Fast Day Two!

This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Iwant2Bincontrol 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Good morning everybody!
    It is my second day today, and it is probably the longest I have been on a diet without weighing myself. Which I like because normally, if the number in the scales goes down I feel good so do some baking as a reward, and if the number is bad I decide to do some baking as a pick-me-up. No baking done this week!
    I was feeling a bit apprehensive about today last night, but now the day is actually here I feel ok – confident about following my plan, but not so confident about how I will feel doing so. Hopefully all will be worth it come weigh day.

    I hope everyone has a successful day.

    It is my second day too, I have been using a phone app to log my progress and yesterday I struggled to get my minimum 1700 calories I have set for my non fast days. I am running a weight loss competition in work which started last week as a 10 week countdown to our Christmas Party. I want to wear a size 12 sequinned dress(yet to find).

    How’s your day going so far?

    A weight loss competition! What a great way to stay motivated!!! And what fun it will be finding the perfect dress 😀 Is anyone else in the comp doing 5:2?
    My day is going well thanks – I am pleasantly surprised! Not exercising today as don’t feel like I have fuel in my tank, but just went for an hour or so walk.
    Two scrambled eggs with spinach await me for my first meal – yum. At the moment I feel like I could last until dinner if I had to, but I think it will be better for me to eat – maybe at 1:30 or so 🙂
    How is your day going?

    Cheers (with a cup of green tea!) to reaching goals 🙂

    Hey! It’s my second fast too. It is now one o’clock and I haven’t eaten a thing! I have walked the dogs (about 45 mins) and done half an hour of yoga. You won’t believe this but I am now sat here with my cup of green and mint tea…watching the Bake Off!! Not one hunger pang to be felt. Could this finally be the diet to end all diets?!!

    Good luck to you all today 🙂

    That’s exactly why I started the competition, to help keep me motivated. No one else is doing 5:2 as far as I know but as I have been talking about it a couple of people have started asking questions and one wants to borrow my book so I may yet have some people doing the same.

    I had two boiled eggs, with raw sugar snap peas instead of toast soldiers at 7am and having salmon and broccoli sprinkled with cumin seeds at 7pm. Currently on my lunch break at work, sipping liquorice tea(yummy). Off for a sea swim at 9pm and so far still feel like I have the energy for it.

    Some excellent day twos happening then!
    How awesome to be watching a cooking show and not scurrying off to find something tasty Nursebean.
    Baking-mermaid I am jealous! I have been really craving smoked salmon recently, but it is so expensive here and I haven’t seen it on special yet. One day… In the meantime I’m looking forward to chicken breast cooked with light cream cheese, caramelised grated carrot and spinach.
    Have fun with the sea swim – what distance will you do?

    We’ve had to call the sea swim off as waves too choppy-we were planning to swim by moonlight. We usually swim for about half an hour so probably about 800metres. So where is home? I’m in South England, about 40minutes from the coast.
    Your dinner sounds yummy, hope it was good.

    I haven’t swim by moonlight before! I’m a bit scared of imagined beasties though so I would probably end up floating on my back trying not to hyperventilate :p
    Home is New Zealand (Auckland most recently) but I am in Madrid on my OE. Dinner was deeelicious. And I managed to cook tasty tempting crunchy things for the kids too without sneaking a single nibble – stoked! Hope your salmon was as good as it sounded too.

    Hi! How are you going Nursebean and baking-mermaid? Fourth fast day today?
    I made the gluten free low carb tortillas that were posted on here (made just with eggs and lots of cauliflower with s&p) yesterday so they are going to be really good for today 🙂
    Happy slimming!


    My fourth fast day too, it is going really well so far. 41/2 lbs loss at our Biggest Loser Weigh In last Friday. Next weigh in tomorrow, just bought the recipe book so lots of new things to try. I am having a stir fry tonight, lots of nice healthy veggies and some Tofu which I have left marinating in spices and tamari.

    Wow congratulations!!! What an awesome result!! I hope you felt a bit proud at the weigh in, and it will be fun to see if you convert anyone 😀
    Yum I love tofu!! And great there is inspiration in the cookbook for you. I had my first food at about 4:30 as wasn’t sure I could be nice to the kids on an empty stomach, and that should see me through to dinner time. In theory I thought I would weigh and measure on Monday, but what if I havn’t made progress?!! 4.5lbs would be pretty fantastic but I wouldn’t want to get my hopes up ;p

    Hi Iwantobeincontrol and Baking Mermaid. Sounds as though you are both doing well. I’m very impressed with you trying recipes. I’m not sure how I’d cope if I spent much time in the kitchen :). Instead I’m going to cheat (again) and have my M&S FullerLonger cod mornay with mashed potato, green beans, peas and a cheese sauce. All for an impressive 310 cals only…even better, eh?!

    Well I think 4.5 ibs is amazing. I only lost 2 ibs after my first week. I think I will weigh again on Tuesday (after my Monday fast)

    Good luck you two!! 🙂

    I am very pleased about the loss, I am fully in control of what I eat, I have been allowing myself 1700 calories a day on non fast days.

    2lbs is a fantastic loss Nursebean, there is no only about it.

    I’m looking forward to hearing how you two do. Good Luck

    Nursebean I agree with the above – 2lbs is fantastic! Congratulations and long may it continue. 2lbs a week will add up really quickly. I also don’t think your dinner sounds like it is cheating at all! Sounds delish, and I’m all for whatever makes it easy to stick to the plan.
    Baking-mermaid fantastic that you are feeling in control. I definitely feel in control more often, it’s just been the three days that I started off with ‘just one’ cookie that I overdid things a bit. Luckily there have been lots of successful days to balance those ones out.
    Keeping on keeping on!

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