Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

This topic contains 254 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 week, 6 days ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 249 total)

  • Day 5 NE England NFD

    I’ve had a much better eating day today, although I did have a little of my birthday chocolate! It’s been a lovely day here.

    @molij I’ve been out in the garden for an hour or so tidying up the leaves, shrubs etc it felt great to be working in the garden again at last. I even planted a tray of primroses. Then saw the weather forecast, cold spell next week.

    @brightonbelle yes white carbs used to be a big part of my life but I try to avoid now and as such, too much tends not to agree with me anymore.

    @northgeorgia hope you are feeling a little better and getting plenty of rest to recover from 5AM starts.

    @penz @funshipfreddie 19000 steps is not unusual for me so I’m not sure it will outweigh lots of white carbs but here’s hoping!

    Day 6, WFD, Aus

    I’m doing well, if I do say so myself, as I had such a big lunch yesterday that I had no dinner. That means this WFD will end up being almost 48 hours in length. Halo time!

    Sorry about the lack of warning, @stitchincarol!

    Day 6 NZ FD

    Today is Waitangi Day (which honours the treaty signed in 1840 between Māori and Queen Victoria’s representatives).
    We went for a lovely walk around one of the other volcanic cones.
    I was unusually hungry today… it’s turned into more of a CD…
    Love that WFD scenario🤣
    @funshipfreddie You’re right about the cat door but I guess people don’t make changes until something happens…
    And Yes, I love breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. I try to avoid nibbling but not tonight, Josephine…
    There’s always tomorrow…

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @stitchincarol – you have Valentine’s Day decorations?! 🤔

    @molij – I walk on the spot too, when I’ve had a particularly sedentary day. If my cat lets me. She usually thinks I want to play though, & goes for my feet. So annoying 😼 I managed 13,000 steps yesterday; the line-dancing certainly helps!

    @penz – 48 hours?! Polish that halo 😇

    @merryapple – never mind, a CD is still progress. I had something of a snack-attack too yesterday. I’ll be on my best behaviour today 💪

    It’s a cool & cloudy 20 C here. According to my phone it’s been raining for several hours. We haven’t seen a drop! 😅

    Pocket List – Day 6
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 6-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Well we dodged ice and sleet, but it is pouring down rain. Makes dog walking in the morning less amusing! I lost a pound since last week, so that is a plus.
    @iona72, I was interested in your comment about white carbs. I seem to have problem with bread, which I love, and I always felt was very digestible. Not so much for me, now, it seems. But I have no problem with rice or potatoes. I wonder if gluten is a factor; I have often felt is is made the bad guy in people’s diets, but I wonder a bit for me now. Not a massive problem, but I really like bread! And I like to make it, too.
    Have a good day, all!

    Day 6 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 239 lbs. My mom got bad news yesterday… the pain management test did not have positive results, so she is not a candidate for the procedure. Hopefully, the older injection treatments can resume and will have a better effect than they did at the end of last year.

    Pocket List – Day 6
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 6 UK f800

    Felt a bit off this morning and really felt the need for some breakfast- my first this year , I’m trying not to make a big deal over it but I thought I was a paid up member of the ZBC ! Hopefully a one off , still aiming for <800 today 💪

    I’d never heard of Valentine decorations either @funshipfreddie Please tell us more @stitchincarol 💘

    Pocket List – Day 6
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    USA. DAY 6 FD

    Pocket List – Day 6
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    At the end of the day yesterday, my FD turned into a CD. I got bored and ate some popcorn. This brand only has 37 calories per cup, so that wasn’t too bad but I wish I hadn’t done it. Today is my correction day. I thought I would be shoveling snow for exercise today but the rain already washed it all away. I am so tired anyway!

    D.C. is filled with protesters. I don’t think I have seen anything quite like this since the Vietnam War. I am glad to see people speaking their mind. My sister lives there and she has been sharing.

    Since I did all this work to my house, I seem to feel that I need to go kicking and screaming into the 21st Century! I hadn’t made it there, yet! LOL. My latest purchase is the iRobot Zoomba. This one is way different than my daughter’s and I thought I would have to rally the troops to put it together, combine it with my wifi on my phone and make it work. I am proud of myself. I did it myself!! Anyway, this thing talks!! LOL It got stuck under a table and told me “I need help”! It’s hysterical. There is another part I can buy that would enable me to talk to it, instead of pushing buttons. I got it from Amazon in an amazing deal that I didn’t think I could pass up! I am not lazy but at 74 years old, I thought I could use some help!! What I really want is a robot that can cook, clean, drive a car, and talk. I have watched episodes of “60 Minutes” where they were highlighting the worldwide developments os such robots. I can’t wait! 😊👍🏻

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I woke up with post-nasal drip this morning and am very grumpy at the idea of getting worse. I’ll take an allergy pill and pray that does the trick.

    My valentine’s day decorations all started with a table runner I made for a special Valentine’s Day dinner (I used to make something special every year when the kids were little), and now include some cool candle holders; I’ll take a picture of that also…someday, LOL!

    It’s a busy day, so must race. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 6
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 6 North Wales FD

    Just checking in

    Pocket List – Day 6
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 6 NE England IF 17:7

    Childminding today so plenty of activity, and we’ve got 4 full days of it coming up from Saturday, I’m going to be exhausted!
    No Valentine decor here in the UK either…. however I like the idea👍🏼

    @excelsior12309 I think when eating white bread regularly the effects are not so noticeable, but only now and then means the digestive system struggles with it somewhat, research required!! Hope everyone has a great Friday, the weekend is nearly here 🍷 😉

    Day 7, PFDS, Aus

    Feeling very good today and another half kilo down so my wayward vino excess this week had not lasting effect.

    I had to laugh at your new Roomba @ccco. A friend of mine has called hers Voldemort because she loves having Voldemort ask her for help! We’ve got a robovac (different brand) and it is fabulous to keep the dog hair under control. Still doesn’t negate the need for a good vacuum but for day to day cleanliness I couldn’t live without it.

    Happy Fri-yay everyone!

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.9 kg

    Yesterday was a bit of a struggle, I just wasn’t in the mood for a FD. But I persevered & it actually got easier as the day went on. After a small evening meal & an early night it was a breeze 💪 It was nice to see a long pocket list – maybe the longest so far this year?!

    @stitchincarol – I hope you manage to shake that off quickly! 🤧

    @brightonbelle – I hope you’re feeling perkier too. But I think the last thing on my mind would be food if I wasn’t feeling so great 🤔

    @ccco – it sounds like you’re having fun with your new gadget 😅 I didn’t see anything on the news about the DC protesters, but I can imagine!

    @merryapple – look at you?! In the 68’s again 🎯 There was a brief news clip during our local news program about the Waitangi Day celebrations

    I wish they’d make their minds up. One minute ‘sitting is the new smoking’, & now it’s good for us. But if this is true, I’m afraid I might live forever?!🤔 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14370619/Being-couch-potato-add-extra-TEN-YEARS-life-Experts-warn-gym-buffs-not-overdo-instead-good-sit-sofa.html

    Off for lunch later at Kaffeine – for the last time ever. It’s a shame, because there’s a nice crowd of regulars there, the staff are friendly & there’s a very homely atmosphere. The owner/leaseholder (who is never there) hasn’t been paying the rent though, & she gave her 4 loyal staff members 14 days’ notice two weeks ago. One of them has worked there since she left school 24 years ago. I feel really bad for them. I just hope whoever takes the place over can employ them. I heard it’s going to become a burger place – Crave Burger – so I don’t think it’s going to appeal to the current regulars.

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 7 UK CD

    Wow a 1/4 through the month already

    I’m loving the robot vacuum tales 🤖

    Your decorations sound very tasteful @stitchincarol , for some reason when you first mentioned them I was imagining a Cupid themed grotto 😂

    Shame about the Kaffeine @funshipfreddie , let’s hope it’s replaced by something even lovelier 🤞

    Right off to do a bit of yoga and try and get in a positive mood – the scales aren’t budging and this is when I get frustrated, but I want to hold steady and stay on track 💪

    Have a good one all

    USA. Day 7 FD

    Pocket List Day 7


    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I was able to read that article. It’s a very good one and suits me right now. By this time of year, the weather seems to have made me have no energy and I find myself tired all the time, so resting being favorable might be helpful to me. I gearing up for a week of snow shoveling, though. I don’t know where all this precipitation is coming from and I am not happy with it. 🙁

    I can’t wait until phase 2 of my house renovations begin. This will include a new staircase bannister made of black iron, new wood floors on the first floor, and the entire interior being repainted. It is really exciting to do all this and a whole of fun but I need to stop buying all these gadgets! LOL I also bought a Swiffer to wash all my bathroom and kitchen floors. It is so simple to use. I don’t know what kept me from upgrading for so long. Sometimes old school isn’t better!

    Have a great day, everyone! 👍🏻

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 153.8

    Yesterday’s WF went fine, and it took a long time this morning to remember I’d not eaten since Wednesday–I love that my body isn’t interested in food first thing in the morning. Over the years, I’ve eaten lunch sometimes as early as 11 and sometimes not until noon, or even later, and I’m working at always waiting until noon these days. I think gaining strict control of when I break my fast will help with strict control of when I eat the rest of the day.

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, that’s an astonishing article. I spend a lot of time on the sofa, sometimes because I’m being lazy, and sometimes because I’m busy on my laptop, and I never feel good about it. But the work I do on my laptop needs doing. So I guess I’ll simply do what I do, continue to work to lose more weight since I’m sure that will also be good for my body, and call it all good. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @ccco I fully understand your excitement about the renovations you’re doing to your home; they all sound lovely!

    @brightonbelle Years ago, I read an article about people on WW who weren’t losing weight; the suggestion was that on one or two days a week, you ate a LOT. Now, they didn’t mean donuts and candybars, but healthy food stuff–a larger steak than usual, more mashed potatoes, a huge salad. You get the idea. Then on the other days of the week you limited your food according to the current WW protocols. I wonder if that would help you? And I also have a vague memory that perhaps Dr. Jason Fung said something to that effect in The Obesity Code. @funshipfreddie, do you remember anything of that sort?

    @penz Well done on achieving PFDS!! Enjoy your pizza and red wine tonight. ❤️

    @northgeorgia Sorry to hear the difficulties your mom is having with managing her pain. Have you told us the circumstances of her difficulties/pain?

    I drive to Grand Island this afteroon for a wives of pastors retreat (two hours away, and that description always sounds as if bigamy is involved…) and I don’t get home until suppertime tomorrow, and then Sunday is the Super Bowl with a few friends coming over, so I won’t be back here until Monday, but on my list to do this morning is post some photos. 😇 Oh, and the sister who visited us over Christmas is having medical issues (she keeps falling, and her confusion is getting worse, and, and, and), so our sister zoom call today will be all about hearing what her doctor said. So it’s all a combination of cheerful and fun and worrisome. Deep breaths and faith…

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    I chose the fabric to match the candle holders (they actually hold tea lights best of all) but the fabric wasn’t as close a match as I wanted, and the dark candles look bad against the table runner. Oh well.


    Front and back of baby quilt:

    And the t shirt quilt with the binding about half sewn down:

    And that’s my show and tell for February. 😇❤️😂

    USA. Day 7. FD
    Second Post

    Stitchincarol, I just checked out the 3 sites you posted above. Everything is lovely. You certainly make some very nice things. 👍🏻

    My FD went well and my kitchen is closed. I was reading what stitchincarol wrote about the timing of her meals. I am trying to do something similar. I read an article in AARP today about someone who lost 100 lbs in a year eating one meal a day. I would like to aim for that. Lately,I have been experiencing hunger, even after I’ve eaten. I think it might be because of medicine I have to take. Knowing that, I think I will be able to conquer the hunger. It’s definitely worth a try!

    Good night, everyone! I need my rest for the upcoming snow! 🙁

    Day 7 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all and happy Friday.

    It’s not been a great week for posting but I’m not doing too badly but I have not weighed this week.

    I am travelling to mum this weekend so won’t weigh there either so I feel I might just continue with not weighing as long as I can and we’ll see if I can resist the temptation for February. Thinking of it.. mum was always trim and I don’t remember there ever being scales in the house. They really didn’t snack the way we do.

    We are hoping to clear more rooms in the house this weekend as there is so much there…

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – I had the weirdest dream last night?! I was playing golf with you & your DH, + a couple of other people. I’ve never played golf in my life 🤷
    I don’t remember Jason Fung saying anything about eating more on certain days, other than advocating fasting. He sums up the book with – 1. Reduce your consumption of added sugars. 2. Reduce your consumption of refined grains. 3. Moderate your protein intake. 4. Increase your consumption of natural fats. 5. Increase your consumption of fibre & vinegar. Then he says, “There is one more piece of the puzzle…” which leads to the final chapter about when to eat & fasting. Enjoy your retreat & the Super Bowl.

    @ccco – I hope you don’t have to shift too much snow! ❄

    @jaifaim – I don’t remember having scales at home either. Weight just wasn’t something that was discussed. No eating between meals either though, apart from an occasional biscuit. And I remember only one classmate who was overweight. Enjoy the time with your mum

    I’d love to know who sponsored this study. 3500 cals per day?! Who would need that many, unless they were deliberately trying to gain weight? On a high-fat/low-carb diet there’s no way you’d need so many, and no-one needs 3 meals + two snacks..

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 8 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday! It’s going to be a cracker here… ☀️ beautifully bright but cold – the weather I love.

    I had forgotten to post my post yesterday so it’s starting off as a patchy February but I’ll fall into a good flow next week after this busy weekend.

    @funshipfreddie oh what a funny dream 😂😂 Thank you, this weekend will be special.

    @ccco stay safe and warm 👍

    @stitchincarol you are so very multi talented 👏 I am so sorry to hear about your sister but I hope you have a lovely time at Grand Island – it sounds fancy 😀

    @brightonbelle wow you are right 1/4 through.. that is crazy but good.. January was way too long for me!

    @penz great to hear you are feeling good – the most important!

    @iona72 I’m sending you lots of energy – what fun but you are right you will be exhausted!

    @excelsior12309 sorry to hear you are struggling with bread…you will anticipate what I’ll guess which is that gluten could well be the issue for you … for me it categorically is the bad guy and realise the signs were there way before I realised it… no gut issues… more like gluten ataxia. It is off all menus for me now. It’s easier than you might think. But…. As I also love bread pastries Guinness etc there are some really really tough moments.

    Happy belated Waitangi Day @merryapple 🇳🇿♥️🇳🇿

    Have a lovely day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Love the pics @stitchincarol and yes there’s so much advice out there it’s difficult to know which one to follow , I’m just aiming to stay firm . I think there’s around 3 to 4 day lag between what I eat and a reaction on the scales , hopefully just knowing that might keep me on track

    Ha ha great dream @funshipfreddie – I’ve had some crackers recently that only come back to me later in the day and I have to stop and think did that happen or did I dream 😴it

    Hope your weekend goes well @jaifaim . Both my sons and husband are Guinness fans , weirdly it’s having a massive surge over here and some places have to ration it !!

    Big Rugby day for me today Hope your weekend goes all have a great time doing something enjoyable

    Day 7 and 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in (both days): 237 lbs. I’m going back to some things I’ve gotten lax on: NO FOOD AFTER 8 PM unless it’s a work or social event that can’t be helped. My reflux returned last year sometime and really got bad again. I have a feeling some of my health situations may start to improve by just following that rule. Someone at work said to plan your last meal to end by 7 p.m. (6 is better, but probably impossible with my work schedule) but absolutely nothing after 8. And I want to go lighter on the evening meal, too. I usually skip lunch, but that might be making me ridiculously ravenous. I think my mom may be onboard with that herself…

    Speaking of whom, over the past four or five years, she’s just been getting progressive knee pain, and has torn meniscus as of early last year … one of her knees has really given her fits since last autumn. We were hoping she’d be a candidate for the nerve-deadening procedure, but the test did not yield any major positive results, so the procedure will not be done. She’s disappointed, to say the least. Hopefully, she can resume the injections that offered some relief last year (until last fall, they worked very well) and they will resume having some level of effectiveness. The doctor would prefer not to attempt knee replacement unless absolutely no alternatives remain, which tells me they might be worried about complications.

    USA. Day 8. FD

    Good day, everyone!

    I finally found out why I am not losing the weight I should be with all this fasting and I am very disappointed. I think I really need to pay more attention to myself and stop passing off everything as getting old. I did that and found out I had a brain tumor. Now I am blaming myself for something new. I have quite a list of side effects from a medication I take, including increased hunger, swollen fact and limbs, fatigue (even though I have always been a high energy person), and numerous others. The hunger has been extreme and I have been trying so hard to control it. At least I know there is a reason for all of this beyond myself. I printed out all my side effects and will show them to my doctor in two weeks when I see him. The problem is they have had a hard time for drugs that work on me. There’s always something but I am doubling down on the weight problem but I can’t control the swelling. Hmmm!

    NorthGeorgia, it sounds like your mother has something similar to what I have wrong with my knees. My right knee doesn’t bend anymore and the knee dislocates, even when I swing a golf club. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get those pain killing shots because of my brain tumor. Those doctors said that could cause my brain to bleed. At the time I found out I had the tumor, I also learned I had frozen shoulder. My mother had that. I couldn’t have medicine for that either, but physical therapy helped me greatly and I regained the full range of that joint. It’s permanent damage from aging (thickening cartilage and tendons), so it will be something I have to work out for the rest of my life to keep my range of motion, but I think it’s worth it. I do the PT exercises for both my shoulder and my knees at home most days and it helps. Maybe that’s a route your mother can take. It might help. I wish her well. As the saying goes, getting older takes courage

    NorthGeorgia, it looks like you are coming up with a plan.

    BrightonBelle, good luck to your rugby team today! Tomorrow we have our biggest football game. It looks like it is going to be quite something and the security for it is out of this world. I wish the world didn’t need such things as that.

    Excelsior12309, I had trouble refusing bread at one time. I couldn’t get enough of it. Interestingly, some years ago when I decided to swear off white flour, that also meant bread to which I was highly addicted to, but I finally succeeded. I not only don’t eat white flour or white bread, I stopped liking it. I enjoy multigrain bread and no long crave the white bread. I don’t even like it anymore. I gave up sugar, salt, but white flour was really hard for me but I succeeded. Good luck with bread.

    Thank you, everyone. I am not looking forward to all the snow but at least I claim the shoveling as exercise! LOL

    Day 9 NZ NFD 69.4kg⬇️🌴🏃🏼‍♀️🚴‍♀️

    Like @jaifaim I forgot to post a post…
    I’m disappearing soon for a bush walk so this will be quick!!
    February is the best month weather wise for holidays… still, dry, warm… 🤞🙂
    We have beautiful summer fruit everywhere. I’m limiting myself to 2 per day which usually means 3!! I don’t need to bottle or make jam because I haven’t eaten up last years. However I could do with making relish for ploughman’s sandwiches (sourdough, cheese, relish😋)
    Enjoy your Sundays where ever you are!!

    Day 9, NFD, Aus

    I’ll be watching the Superbowl tomorrow (Monday 10 am on the eastern side of Australia). It’s fun to be able to watch it – normally I’d be at work! 🙂

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @ccco – oh no? I hope you can find an alternative medication that doesn’t increase your hunger.

    @brightonbelle – ooh, that was a close one! 26 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇫🇷 25?! 🏉

    The world really has gone mad. No apples for this teacher then. Maybe a saucer of milk..? 😹

    Planning on a first-rate FD today 💪

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 9 🥚

    Day 9 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all, just checking in. @ccco so sorry to hear you are suffering from side effects with the medication.

    Happy FD @funshipfreddie 🌟

    Have a lovely day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    USA. DAY 9. FD

    Pocket List – Day 9 🥚

    Just lost my post and doing a redo, so will keep this short.

    I just read Funshipfreddie’s article (that’s how I lost my post! LOL). Very strange. I would not want a teacher like that teaching my child. Even if that is how she thinks she is keeping the children’s attention, it is over the line.

    I am working out a system that might help me with the “hunger” side effect. I don’t see my doctor until the end of the month but I made a list of my side effects and hope there will be some help for me. I will not let my hunger get in my way but it answers the question of why I am so hungry all the time, even right after I just ate.

    Have a great day, everyone, and have fun watching the Super Bowl. I looks like it is going to be a spectacle this year!

    Day 9 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Hey, sorry if I burst any bubbles, but I would kind of be wary of anything in the “Daily Mail.” I mean in the article, they can’t even be bothered to print the name of the teacher in question, which is one of the basic tenets of professional journalism. Being a former teacher myself, I suspect the “shocking video” was nothing more than a fun fancy-dress or Halloween type event at the school that was just a bit of fun for a day, and has been taken out of context and given a life of its own in yellow journalism and on social media. The end of the article is a flag for me… who is giving out “lollies” (sweets) at that age level in class, unless it is for a special event day?

    I wish I could have a lolly today, from a cat-woman or otherwise, but it is a FD, and I desperately need a good one to start off this week. I must be insane on the most widely-approved snack day of the year in the U.S., but I’m not a big American football fan, so I think I’ll be fine. Is it Super Bowl or SuperB owl? https://www.npr.org/2025/02/06/nx-s1-5285704/superb-owl-super-bowl-reddit-meme 🙂

    Day 9 UK NFD

    Well done Sunday fasters 👏

    Ha ha I’d be wary of anything the Daily Mail posts they are not known for their high journalistic principles @northgeorgia

    Have a great Sunday all , I’ll be back on the waggon tomorrow

    Pocket List – Day 9 🥚

    2nd Post – Day 9

    Pocket List – Day 9 🥚

    Day 9 North Wales NFD

    Wish I had more time to post, I am really envious of all of you that manage to post each day. We have been battling rats and Moles both of whom are having a field day where we live. We have also had a leaky roof.

    Love the sewing @stitchincarol you are very talented. I have been sewing today.

    I agree with the Daily Mail comments. Many people hate the Daily Mail in the UK. We call it the Daily Fail.

    Hope you feel better soon @ccco and they manage to sort out your tablets.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend xx

    Day 10 NZ FD 69kg⬇️ 🏃🏼‍♀️🌋

    What a big walk y’day – 1/2 an hr down hill then 2 hrs mostly steep uphill to get over a ridge. Paisley the Scottie was a wee trouper!!
    A big digger was dropped off on a site two houses away and I can hear the workmen getting organised… We’re on volcanic soil so the vibrations and noise really carry… They don’t have to notify neighbours now so we don’t know what they’re building but will probably fill up the site with multi-storey townhouses. There is so much crap being built now because of a housing shortage and developers don’t need sign-off the way they used to. Chances are no architects are involved and the site will be maxed out with no space for gardens… I might sound gloomy but that’s our reality in this city.
    I’m off to join the doggie pack and walk up Mt Eden.
    Have a good day!!

    Pocket List

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kg

    @northgeorgia – no, it’s true, every word! I’m just relieved to know that Cat Woman is alive & well & keeping herself busy down under 🤣 But you’re right – I know The UK Mail hasn’t exactly got a stellar reputation. But it’s free, entertaining & harmless, so long as you read between the lines & don’t take it all literally. I hope your Sunday FD was as easy as mine.

    @molij – rats & moles?! A meerkat tried to get in here the other day. Boo Boo was half-asleep on my lap at the time while I was on my laptop. But she suddenly shot off like a bullet. Luckily the meerkat was faster, & I doubt he’ll make that mistake again 😅

    @merryapple – I can empathise with your building situation. We’ve also got construction going on next door to our retirement village. The student village is being expanded to accommodate a couple of thousand students instead of the current few hundred. Nelson Mandela University is just down the road from us, & has around 30,000 students. This academic year they had 189,000 applicants for 7500 places!

    Wishing everyone a good, RESOLVED week! 💪

    Pocket List – Day 10
    @brightonbelle – FD800

    Day 10 UK f800

    Right back on the straight & narrow to try and reverse my weekend , I’m really going to get a better plan in place for next weekend

    Eeugh ! Rats Moles Meerkats , you lot are fearsome I’m not sure I’d be able to cope

    Pocket List – Day 10
    @brightonbelle – FD800

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Well, I guess you can tell from the weigh-in, my FD was ruined yesterday…my mom wanted to use up her “birthday coupons” from various restaurants, but I didn’t overdo at the places she visited. However, I did manage to keep my eating window between 12 and 7:30, so I only gained a pound. Ironically, today is a NFD, but I’m treating it as a FD. I suspect I may be invited to dinner tonight as several colleagues from around the state are coming to one of our branch campuses for a meeting. But, there’s a slim chance that won’t happen — so it may end up opposite from yesterday: instead of a ruined FD, I might convert today’s NFD into a FD.

    Day 10 NE England NFD

    Wet, cold and miserable here today. Not going to get as much walking as I would like, we are travelling to see the youngest Granddaughter today.
    Scale is up and down the same one pound. I am determined to get the downward momentum going again.

    @funshipfreddie I wouldn’t even waste my time looking at the Daily Fail!!

    @northgeorgia No eating after 8pm is my rule too but I try for 6:30, I certainly feel better for it.
    @ccco I hope you find a resolution to the side effects, sounds awful.
    @molij A lot to deal with, we get rats in the garden too but never been troubled by moles.
    @merryapple How I wish it were summer here now.

    USA. Day 10 WFD

    Pocket List – Day 10
    @brightonbelle – FD800
    @ccco WFD

    Today is the beginning of my new plan. Every Monday for awhile will be a
    WFD. Each day after that will go up a meal until I reach 3 meals. Then I will revert to 1 meal again until I reach 3 meals on Sunday. Monday will be 0 meals again. I am hoping this will relieve my side effects until I see my doctor at the end of the month.

    Meerkat? I don’t even know what that is! LOL

    It’s cold here but not miserable. We are on a Winter weather alert again. This has been quite a snowy Winter. I am eager for Spring. You all are having chances to take walks but here it is way too cold for me to do that. Two things I wish I could do are running and biking but I guess I got a little too old for both. Brisk walks take their place. Still fun, though!

    Have a great day!

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Our super bowl party yesterday was fun, thankfully, since the game was so heartbreaking for the Chiefs fans all eight of us who were here are. I had two beers, which is acceptable as far as total alcohol, but it sure shows up on the scale the next morning in a way that two glasses of wine don’t! Oh well; it’ll come off again, and I was so busy preparing food, tidying everything obsessively, and playing hostess, that I ended up eating very little, relatively speaking.

    @funshipfreddie Too, too funny about your dream of playing golf with DH and me–we neither of us play, either, LOL!

    @jaifaim The retreat wasn’t the least bit fancy (it was in a church fellowship hall), but it was lovely to see women I know and seldom see. My GF son says he’s heard that Guinness can be okay for those with sensitivities, but that’s not been his experience. Have you heard the same thing?

    @northgeorgia What a shame about your mom’s knee problems. ☹️

    @penz I thought of you multiple times during the game; I hope you’re an Eagles fan, because you will have thoroughly enjoyed it, LOL!

    Thanks for all the compliments; I do like to sew/knit/stitch…

    I’m off to the doctor in an hour; my post-nasal drip has turned into a whallop of a sore throat, and now I have the addition of very little voice, so we’ll see if there’s any magic medicine available.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 10 WFD
    Second Post

    The Super Bowl was great last night. I had to lean toward the Eagles because I know one of the players. He graduated from my son’s school. So far, before this young man came on board, my son’s school has produced three other Eagles’ players in the past. I did feel sorry for the Chiefs and didn’t quite understand what happened to them but the Eagles achieved their second Super Bowl win.

    Happily, my WFD is still going well! 👍🏻😊

    Day 11 country west Australia 84.0 kgs !! CD
    Time to get very serious – possible heart problems 😲😱
    I find that I can only have FDs and CDs.
    If I don’t keep my NFDs to CDs and stick to my TDEE ( Total Daily Energy Expenditure ) then it negates my FDs.
    I have to lose 10 kgs fairly quickly ( yes the SAME 10 kgs that have been hanging around since forever), cut red meat and processed meat, less UPF ( which I hardly ever consume so that is easy ) but being a carnivore who adores carbs it will be a challenging 6 weeks.
    Hi to everyone and happy days with wherever you are on the 5:2 journey.
    Back to basics for me ….

    USA. Day 10 WFD

    Lilymartin, I wish you well with your endeavor to stay healthy. It will be a challenge but you can do this. I am doing a similar thing to eliminate edema, although no one knows why I have it. 😕

    Day 11, NFD, Aus

    I did enjoy the Superbowl but it was disappointingly one-sided. The Chiefs who played in the 4th quarter (what about that TD pass!!) were definitely a different team who started the game. Oh well, there’s always next year!

    I was going to do an OMAD today (given that I ate nachos and chicken wings yesterday and what would otherwise be a FD) but my tummy was growling so much I ended up having lunch at 10 am. So much for my usual ZBC state!

    GL with your new eating plan @ccco. It sounds challenging, but you’ve got the right focus and motivation to succeed.

    No meerkats in this part of the world but plenty of Skippys around on our morning walk to tempt the dogs today…

    Day 11 UK f800

    Hi all , another quiet start but let aim for a good day, can’t see anyone else on the list but hoping for some company

    Pocket List Day 11🦵

    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Well, got invited to lunch instead of dinner, so I did end up having a heavier lunch and a light dinner. No eating after 8, still! Down about half a pound this morning. I have a lunch meeting today, so I’m doing a ZBC and plan to either skip dinner or have something very light. @iona72 I would love to stop at 6:30, but some days I don’t even arrive home until that time — however, I am trying to stop the main meal by 7, and if I keep it up, will try to move up my absolute cut-off time 🙂

    USA. Day 11. FD

    Don’t worry, BrightonBelle! I am here! 😊

    Pocket List Day 11🦵

    I think I have to work carefully at those WFDs because, although I drank lots of fluids, I still felt nauseous. Hopefully, that will eventually go away! 🙂

    I have hope this will work for my edema. I guess I might need to give it a few weeks but the salt is definitely gone!

    Penz, I felt bad for the Chiefs, too. Kelce looks so dejected when thet lost, as did Mahomey. Anyway, I knew one of the Eagles’s young players and not only was this his first Super Bowl but it was his first year playing in the Eagles front team. I am so glad he that chance and now can boast a Super Bowl ring at only 25 years old. Quite an accomplishment!

    NorthGeorgia, 7 seems to be a good time to stop, too. If possible, I wouldn’t go later. I read an excellent article about how our bodies deal with later eating through the night. I would have shared that article here but I don’t really know how to do that! 🤨

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I am waiting for our snow to start. It seems I am always waiting for snow to start! LOL

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – don’t know

    I have strep, am almost no longer contagious since it’s almost been 24 hours, and it was never awful the way strep can be since it was caught early, but I’m tired, so have cancelled piano lessons today. So can I do a WF at home? No idea. And I don’t plan to feel guilty about any eating choices I make today. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    We have snow on the ground. Not much, but it’s snow, and it’s the most we’ve had this winter. But actual snowfall is forecast, starting tonight, with anywhere from 3 to 7 inches forecast. Consider: Feb 11 and it’s the first measureable snow all winter. Amazing. And terrifying, too, since we need snowpack for healthy plants.

    Have a grand one, everyone.

    Day 11 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Some busy and tough days here this week. I have not got back to my place since Friday as I am still with mum who deteriorated over the werkend.

    Just staying close as the doctor and care team who visited feel mum may not rally this time so I have been trying to work here while keeping a close eye.

    Goodnight all and catch up tomorrow… or later today as it’s so late…

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12, FD, Aus

    Such sad news about your mum @jaifaim. How lucky that you are there with her and I hope the care team are wrong about her ability to rally back.

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