googly, Full Toss, Bouncer, Off Spin ,Medium Pace etc. A batsman can be out by being… Clean Bowled, Caught, Run Out or painfully, Leg Before Wicket. But not by being hit in the Googlies by the bowler who has bowled a Googly. The Batsmen, after hitting a ball thrown at them run between wickets and score a “run” or “4” if the ball reaches the “Boundary” If he hits a ball over the boundary without it touching the field of play he scores a Six.. OOH it is sooooo exciting to watch as a game can last 4-5 days. We also have “Real Tennis” but enough is enough, I will save that for another day.
    Good luck and best wishes to you and your family.

    ” You Americans play “American Football”. Two completely different games. You call our game “Soccer”!!!!. Football here is played with a “naturaly” round ball while you have a ball more akin to our rugby ball. ”

    Yes, it’s interesting to know how sports developed. These three sports have similarities. At the foundation, they may have early beginnings when warring armies would play in their free time using the heads of their opponents to kick and throw around.

    Fast forward to these times and American football and spectator television have fueled a marketing bonanza. More so than baseball, hockey and basketball (and even European football), the revenues and fan loyalty are over the top. American football is also brutal, often reminding me of what the gladiator coliseums must have been, without the deaths. It’s the only sport that has so much protection equipment and even the head injuries continue to haunt former players.

    “We all play golf but it was invented in Scotland. ”

    I laughed at this story and makes it funnier if it actually happened that way.

    “Now we also have Cricket which men at a crease hit a ball thrown at them by the opposing bowler. I know it sounds a bit like your Baseball but it is not. ”

    I’ve never seen this game and I know that it’s extremely popular, especially in India.

    Thanks for reflecting with me on these sports and I believe that they will continue to be played for centuries.

    We have more & more leisure time.

    Enjoy your year and many blessings.

    Very funny post Couscous, thanks.

    Currently enjoying the Test Cricket match under way in Sydney between Australia and England. (Was there on Boxing Day at the MCG.)

    In Australia, to add to the mix, we also have Australian Rules Football (AFL) which is my personal favourite. We’re known to bet on flies going up a wall in Oz, so I guess it’s no wonder we embrace most sporting codes – though to my knowledge not American Football Rocky. Not yet anyway.

    How wonderful to have 5:2 to unite us across the world 🙂


    ” we also have Australian Rules Football (AFL) which is my personal favourite. We’re known to bet on flies going up a wall in Oz, so I guess it’s no wonder we embrace most sporting codes ”

    Ah yes, betting. That’s also what drives many sports towards ongoing existence.

    You have a variation of football in Australia?


    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: gain 1 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 8.5
    Exercise: 45 mins cardio and core strength training
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 44.5 lbs

    hi all back to work and my normal routine, its a 1 lb gain this week, but ive started boot camp at my place of work this evening, boy do i feel achy! good luck to everyone for this weeks results x

    @fast for life
    “back to work and my normal routine, ”

    Yes, same here.

    Back to a more disciplined life.

    Start Weight: 170 lbs (01-Jan-2013)
    Weight on IF beginning – 166 lbs (10-Mar-2013)
    Goal Weight : 142-144 lbs
    Goal Waist : <32″
    Goal Date : 01-May-2014

    Tracking: 01/10/2014

    Weight: 151.8 – loss of 1.4lb since 12/31
    Waist : 34″

    Exercise : Beginner’s Yoga – 2 hours ; Running – 2*35 min ; 250 Pushups


    “Exercise : Beginner’s Yoga – 2 hours ; Running – 2*35 min ; 250 Pushups”

    Great example to follow.

    Hello everyone! I’m just starting this program, i’m happy for the forum so i can interact with other people.
    I hope to achieve great results i’ve never been so heavy as i am right now and i don’t like it.
    I want to make big changes in my life.
    I’m pretty active, i go the gym 3 times a week and do zumba the other 2 days.
    I just eat too much, too badly and drink lots ok cocktail…
    i want to change those bad habits.

    Etalmyna welcome, youve come to the right place, lots of support and advice to be found, feel free to join us in tracking your progress or if you wish you can start your own thread, take a good look around the forum lots of questions have been covered, best of luck and do keep us posted, xx

    Hello feeders, fasters, and hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1018 – 72 = 946 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints. Skipped my sprints on the second day.


    Winter stair climbing works well, for now.

    How does the stair climbing work, are you using a machine or literally climbing stairs? I am a stay at home mummy and would love to know how many times a day I go up and down the stairs!!!


    “How does the stair climbing work, are you using a machine or literally climbing stairs? I am a stay at home mummy and would love to know how many times a day I go up and down the stairs!!!”

    Stairs are simple, easy and less stressful on the legs.

    It’s good cardio workouts also.

    The toughest part is finding stairs to climb. I have over 40 floors inside my building so that I can use them at any hour without concern for weather conditions.

    I have a Fitbit tracker with an altimeter to measure the number of daily floors climbed.


    Welcome to the forum and congrats on starting a IF journey. We are here to support and motivate each other.


    “Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1018 – 72 = 946 FTG (floors to go)”

    Glad to see your progress on “Stair Mountain Climbing”. I bet it is really cold in the stairwell too in Chicago 🙂

    “I bet it is really cold in the stairwell too in Chicago ”

    It’s steady stair climbing. Indoors, it’s also shielded from the cold outside.

    Hope to see your progress?

    Start Weight: 170 lbs (01-Jan-2013)
    Weight on IF beginning – 166 lbs (10-Mar-2013)
    Goal Weight : 142-144 lbs
    Goal Waist : <32″
    Goal Date : 01-May-2014

    Tracking: 01/17/2014
    Weight: 150.6 – loss of 1.2 since 01/10
    Waist : 34″
    Exercise : Beginner’s Yoga ; Running; Pushups; weights

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 2 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 6.5
    Exercise: 45 mins cardio and core strength training
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 46.5 lbs

    great to see you all making progress, x

    @ fast for life

    “great to see you all making progress,”

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    I’ll check in after the next 36 hours of fasting.

    Hello feeders, fasters, and hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 946 – 36 = 910 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints. Back with my sprints and starting to enjoy it again.


    Tougher weekend with distractions and Football watching time.

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: stayed the same

    Current Weight: 12 stone 6.5
    Exercise: 45 mins cardio and core strength training
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 46.5 lbs

    good luck to all for this weeks results x

    @fast for life

    “good luck to all for this weeks results”

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    It’s less than zero degrees outdoors in Chicago.

    Yesterday, I went to a couple of meetings where I had a longer walk outdoors in between the meetings.

    Upon arriving at the second meeting, they were serving hot pizza! Yes, it was filling and also warmed me up.

    It’s the Chicago solution to cold weather: bundle up and eat hot foods.

    Fasting this weekend and will report then.

    Good going fast for life.

    Rocky – we are all being tested our resolve and commitment in losing weight and staying fit in this weather.

    It was in the -20s today morning and I am eager to find out what our Punxsutawney Phil is going to forecast!.


    Start Weight: 170 lbs (01-Jan-2013)
    Weight on IF beginning – 166 lbs (10-Mar-2013)
    Goal Weight : 142-144 lbs
    Goal Waist : <32″
    Goal Date : 01-May-2014

    Tracking: 01/17/2014
    Weight: 151.6 – gain of 1 since 01/17 ( I have gone little crazy with magic bullet and fruit smoothies!)

    Exercise : Running; Pushups; Weights

    Good luck to everyone and have a good weekend.


    “we are all being tested our resolve and commitment in losing weight and staying fit in this weather.”

    Yes, we’ll know how we come through the cold weather.

    Glad to know that you’re successful.

    Enjoy the weekend.

    i’m upping to 4 3 this week so will post my resutls tomorrow,
    @ rocky & sivasankar “Enjoy the weekend.” *Good luck to everyone and have a good weekend.*
    Thanks, have a good one yourselves x


    Start Weight: 170 lbs (01-Jan-2013)
    Weight on IF beginning – 166 lbs (10-Mar-2013)
    Goal Weight : 142-144 lbs
    Goal Waist : <32″
    Goal Date : 01-May-2014

    Tracking: 01/30/2014
    Weight: 150.6 – loss of 1 lb since 01/24

    Exercise : Yoga; Running; Pushups; Weights

    Took me 1 month to lose the weight gained last 2 weeks of Dec due to holiday parties.

    Switched to 2:1 since last week to make sure I reach my goal in 3 months.

    @rockyromero – Don’t see FEB FFH thread yet. Hopefully you will create by next week.

    Have a good one everyone.

    @ sivasankar
    “FEB FFH thread yet. Hopefully you will create by next week.”

    Out celebrating date night with my wife on the Chinese New Year’s Eve.

    Now for some dedicated fasting in February .. right before Valentine’s day..!


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