Fast 800/5:2 diet and high blood pressure and high cholesterol

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Fast 800/5:2 diet and high blood pressure and high cholesterol

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi has anyone been on the 5:2 diet and been able to reduce their blood pressure? My husband has high blood pressure. He isn’t over weight but he is trying the Fast 800 diet and in particular the Time Restricted Eating to help get his blood pressure down

    Hi, Nelson88! I have high blood pressure and am doing 5:2 eating within the 16:8 window. Now I am incorporating the new 800 calories a day program for a quick start to increase weight loss. I have been doing this for a year and, so far, my blood pressure has not gone down. I am still hoping that eventually it will, even though I am a senior citizen. I can’t speak to your husband’s situation but it might be worth a try for the health benefits. He might fall into the skinny/fat situation. His fat is only internal around his organs but he doesn’t look fat. That, apparently, was what Dr. Mosley had and he lowered his blood pressure, according to his book. Good luck!

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