Fast Diet & Fast Food: least worst options?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello forum,

    I’ve had some good experience with 5:2 when i have control am able to make my own breakfast and dinner… the thing i’ve found is that i have come unstuck when I work and stay in central London for a few days.

    I usually stay in an easyHotel without any kind of menu so i have to have literally all my meals out. I was wondering if anyone knew of any particularly good eat out or takeaway solutions for fast days. For dinner i am think Nandos 1/4 chicken with salad which comes in at less than 400 calories and is carb free. Does anyone have any other recommendations or suggestions? Especially for breakfast which seems a lot more difficult to get right.

    Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated!


    I don’t think I’d be eating out at all if I were you. I get what you mean about Nandos and it’s probably the best option you’d get anywhere but what would you have to drink? and are you sure you wouldn’t be tempted to add some sauce on top?

    I’m a cerial person, so if it were me I’d have a tupperware bowl, a small bottle of soya milk, 100g of my favourite cerial and a spoon with me. And if I was staying in an EasyHotel, I’d also need a travel kettle, a tea bag, mug and 2 tsp of sugar too.

    I don’t bother with breakfast anymore, so that would be my 1 evening meal but if you want to do breakfast and you can find room in your bag for a travel kettle then there’s always some sort of protein heavy drink (bovril, stock cube, protein shake or something like that) or yoghurt and a piece of fruit?

    As far as an evening meal goes. I’m sure there are TescoMetros (or similar) near these hotels. A pre-packed (pre-calorie counted) ready made chicken salad and/or cous cous or something similar would be a nice easy option. Just don’t eat it until you’re safely back in your room and you wont have to rely on willpower, you wont be arsed to go back out again (not in the lovely winter gloom anyway!) 😉

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