Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

This topic contains 254 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 week, 6 days ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 249 total)

  • Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Disaster at the mosaic class. I was just finishing grouting the enormous lizard for my neighbour. I lifted it by one of the legs to sweep away the dried grout, & the leg broke off?! I could’ve cried, it’s taken me ages. But, silver lining. Natalie – mosaic teacher – reckons she can get it fixed, so I’m going to keep it & make my neighbour another one. She’s paying me to make it, so I want it to be perfect.

    @lilymartin – welcome back. You can do it! Stick with us, try to post every day, & plan, plan, plan! Read the book again, do whatever it takes to get & stay motivated 💪

    @ccco – meerkats are adorable! Especially when they stand up on their back legs & look around. You wouldn’t want to cuddle a wild one though. I heard they can carry rabies & other nasty diseases https://imgur.com/a/hGGH2yj So I make sure Boo Boo gets her shots every year.

    @stitchincarol – feel better soon! 🤧

    @jaifaim – thinking of you 🤗 🤗

    Interesting! From the Daily Fail, @iona72 😉

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 12 🍌
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 12 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Good morning all. Checking in as I work away here and keep an eye on mum. Thank you @penz, @funshipfreddie and all, I am happy to be here and other siblings are close by if I need them 💕💕

    Have a lovely himpfay all 😂

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day12 UK NFD

    Morning all , thanks but have to take myself off the list today @funshipfreddie I have a lovely February treat off to London tomorrow watch the matinee performance of the Devil wears Prada musical then drinks and food in Chinatown straight after, I’ll aim to be mindful and I’ll be f800 Thursday and Friday

    Oh @jaifaim 💗stay strong

    Day 12 NE England IF 16:8

    Another dreary, miserable day here, stuck with Anticyclonic gloom, not seen sunshine for too long.
    The last day or 2 have really tested my willpower but I need to get the momentum of Oct/Nov going again.
    Scale down a couple of ounces- pathetic desperation I know!!

    @jaifaim hope your Mum is doing ok and can improve soon, difficult time for you I’m sure.
    @northgeorgia yes its tough trying to find a solution that fits into your lifestyle but 8pm is still a good plan.
    @stitchincarol get well soon, I’m still fighting my 4 week cough!

    Day 12-No. VA USA-FD800

    WElllll it snowed about 9 or ten inches here yesterday, so things are at a halt. Office is closed. It should warm up a bit today into the low 40’s, so perhaps some will melt. We have had a lot of snow this winter!
    @jaifaim, so sorry about your mother. She is lucky to have you nearby.
    @stitchincarol, I think it is very youthful of you to have strep throat. We don’t see it much in adults, to be honest. Interesting about your low snowfall where you live; you can have some of ours!!!
    @funshipfreddie, how aggravating about your artwork. Perhaps you will zip through the second edition, now that you know how to do it!
    @brightonbelle, sounds like a lovely trip ahead of you.
    @ilona72, the dreary stretch of weather can really affect your mood and motivation, can’t it?
    Have a good day, all.

    Day 12 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Today should be a true FD500/800. It has been a crazy week and keeps getting more insane. But I’ve done good on the consecutive NFDs, keeping weight stable…I’m actually down a pound from the last several days, and it’s the same as my last post-FD weigh-in. So, I’m feeling good going into today.

    Pocket List – Day 12 🍌
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    We have snow!!! Like, scoopable snow, two inches so far, but it’s still snowing. NOW it feels like winter.

    @jaifaim The final watch and wait can be so difficult. Hugs to you as you stay near your mom and surround her with love.

    @lilymartin Oh, that’s scarey, isn’t it? Keep checking in here and you’ll find your peeps cheering you on!

    @penz Yeah, it took the Eagles’ third string to allow the Chiefs to look normal. That was sad…

    Oh, NO! @funshipfreddie! How absolutely frustrating!!! But, as to making another, do you really WANT another? Because, one, it strikes me that it’s possible it’ll be fixed enough to be entirely fine, and two, I doubt you’re being paid enough for your time to justify a second one. So are you sure??? Regardless, you sure have my sympathy!

    @brightonbelle Have a lovely time on your adventure to London!

    @iona72 a four week cough??? You poor thing; that’s tedious to deal with!

    @excelsior12309 Now that’s a lot of snow! How much is normal for your area? The doctor I saw said the same thing about strep not being normal in adults; I didn’t know that, as I’ve gotten strep every three or four years for decades, and so it’s my norm, LOL. I’m thankful I got meds before it got as painful as it can, and I’m pretty much fine now.

    @northgeorgia Well done on maintaining even while not fasting; that’s true success.

    I finished the binding on all 24 feet of the t-shirt quilt yesterday, so now I need to pack up both quilts and send them to their destinations. Feels good to have that done!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    2nd Post – Day 12

    Updated Pocket List:-

    Pocket List – Day 12 🍌
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    USA. Day 12. FD

    Jaifaim, I am so sorry about your mom. She will be in my prayers! 🙏 I understand what you are going through. I slept in the hospital in a chair next to my father for two weeks until he passed. I didn’t want him to be alone, as my mother had already passed away a few years earlier. I am so glad I had that chance and I know how happy he was when I stayed with him. I can imagine how happy your mom is, too, that you are there.

    FUNSHIPFRDDIE, I am so sorry about the broken leg on your mosaic. I hope you can find a way to reattach it. Also thank you for telling me about the meerkats. I love learning about the strange creatures that live in other parts of the world.

    BrightenBelle, have fun on your outing! I love the theatre and have been on visits to London.

    Stitchincarol, I just dug myself out of the snow yet again this morning. I can’t believe that we might be having more snow here in the middle states than you are! Where is Summer?? I am waiting! Also, your quilts sound lovely!

    Now I am trying to figure out a new Trump issue that relates directly to me regarding a new bill he is trying to pass in the House and Senate. My father came to this country from Ireland with my Grandparents and my aunt as a boy. When my grandparents became citizens, so did my father and aunt. That is how it works here. My father fought in U.S. Army Air Force during WWII, yet during the McCarthy era in the 1950s, my father had to prove his was a citizen and not a communist all over again and regain his citizenship, despite his War history. Now I will most likely have to fight that battle again. If this new bill passes, I will have to prove my father was a citizen all over again in order to prove I am a citizen, which is absolutely crazy. Trump’s own mother was an immigrant from Scotland. We definitely have our problems here these days. Ugh!

    Anyway, here I am on the pocket list again today.

    Pocket List – Day 12 🍌
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    My diet is working very quickly. I knew I was gaining water weight very quickly and I have also finally managed to eliminate most salt, something that is hard to do, since salt is in everything. I am 3 lbs. down! Yay!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Day 12 North Wales NFD

    I have been very busy again today 14500 steps done. I am really pleased with that. In the last 7 days I have done 83000 steps. Still battling the mole and the rats. They are particularly active this year. The rats don’t seem to want to take the poison much preferring our compost bins. Weather here has been very cold. The wind chill makes it seem even colder. Hoping to do some sewing tomorrow and then I am going to drive to Dolgellau to see my sister on Friday to have lunch and to collect some wood for burning on our log burner.

    @jaifaim so sorry to hear about your Mum. Sending you much love. A very difficult time for you and your family.

    @northgeorgia hope your Mum can find a pain treatment that works.

    @brightonbelle I never used to eat breakfast. I do at the moment preferring to miss lunch. I have been a 2 meal a day person for years.

    @ccco after reading about your iRobot I did a little research. I think that would be ideal for us to keep on top of the dog hair. Sorry to hear about your citizen problems. I truly do not understand why people get so stressed about citizenship. Isn’t Trumps wife an immigrant?

    @iona72 I am hoping to do some childminding next week. My husband is trying to persuade me not too in case I catch COVID or a horrid cold before my operation resulting in it having to be postponed.

    @merryapple hope the building work nearby gets finished soon.

    @funshipfreddie I love meerkats. They have a lovely colony of them at Chester Zoo. Sorry to hear about your mosaic. I am sure you could have repaired it but like you I like the things I have made to be perfect too.

    @lilymartin so sorry to hear you have possible heart problems. Stay strong and I hope you lose the 10kgs quickly.

    @excelsior12309 wow that’s a lot of snow. It has been years since we had any decent snow.
    @stitchincarol sorry to hear you have had Strep. Hope you feel much better soon.

    Hope everyone has a good day

    Day 13, OMAD, Aus

    Checking in.

    Day 13 CD country west Australia 82.9 kgs
    @jaifim, thinking of you and hoping you and your mother and family are all doing as well as you can given the circumstances.🙏
    Posting daily to keep me accountable.

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @brightonbelle – enjoy the show! I loved the movie version. A great soundtrack too.

    @stitchincarol – my neighbour said if I was making it for her, she’d be happy to have the repaired lizard. But it’s for her daughter’s birthday (not til June!) & it’s going to New Zealand, so I understand why she wants it to be top notch. When I got to the class the other day, Natalie was admiring the lizard. I told her I’d grown quite fond of it & I’d be sorry to hand it over. And then an hour later – kapput. So I guess it was meant to be?! The guy who makes all her wooden templates etc is going to fix it, & I already know where I’m going to put it.

    @excelsior12309 – there’s no rushing mosaicking. I think that’s partly why it’s so relaxing.

    @ccco – I’m SURE you won’t be kicked out of the USA! You were born there, & you must have a birth certificate to prove it? Where would they send you to, anyway? You’d have to wander around an airport for the rest of your life, like Tom Hanks in the movie ‘The Terminal’ 😳 Congrats on the 3 lb⬇! 🥳

    @molij, @iona72 – hang in there! Your spring is just around the corner. Our days are already getting noticeably shorter in the southern hemisphere.

    May the Thursday fasters have an easy & RESOLVED FD! 💪🎯

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥚
    @penz OMAD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 13 UK f800

    1/2 way day tomorrow !!

    Ahh it was meant to be @funshipfreddie and I’m sure the one for your neighbour will be perfect

    @iona72 @molij It does seem to have been a long winter this year surely spring can’t be far away 🌈

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥚
    @penz OMAD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 13 – USA/GA – ZBC

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Well, that’s good — matching a last weigh-in in late January. I’d love to make today a FD, but I forgot I am interviewing a candidate today, and one person on the interview panel takes it personally if we don’t have lunch. Obviously, food is very psychological with her. She doesn’t eat much, and she just tosses what’s left over. I could never do that. I could take the food with me, but if I’m hungry and it’s hot, I should eat more than two bites 🙂

    USA. Day 13. OMAD FD

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I actually understand what Trump is trying to do. We currently have a law that says if I am born here, even if my parents weren’t, he doesn’t want what we used to call, tourist baby births. Pregnant mothers would come here from other countries to have their. babies, so they could claim their babies were born U.S. citizens. 60 Minutes did a piece on that years ago because the Chinese have set up maternity hospitals in California explicitly for that purpose. Those Chinese who utilize these facilities are not poor. They pay quite a bit for this service. Their intent is for their babies to be dual U.S. and Chinese citizens. They opens a lot of doors for their children here both for our education system and job market. Most others are simply looking for a way to claim U.S. citizenship for their children, so that later their children can stand for them to become U.S. citizens when the children are older. That would be an example of birth right citizenship. My father became a citizen when he was a boy, along with his parents. That should automatically make me a citizen. Trump wants to end birthright citizenship and I could get caught in that. I am thinking it won’t but in any case, I should be able to prove my father became a citizen and I am not just a citizen by birthright. This is all very strange to me. I would say I could go to Canada but as Trump has said he wants to make Canada the 51st state, I guess I couldn’t go there, either! LOL I guess I will have to live in the airport like Tom Hanks!!

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥚
    @penz OMAD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Jaifaim, I hope your mother is feeling a little better today.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

    Day 14 NFD country west Australia 83.3 kgs
    We don’t actually celebrate it but for those who do – Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Well done North Georgia. Keep up the good work.
    @funshipfreddie, good luck with this lizard. Sounds lovely.
    Cruella is being very mean despite no grog, no chocolate, fewer carbs and exercising like crazy.
    I can’t fit much more exercise into a day at present with walking, weights, work etc !
    Off for my first walk of the day with a new dog we have. Certainly uses up a few calories trying to control an excited and excitable puppy !!

    Day 14 ❤ – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kgs

    Friday morning PFDS! I’m starting to get the hang of this fasting business, after nearly 11 years 💪 🎯

    @ccco – you’re hilarious! 🤣 I promise you – Canada will never become the 51st state. And you won’t be deported. But, if worse comes to worst, Boo Boo says she doesn’t mind sharing her room with you. We’ve got millions of illegal Zimbabweans here already, so one more won’t make a difference 😅

    @lilymartin – don’t ‘exercise like crazy’. Read this article from Time Magazine – Why You Shouldn’t Exercise to Lose Weight’. And focus on what you’re eating + FDs. Maybe try using the spreadsheet to plan your FDs?

    A few of us are going to ‘Off the Hook for a Valentines Day lunch. Not sure why; we’re all either single or widowed. Any excuse for an outing, I guess

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. I can’t believe I’ve got more respiratory crud again! Coughing and sniffling. A little better this morning after some cough syrup. Maybe it’ll stay that way before my dental cleaning.

    Day 14

    Guys, I may or may not check in each day. To begin with, it’s stinking busy in my corner of the world. To make it worse, I’m making no progress in losing weight, and have begun to think I’m using all of you as an excuse: “I posted my plans this morning so I’m clearly doing everything I need to be doing.” So I’m going to remove this 30-minute commitment from my mornings and make an effort to do this solo, making pledges to myself. I’ll be back, and I may even be back daily, but I need some breathing room, LOL, because it’s miserably busy.

    Love you all!

    USA. Day 14. FD

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I enjoyed the article. Thanks for that. I always read them when you send them when I am able to get into them. I doubt I will ever be deported. Right now, we seem to have a president who throws things out there that are incredibly ridiculous. Thank you for the offer, though! It would be fun to meet Boo Boo! LOL

    Stitchincarol, we would miss you! Good luck, though!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Day 14 UK NFD

    Sorry couldn’t post earlier but had emergency dental appointment to refit my 2 week old crown came off

    Hey I ( and I’m guessing a few others ) have been there – you take as long a break as you need @stitchincarol we’ll be here when you want to come back 💕

    Sorry haven’t read any other posts I’ll try and be back on it tomorrow Have a good weekend all

    Day 14 NE England NFD

    I’m still bouncing up and down the same one pound, very frustrating. But finally my cough is a lot better, likewise all the ear problems I’ve been having too.
    Wine and pizza tonight for Valentines. We have got a 70th birthday party tomorrow afternoon and an engagement party in the evening. I’m going to volunteer to be the driver to avoid temptation!
    Have a good weekend everyone, talk soon.

    Day 15 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Lunch was lovely yesterday. Perfect weather, a great view of the harbour, & a cruise ship was arriving in the distance not long after we got there. Everyone had fish & chips, except for me. I ordered a cheese burger + salad. But when it arrived the waiter brought me a burger + chips instead. I guess I could’ve complained, but those chips tasted so good! 😂

    @stitchincarol – we’ll miss you! But, do what you need to do, & we’ll be here when you get back. Well, I will. I can’t speak for everyone 😅 I tried going it alone for a while, around 5 years ago. It didn’t end well 😕 🤗

    @iona72 – bouncing up & down the same 1 lb – could be worse! Enjoy the parties! 🥳

    @brightonbelle – how was the show? 🎭

    @merryapple – are you travelling? 🤔 🏝

    @ccco – a lot of Trump’s executive orders are being challenged. There’s only so much he can do unilaterally. Phew?! 😳

    IF could trigger type 2 diabetes – in children & teenagers

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 15 UK NFD

    The show was fabulous @funshipfreddie the lead was played by Vanessa Williams ( she played the boss in Ugly Betty if you ever saw that ) the cast were fab and the costumes were amazing a real treat for mid week in a very cold grey depressing February

    I’m yo-yoing a bit this month , going to try and get back to actually losing weight in the 2nd half of the month which will be challenging as I have a few things on but I think we all know it can be done – it’s not easy just need to dig deep and say no
    Have a good Saturday all

    Day 15-No. VA USA-NFD
    I am bouncing around with @iona72, maybe we are tossing the same pounds back and forth like those old fashioned “medicine balls” they used to use in school gym classes! I had to take some prednisone for a few days for wheezing, and while it helps the wheezing, it sure helps hang on to fluid and weight!
    Oh well, back on the wagon tomorrow!
    @stitchincarol, we will miss you while you are “gone”; but don’t be too hard on yourself!
    @ccco, you are also witness to the craziness we are experiencing here. Now that “Brainworm Bobby” is in charge of our national health, I am sure we will all feel so much better…OK that slipped out, courtesy of some late night comedian. Only it isn’t so funny to me. There is an outbreak of measles in Texas in one of their most under-immunized communities. Underimmunized by choice. We are going backwards in time, in some ways.
    @brightonbelle, the show sounds like it was great. Annoying about the dental crown. I have had that happen.
    @lilymartin, I wish you would share more information about your dog! We love pet stories here! The thing I like about animals is they seem to always feel OK about how they look. (unless we dress them up in silly outfits, then sometimes they look embarrassed.). But you never see a dog feel bad that it is short, or squatty, or too thin, or raggedy. They just go on about their canine business!

    Well, the weather will be warmer, but rainy here. So off to do household activities. Have a good day, all!

    Day 15 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Same as last Saturday, but I averaged a pound lighter over last week. Unfortunately, I’m sniffling and coughing…just what I wanted…yuck

    USA. Day 15. WFD

    FUNSHIPFEEDDIE, I am glad you had a wonderful time out yesterday! I could use a day out right now but instead I am preparing for more snow!!! We will have some later today but on Thursday, we may get up to 15 inches. Spring, where are you?? Also, I agree that Trump has been challenged on many of his executive orders but I am a New Yorker and I am looking what he just did with the mayor there. A lot more pushback is needed. I live in Maryland now and our biggest work force is coming from the Federal government. These firings will be visible to all of us who live here. The tariffs already making an impact here. I am glad I ordered my new iron indoor stair railing bedfore the tariffs.

    Excelsior12309, yup and medical and scientific research is in jeapordy. I am glad I had that brai tumor. My Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon also does research and teaches at the medical school, which is typical of Johns Hopkins doctors. Hopefully, Hopkins also gets a lot of private funding. In the meantime, you and I need to stay healthy, so we don’t fall victim to this mess. Hmmm! I wonder what is going to happen to the IRS now that it is tax time???

    BrightonBelle, I messed up yesterday’s FD and put on 2 lbs. Today is my retribution. I will fix this. It was my fault! We know that yo yo-ing is not good. We can get off this trend together!👍🏻

    Day 15 North Wales NFD

    Just checking in. Hope everyone is well.

    Day 16 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @brightonbelle – of course I know Vanessa Williams. Well, not personally of course. Miss America 1984. She has a great voice too. Her biggest hit was probably ‘Save The Best For Last’.

    @excelsior12309 – ‘brainworm Bobby’ 🤣 I saw him on TV during his confirmation hearing, but I had to switch it off after about 5 minutes. I know he can’t help it, but that voice is not easy on the ear?! Apparently he has a disease called spasmodic dysphonia 😳

    @at – I just saw your updated spreadsheet; not many FDs for you yet this month?! 😅

    ccco – I hope your WFD was a success, & that you don’t have too much show to shift ❄

    @northgeorgia – feel better soon! 🤧

    I think this is always a great quote to bring to mind, especially on a fast day:-
    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons” ~ Jim Rohn

    Fab Feb – Part 2 here we go…

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍳

    Day 16-No. VA, USA-FD

    Checking in for accountability. FD is needed! I am joining @funshipfreddie today. Still raining here, so nothing to shovel; but in a few days, mass snowfall predicted. Sheesh…

    2nd Post – Day 16

    Thanks for the company, @excelsior12309 – let’s do this! 🎯

    Room for one more – @ccco..?

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍳

    Day 16 UK NFD

    Well done Sunday fasters 💪

    Determined to move off this slump , will be on the list tomorrow

    Have a good Sunday all☀️

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍳

    Day 16 NE England NFD

    I had a great time yesterday at 2 parties, I didn’t end up being the driver but I did very well resisting too much food and only had a couple of drinks. I feel very pleased with myself today!! ☺️ I’m sure many others will be nursing a headache this morning 🥴
    We have been out for a walk this morning, 9000 steps before lunch (salad). I feel like I’m heading in the right direction for the second half of the month and there is still scope to move towards the goal.
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend 👍🏼

    USA. Day 16. FD

    Just checking in!

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍳

    Have a great day!

    Day 16 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Not sure when my next FD will be. I am just trying to nurture myself back to health with lots of fluids and lower calorie, vitamin-laden foods.

    Day 17, NFD, Aus

    I’ve been MIA because we’ve been down on the south coast (New South Wales) for the last few days. It was the first time our younger dog went to the beach! We all had a wonderful time and it seems a little dull to be back home.

    I echo @excelsior1209’s comments @lilymartin. Tell us about your new puppy? Is this a working dog for the farm or a companion pet?

    Hope those who are battling winter sniffles feel better soon.

    And stick with us @stitchincarol! I’m with @funshipfreddie with this one – going solo doesnt work for me but I hope the time out works for you.

    Day 17 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Another Sunday FD accomplished 🎯 I think that was my first & last FD for this week. I’ve got a visitor arriving from NZ tomorrow, so we’ll be eating out every day; probably twice a day. I’ll most likely be doing 4:3 next week to make amends 😳

    @penz – welcome back!

    Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 💪 🎯

    “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” ~ Molière

    Pocket List – Day 17 🍋

    Day 17 UK f800

    Aiming to get in a good few day before I have a mini trip away Thursday & Friday to see FIL

    Pocket List – Day 17 🍋

    Day 17-No. VA USA-FD 800
    Well, I am checking in. Yesterday’s fast day was not really “up to code”…yes, there was bread involved, for the first time in weeks…so today is a FD 800. I know I can do that properly!

    Day 17 NZ FD

    Where has this month gone!!
    I’m back from a relaxing long weekend with two friends and Paisley the Scottie at the beach. We had a lovely time – visited old friends who live in a forest, went to the local market and cemetery, walked the river estuaries and beach, had a bike ride, got soaked by rain… I even bought a black satin jacket with overly large sleeves and a big silver zip, halfway between a Bomber and a motorcycle jacket, cropped onto the waist. So groovy with my black flares!!!
    The weather was very windy and the sky filled with grey clouds so we didn’t go swimming but moody days on the beach are exhilarating… I cooked dinner on a BBQ – not something I normally do!!!
    I relax and always eat a little too well when I’m being social… Hmmm
    Am very pleased to be doing a FD today… 😁

    @penz Dogs are so much fun at the beach. Do yours swim? Westies and Scotties dip their toes in but when you’re so low to the ground, it doesn’t take much for a wee wave to appear to be a roller!!
    @funshipfreddie Enjoy entertaining your visitor!!
    @iona72, @brightonbelle and @excelsior12309 I am in the same boat at the moment, losing the same 2kgs over and over…
    Those poor kids in Texas… Why do adults have to be so irresponsibly dumb…
    @stitchincarol I hope your break helps with your focus, although perhaps it’s not really a proper break if you’re super busy… Sending 😘
    @ccco I’m pleased for you that your house expenses are pre-tariff… You must be getting pretty fit with all that shovelling snow
    @penz I agree with @funshipfreddie. It’s managing food rather than loads of exercise that stimulates weight loss… Feeling fit does, however, make you feel good.
    It’s midnight… Bedtime!!

    Hope you are having a good day!!

    Day 17 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Feeling better… cold still lingering but a lot less coughing and runny nose. Got a packed, stressful week at work. I plan a FD today, but have learned that sinus drainage is not your friend on FDs — so just in case I start getting really queasy, I have an emergency snack pack of nuts, seeds, and wheat crackers. I’ll be refilling my water bottle many times today for sure.

    Happy Monday!

    Pocket List – Day 17 🍋

    2nd Post – Day 17

    Pocket List – Day 17 🍋
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 18 NZ NFD 69.5kg↓

    Oops, my last comment was meant to be for @lilymartin not @penz… Apologies!!
    Glad to hear you’re feeling better @northgeorgia and have a wee emergency pack of healthy snacks.
    @ccco Our capital city, Wellington has had many public servants made redundant by our current coalition government. The effect on the city has been the middle classes having to reign in their spending. The streets are quiet, the cafes and shops empty and everyone is trying to hang on and work out how to pivot…

    Have a good day everyone!!

    Day 18, FD, Aus

    My boy loves to swim but he gets a little daunted by the waves. In quiet water (think dams, lakes, rivers) he bounds through the water like a porpoise, biting at the splash he makes. My girl doesn’t quite understand the fuss but is still happy to go for a wade. What makes them both happy is wallowing in mud puddles. After rain at home, they know every spot on our usual walk routes which will have new puddles waiting for them.

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Checking in. Busy busy….

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 18 UK f800

    Just 10 days left of Fab Feb

    Back from early appointment at hairdressers ✂️ will probably spend the rest of the day attempting to catch up

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 18 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. I think I can make today a FD, despite the always-lunching coworker coming back as part of the panel for the final interviewer today, thanks to a packed day of events at work. I’ll be exhausted once I get home.

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 18 North Wales NFD

    My fasting is going well and my clothes are feeling a little looser. I have been for my pre op today. My operation is in three weeks. I have been feeling extremely stressed recently. My health, the house move and family worries have all been getting on top of me. I have decided to bow out again as I cannot commit to a daily log in. I need to concentrate on my mental health. I appreciate all your support over the last 6 months. I will keep my eye on your posts from time to time. I wish everyone well in their efforts to lose weight. Hope your Mum is ok @jaifaim I have been thinking of you xxxx

    With much love to you all ❤️

    Day 18 NE England NFD

    Quick check in while Granddaughter is napping! 💤
    Hope you are ok @molij you must look after yourself first and foremost, we will all look forward to hearing from you when you are up to it 👍🏼
    I have my 6 month blood test to monitor pre diabetes in the morning. So feeling a little apprehensive today. I hope losing 16 pounds since the last test has made a difference 🤔 my blood pressure is ok on the home kit but goes through the roof at the surgery😬I will let you know when I get the results.

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