Fasting Eve

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tim 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I had planned to start today 8 Jul 2013, but I was not fully prepared; food-wise, mentally and emotionally. So the inherent flexibility of the FastDiet allows me to be better prepared. Thus Tuesday becomes the first day this week. I had previously done a 5:2 about a month ago, but due to too many distracting events, I postponed re-starting.
    That one week I did FastDiet, I felt I would be able to do this and more importantly, this is sustainable and manageable.

    More to come.

    Good luck, Tim. This starts my second week and I think it is amazing!

    I weighted myself today and lost 3.5 lbs. During my second fast day, Friday, early in the afternoon if one would have asked me if I was going to be able to do this I would have said no. I have a lovely summer cold, rhino virus thingy and I was not feeling great to begin with. But I pushed through and did not break my fast. I reminded myself that the next day all would be back to “normal”. I thought after Friday that yes I can really do this. With week 2 in progress I look forward to seeing what will unfold for me.

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