Fasting Day

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Dower 10 years ago.

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  • Can someone please confirm if it is necessary to have a 12 hours gap between breakfast and dinner?

    Hi Dower,

    We have our breakfast at 9 am and dinner about 5.30, this time suits us on our Fast Days. Make the FD work for you, stick to the plan it works!
    Keeping off the carbs on the FD helps a lot., it burns more fat and don’t forget to do some exercise.

    Good Luck

    Thanks symba7,

    Appreciate your input. I have been trying to hold out from 9am to about 7pm!

    All the best.

    From my reading of the Fast Diet book – the longer gap without food, the better…however it only makes a small difference, and this diet is all about what’s convenient for you, so do whatever works best.

    Personally I eat breakfast and lunch, and then just a carrot or something in the evening if I really need to. So I have an 18 hour or so gap from lunch to breakfast the next day. But I mainly do that so I can go to work and be working on a standard amount of food.

    Hi Dower and welcome:

    Time between meals does not matter. See number six:

    Good Luck!

    Thank you simcoeluvfor your comments and welcome.
    Since starting the diet I have been watching the other three programmes ‘What’s the right Diet for you”. Very interesting. I wonder now if I should be trying to further designate if I should be in one of the three categories. I have done the test which says that I dont fit into any of the three and that I should just look at my portions and snacking perhaps!
    About four years ago I followed the Dukan Diet on which I lost 13 kg (happily bringing my weight back down to 55kg). I have managed to keep that going until about eight months ago when I had a serious health problem now I hope sorted and surgery to my shoulder which took three ops to sort out. I am now 59kg and would like to get back down to about 56kg and have decided to follow the Fast Diet due to liking the whole concept. However I do recognise that I am seldom hungry but frequently crave things which leads to snacking. I do drink a lot of fluid during the day so dont think it is due to being dehydrated. I walk most days as well as use a treadmill when time is short. I also know myself to react to emotional situations and find I do best when my life is calm (but not boring!).
    I wonder therefore if I have am bit of both the Emotional as well as Constant Craver. Do you think that I should just stick to the 5:2 or be looking at one of the other two mentioned above.
    I have now been on the normal 5:2 Diet for six days with Monday and Thursdays as my fast day. I am also keeping a food diary of everything I eat just to be sure I am keeping within the Protein and Calorie allowance on Fast days. Non fast days I eat carefully and seldom use more that 1,000calories. I have not weighed myself since starting the diet six days ago but will do so after I have completed the seventh day as I don’t want to get hooked on the weighing myself. Any advice would be much appreciated. Kind regards.

    Thanks for your reply.

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