Fasting hours ???

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Im starting out and would like to know if you can use sleeping hours in your fast…ie looking to have normal dinner monday night…skip breakfast and split 500cal between lunch and dinner on tuesday returning to normal breakfast on wed. Does this fit with 5:2? Many thanks in advance for advice.

    Hi Mel and welcome:

    5:2 has nothing to do with time between meals. It is the number of calories that make the difference, regardless of when they are eaten. Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!


    Yes, what you propose fits with 5:2.

    Re: using sleeping hours as part of the fast. Michael Mosley (the author of 5:2) does now recommend a slightly longer overnight fast period, e.g. See

    Good luck!

    @melferg – we are all different but I believe you should use your sleeping hours as part of the fast. Personally I don’t think it is just about calories. In my case I’m losing fat but eating more than what I did using calorie restriction where I was actually putting on fat. However it isn’t like I’m eating massive amounts more, around 15000 calories a week vs less than 14000. However … I think it is important what you eat, if you eat a lot of processed foods you might have problems, if you go heavy on vegetables you are going to be better off.

    My fast generally starts around 7pm and I simply don’t eat anything for at least 36 hours. This time it was closer to 37 hours. If you choose to eat 500/600 calories it is better to eat low-carb if you can while fasting. While there isn’t any hard rules around when people eat on their fast days, I think the more hours in row fasting without food the better.

    On non-fast days, you don’t want to overeat but you need to figure out what works for you. For me refined sugar doesn’t work so generally I avoid processed foods. My diet is currently heavy on fruit but I also eat a lot of vegetables, some meat and I really like cheese. I also have white rice and noodles in my diet, so I’m not low-carb. What works for me may not work for you at all as there are wide variations in people and you have to figure out what works for you.

    If you can eat a low-carb diet, you may find fasting easier. The beauty of the diet is that it is very flexible. You just need to figure out what works for you.

    @melferg. Yes you can use your sleeping time as part of your fast. In fact it is the perfect fast. Youre not eating anything!! The 5:2 concept as performed on this site is not a true fast, but its doable by most people. What you have proposed is fine. Although 5:2 places no restriction on what you eat I firmly believe it plays a HUGE role in your ability to achieve long term success. Try and avoid alcohol, sugar, processed carbs like bread, pizza, cakes biscuits, breakfast cereals (pure junk by the way) health bars, fruit smoothies. if you want fruit eat whole fruits, never smoothies, never dried fruits. Get the majority of your carbs from leafy of cruciferous veggies. Avoid starchy veggies like potatoes. Don’t be scared of full fat low sugar yogurts. Real cheese. Eat lots of fibrous foods like beans and legumes.

    A simple rule. If you had to open a packet to eat it, question its nutritional value. Real food doesn’t need a label telling you its good for you. Eat foods that your great grandmother would recognise as food.

    Good luck.

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