fat people say….

This topic contains 36 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  avocado 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • So….whenever I talk about it in work, fat people say, ‘Oh no, you shouldn’t miss meals…that’s really bad…just try to eat more healthily…BLAH BLAH>>’ whilst slim people say, ‘Yeah, that sounds good.’ So what does that say to you??!!
    PS. I’m a 44 yr old female, vegetarian since I was 19, on my feet all day, only 5’2@ but hit 70kg after a particularly indulgent trip to Melbourne. I’ve been doing this for a few weeks now…scales tell me I’ve lost 3 kg..then it comes back…from ‘somewhere’….BUT I definitely feel slimmer!

    I have a rather over weight friend who looked me up and down a month ago and said”polka dots are so slimming aren’t they?”. My response” no it’s the 23 lbs and 16″ less of me that is slimming”.

    I was a size 14, now often a 10.

    I still chuckle every time I put on something that has polka dots!

    I am 52, 5ft 1 and was a very porky 11st 11 lb in January. I am now 10st 2 lb, there are also 23″ less of me and am training for a half marathon in 8 days.

    Measure bust/chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves and upper arms once a week when you weigh and try on your clothes then too. You to will have bag fulls of clothes that are hanging off you and perhaps will also start shopping in charity shops on the basis that you don’t want to spend much when you wear them for a short time.

    What it says to me, is that you’ve made a very sweeping statement. Size doesn’t come into it. As a very overweight or ‘fat’ person, I’m much more likely to advise that someone do what they really feel comfortable with. There are many overweight people looking for support on the forum by sharing their highs, lows, experiences etc., hoping that by following the 5:2 and altering their approach to food they will not only lose weight but will reap all the benefits that this way of life has to offer. I’m sorry that your experience has been at negative comments of ‘fat’ colleagues but for me, it has been entirely the opposite.

    I’m with aniann on this one.

    Good luck and maybe your opinion of us fatties will change to a more positive one.

    I’ve heard it’s best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning as your weight can fluctuate throughout the day apparently. I weigh myself in the morning once a fortnight, as think I’d get depressed and go off the diet if I did it too often with no loss showing – sometimes it can take a while to show. I’ve not told too many people, even friends that I’m on the plan, as some people get jealous if you lose weight, especially if they need to, but can’t be bothered themselves! I usually say it’s for health reasons now, which it is, but like the idea of fitting into smaller sized clothes!

    me2 cheers aniann

    hopefully someday u will learn avocado

    that it does not matter if we r

    either green red large small sick titled person poor successful unsuccessful rich learned or not etc

    when we live on this earth or universe

    we will treat each other w/ human respect

    no matter what

    hey wiltlfdrnrUSA…the whole point of this diet IS to lose weight so it DOES matter if we’re fat (I’m in this pot too). The point of my post was that fat people see fasting as dangerous/unhealthy/unachievable, whilst skinny people don’t. This fear of NOT having food regularly is the very reason they’re/we’re fat in the first place. My post has nothing to do with respect, or not,of other people – I’m talking about FAT..not their morals, political inclinations or the way they treat their dog.

    IM sick of people saying oh you don’t need to lose weight. One women at work stopped her husband doing the diet as she didn’t want him skipping meals. There are more people out there to swart you achieving to lose weight than to aid you.

    Intermitting fasting, in particular 5:2 is being touted as a new weight loss diet by many, when in fact the concept of fasting isn’t new at all. The initial theory behind it, is that high levels of IGF-1 the growth hormone, is linked to cancer, diabetes and alzheimer’s amongst other things. As fasting lowers IGF-1 it apparently slows new cell growth, prompting the body to into repair, another benefit of which is burning fat, hence losing weight.

    The whole point of this ‘diet’ is to hopefully benefit from everything but to use the word ‘diet’ is misleading. It is not a diet per se. It is a way of life that we have chosen to adopt and to suggest as many do, that it is simply a great way to lose weight, is in my view wrong.

    Avocado, you made a sweeping statement about ‘fat’ people. Your comment actually starts with a disparaging remark about ‘fat’ people and could actually be seen as discriminatory. It seems you are suggesting that those who are overweight haven’t got a clue, whilst thin people have! You also later state that fat people see intermittent fasting as dangerous, unhealthy, unachievable. You are irrevocably wrong to discriminate in this way, regardless of the fact that you are a little overweight yourself. It surprises me that as a healthcare professional, you have chosen to single out a specific group of people with your sweeping statements when in fact, those that suggest fasting is not good for you come in all shapes and sizes. And as I’m sure you are aware, there are still many doctors and dieticians who are sceptical.

    I actually found both your posts touching on offensive, simply because I am a very overweight person who actually knows more about healthy eating than some of my slim counterparts. There are many reasons as to why people gain weight, and often it is much more than gluttony.

    Those of us that have commented have done so because we perceived your posts as a tad offensive, although I’m sure you actually didn’t quite mean it that way.

    ljc1011, I agree. A few people have noticed my 10lb weight loss and my OH says you can really see where it has gone (he has also lost 10lbs). However, my mother in law said to me last week ‘oh you won’t stick to it’ to I which i replied that I would she then said no you won’t , it almost turned into a childish exchange of ‘will’ won’t’. The most hurtful thing she said as i walked across the garden was ‘you haven’t lost any weight’ I said thanks but the scales say 10lb.

    I was really hurt by this as if she really thought that I hadn’t lost weight, even the fact she knew i was trying to lose some weight surely means she should have said nothing at all.

    chilliexx & ljc1011 a sad but very true point, we can choose how we let this affect us, we can take the comments to heart and let it get us down, or we can dig our heels in and PROVE them wrong, keep going, you know they will be soon be having egg on their faces xxx

    Hi avocado, I would like to say that I totally agree with your post about some work colleagues who are overweight and then tell you that you are doing it wrong but I also have a very fit friend who says she doesn’t like skinny chicks and will ignore me in the street when I am skinny, luckily I know she is joking as she is my best mate.
    Why do fat people get so bothered about other people losing weight, it is not like I want to be part of the fat club!
    I am Obese according to my BMI and that is because I hate exercise and love food especially Pepperoni Pizza!!!!
    It is not offensive to call someone fat if it is the truth, if they don’t like it they know what they can do to change it.
    Good luck with the 5:2.

    Chilliexx, I think your mother in law was being really mean and rude in her comments to you! What is it about someone’s successful weight loss that seems to offend others?

    It is interesting how emotive discussion of diets and weight loss can become. I know we’ve probably all put up with the “diet bores” who seem to be permanently trying some new wonder diet – and truthfully I have probably been a diet bore myself at times. But when someone is clearly following a sensible eating plan as opposed to a quick fix and it is WORKING – it is really mean spirited not to be happy for that person.

    A very good friend of mine is extremely critical of me when I gain weight, to the point of making me feel bad. I don’t see her often, as we live far away from each other, and I otherwise love her company, but there are times I have chosen not to see her on some other pretext or other when I am feeling fat as I can’t take the disapproval. Yet when I have lost significant amounts of weight she seems jealous and weird about it and lectures me about cutting carbs being the only real way to lose (not something I would ever do – previous losses have been simply eat less and move more).

    If anything though as fast for life says, your exchange with your moher in law may have a positive side and strengthen your resolve to stick to this and prove beyond all doubt that you can make this work and lose the weight you need to.

    Good luck 🙂

    I think you are being very unpleasant Avocado. You were the one who started making sweeping statements and didn’t like when it was insulting to others. And to make matters worse you then launched into another assault on Aniann.

    Please try and be more respectful of others and stop attacking people and making generalisations.

    It occurred to me that we are all fat.

    Some have more good fat than bad fat. The fact is that we can’t live without fat.

    Like bad fat trying to pull us down from succeeding, there are some people that also pull us down from success.

    I recognize that.

    I hope that I have always encourage others to succeed. At the same time, others are encouraged by being challenged.

    A fine line, judged by the results.

    Consider being pleasant, ignore bad behavior and do what you intended on doing.

    I’m memorizing this for when it happens to me.

    Hi Puny, surely avocado is entitled to their opinion, I don’t believe they were attacking anyone they were just trying to get their point across surely that is the point of a forum, as long as you don’t swear or are racist/sexist etc you must surely be allowed to speak freely.

    I had someone say to me at work. Oh but you wont stick to it. She was the lady who didn’t want her hubby to do it. I wonder if its an insecurity in themselves. Anyway their loss!! Feeling the fat disappear from my waist line is fantastic.

    Actually Avocado, when talking about ‘slim counterparts’, I used the word ‘some’. Which is exactly what would have helped in your initial post. I’m sorry you have chosen to attack rather than acknowledge that some may find your post offensive.

    We are all free to voice an opinion as long as it doesn’t cause offence. I don’t believe that my posts are in any way offensive to you and neither do I believe you have any understanding of how your view may be perceived. In actual fact, by remarking on your posts, I’ve given you a platform to continue with your fat person bashing.

    If you wish to disparage others fine, but please refrain from disparaging me. I have no time for unpleasantness and neither do these forums. Please be aware of that. I will not give your comments my time again.

    Now….I’ll go suck a lolly!

    wow avocado it is so sad ur behavior hate 2 think
    how people around u feel

    this is a nice forum where

    we have respectful people here

    stop shouting & bullying

    u need help

    this is not a forum 2 have as an outlet 2 ur anger

    u will not be answered 2 u r not worth the energy especially if it’s negative

    u will be reported if u continue

    Avocado had given an opinion and you may not like it but that person is entitled. IM not sure keeping on and threatening to report abuse etc is really going to do anything but put your blood pressure up. The good thing about a forum is that we are all different. Personalities, cultures etc. I made a comment the other day about something and someone said ‘ you must be cranky due to fasting’ well actually no im just a blunt Yorkshire lass that speaks her mind.

    I think avocado just passed on her observations. Best not to read too much into people’s comments on Internet forums in my humble opinion.

    Pally there is a difference between an opinion and attacking others posters. I think it’s also unwise to label fat people as this that and the other which is what was done originally.

    I think wiltldnrUSA sums it up best. There has been a really pleasant supporting atmosphere on the forums. This is the first nastiness I have come across and I hope it is the last.

    I understand where Avocado is coming from and I understand the knee jerk reactions of some responders. I’m sure Avocado did not mean to disparrage anyone in the initial post but I would possit that it is probably the ‘tubby’ colleagues’ ignorance of the science behind this lifestyle that made them react in a negative way to what you were telling them.

    So many of us have been told for so long that ‘little & often’ is the way to go with a healthy lifestyle and I’m sure they’re used to hearing that they eat too much and don’t exercise enough. It can be so frustrating to absolutely KNOW beyond doubt that you can eat as healthily as you like and exercise yourself into a rut in the ground and STILL not shift any significant weight. This is reality for a lot of overweight people. Not all, of course, some really could lose it with a diet that they stick to and some could shift it with exercise if they really tried. But as someone who had tried both of those routes and had absolutely no success, I can promise you that I am not the only one who gave up on being slimmer many many years ago and just settled myself into the ‘reality’ that my natural size was 16 and as I was healthy & fit at that level I should just build a bridge & get over it.

    Please don’t write off any larger people you come across. Show them this forum. Show them some of the ‘larger ladies’ amongst us who have had success on this diet. Let US help them. If you are starting out at just a little overweight, then they are likely to write this off as some faddy diet where you’re having temporary success. If they don’t get all the science behind it or see the longterm success that some of us REALLY overweight ladies have had then they have no frame of reference and they probably think they are helping you by trying to talk you out of following, what they have been conditioned to see as, an unhealthy diet.

    FWIW my opinion is as follows, I didn’t take offence at the original remark but respect the fact that some did. One thing i will say is that just because you say something that may cause offence doesn’t mean you shouldn’t say it. Avocado wasn’t directing her comment at anyone specific and she is entitled to voice her opinion whether it offends or not.

    Yes in the same way a racist person will not care who they offend with their opinions. It is their opinion of course, and it will offend some of course.

    A better person would simply have apologised for any offense caused and explained what they really meant, and that they meant ‘some’ fat people, specifically those that they worked with. Not turned nasty on the people who found it offensive.

    I don’t think this is going anywhere so I wont come back to it again. It’s just making an unpleasant discussion go on and on.

    Well, at the risk of offending people which I have no desire to do but do want to support ‘avocado’, I’m astonished anyone could have taken any offence at the original post which seems completely innocuous to me. Just shows how different we all are doesn’t it and that maybe we would be better getting on with losing weight than taking offence at things which read differently to different people?

    I’ve thought (maybe not always) that leading by example is better than promoting.

    I’ve also found it takes longer and is sometimes disappointing.

    Luckily, my wife is also with me; it’s easier as a couple for mutual support, I’m finding out.

    With others, I’m keeping quiet, regardless of where they are at it in their fasting path.

    Results are more important.

    Please, everyone!
    I have never participated in a forum before this one and I have been loving the fact that this is so supportive.

    Fact is, you can’t read the tone of an online post so I should imagine it could be easy to take things the wrong way.

    I would hate for this forum to go the way that I hear others are because I love reading about others’ experiences. I don’t agree with everything I read so I just take what I think will work for me.

    Blessings everyone, I expect a lot of us are fasting today, so all the best. Here’s to breakfast tomorrow!

    I agree with Annie Somerset. This forum is helping me through the fast days especially, to carry on and put your best foot forward. You cannot tell the tone of the person either through a letter, text, a posting. I have in the past texted someone and they took it the wrong way. So I’m particularly careful with what I write down. You could be joking about something and it could end up like Chinese whispers, totally distorted!!

    So please, I see this forum has a support group which in fact is helping me with my weight loss. This forum is a positive in this sometimes negatative world!!

    So, carry on with a positive outlook…

    i was not reacting 2 her original comment

    i reacted how nasty her responses r 2 others
    w/ capital letters
    & “I suggest you now spend less time analysing my posts and go for a long walk instead. Without a bag of lollies.”

    there is no nuance here no misunderstanding of tone

    bullying is bullying

    some of u want 2 hide behind it &

    some of u want nastiness on this forum “it’s “real””

    eventually we will bow of being part of

    one of the most supportive forums

    i have seen

    Saner minds prevail.

    I suspected the fast talking.

    Is there more drama while fasting ?

    How about a new rule:

    Check your fasting at the door?


    luv that

    but please title it “Check your fasting at the door?”

    i don’t want this subject 2 keep re-posting

    it’s over

    let’s stop the madness!!!!!!!!

    Ref: Debbie Downers. It’s tough out there. If any of us has just one supportive person in our lives, consider yourself very lucky. My wife is the best! Always encouraging.
    I don’t know why we do it, but were all so hard on each other. It’s a bit depressing to think that sometimes we just aren’t very encouraging to each other…almost as if we like to see each other fail. Even me. Sometimes I can’t believe what comes out of my mouth and I have to remind myself to be more positive toward my friends and family.

    wiltldnrUSA …thought you weren’t going to comment anymore?
    SOme people on here really do need to be less sensitive and stop twisting comments into a perceived attack against their fatness…blah blah….Either that or toughen up. Skip over my posts if you don’t like my posts usoing the FAT word..I’ve never been one for any kind of hypocrisy…whilst I might be a little more tactful to a real life person, on line it’s going to be FAT and not body challenged, plump, under active thyroid..or any rubbish like that. Fat is fat is fat..we’re all (saying) we want to lose it, and my original statement was a comment to that.

    Alright you two: let’s settle this fairly on the FAT issue!

    You know who you are!

    Fight FAT with no FAT – fairly.

    Whoever removes the most FAT or other measurements in September wins!


    I’m on this site and tracking my activity, and I could just as easily track my weight.

    You want to throw FAT? Well, what are you waiting for? 3 weeks left, not much, but there you have it.

    It’s also an honor system, as we cannot verify this. Calibrate those scales or whatever measurement fits, like weight, BMI, size measurements.

    Top 3 are acknowledged, and winner has boasting rights & can close this thread.

    Ties are voted on by impartial participants.

    Man UP and woman Up!


    cute Rocky…and you’re making me laugh!
    How about I DON’T post my weight/size loss…I’ve only got 10 to lose and have lost 4 already 🙂 Sooo…feeling positive (and hungry..haven’t eaten anything today).
    One query though…I thought the other person was a (fat) girl! :O

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