Experiencing unpleasant side effects

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I started on the diet yesterday, and made it a fast day. I woke up this morning feeling very sick, cold and sweaty, and I still don’t feel right (it’s 5.0pm) Has anyone else felt like this, or am I being unrealistic? I am 74 years old and wonder if there are other older souls who could answer this one. Yvette.

    Possibly keto flu (if it’s not real flu). Your body reacted to the sudden loss of carbs. The other things to check ( from my experience of recently starting) are potassium and protein.

    I had keto flu and so started my fasting days with porridge (rolled or steel cut oats). That helped, and it was gone after a few fast days. Potassium would be raisins, green leafy veg – spinach is good. Protein is, um, protein. You need 40 g per day, as I found out by not having half that…


    I doubt it’s keto flu as your body has 24 hours of glycogen stores to use before you go into ketosis.

    It takes a while for the body to get used to fasting. The first thing to consider is whether you drank enough. We get the majority of fluid we need from our food so it is very important to drink sufficient fluid on a fast day. I would suggest at least six glasses per day above what you normally drink.
    If I don’t feel right on a fast day or the morning after, I find a pinch of salt washed down with a glass of water invariably works.

    I hope you feel better after the next FD. Our bodies are very adaptable and much better at coping with an unexpected lack of food than we might think.

    Good luck.

    Hi Yvette, I’m in my 60s and have been doing 5:2 for over 3 years. I agree with Fastingme, check dehydration first, even being slightly dehydrated feels awful.
    Brothy soup is a great way to rehydrate as it is full of electrolytes as well as water.

    She means me 😆

    Hi Cinque 🙂

    Lol oops! 🙄 Yes, I meant you Amazon. 😘


    Thanks for quoting me, Cinque….even if it was meant for Amazon!! At least you spelled my name right — isn’t that what they say about public mention you didn’t ask for?

    How are you today, Yvette? Drinking water or tea also helps keep us from eating too much on Slow Days as well as on Fast Days.

    Thank you very much for a most helpful reply. I shall be starting my next fast day with a bowl of porridge ( but minus the usual large dollop of honey or horror of horrors golden syrup!) Instead I think I shall sprinkle some cinnamon on it and add a few raisins. Do you make your porridge with milk or water, at present I would be doing half each of semi skimmed milk and water? I do keep forgetting to drink enough, so must put that right.

    Thank you for your helpful reply, I have now bought a packet of miso soup which I think could pass as a brothy soup.
    I am interested to hear that you have been doing this for some years, I am not sure that I have that sort of dedication. We will see!!
    I am on my second fast day and hope I will feel a lot better tomorrow than I did on Tuesday after the first fast. I am finding it all a great challenge, and have to remind myself why I am doing it in the first place.
    My dear old Dad who died many years ago, said to me ( aged about 11), ‘ you know my dear, you have the thighs to make an excellent prop forward.’ I must now try to rid myself of this thought after 63 years of obsessing about it!!

    Hi Yvette,

    When I have porridge I always make it with water and a pinch of salt and add a splash of cold milk when I’m about to eat it.
    Calorie wise you might find there are less calories in a spoonful of honey than a spoonful of raisins and as dried fruit contains a lot of sugar it wouldn’t make a lot of difference.

    Not drinking enough is bad news if you are fasting and I can’t emphasise how important it is to get yourself into the habit of taking more fluids. It also helps to avoid constipation.

    There are many people on this sire who’ve been following 5:2 for a long time and that’s because it works and becomes a way of life.
    I first began 5:2 over 5 years ago and lost 42lbs then went on a long holiday and put half of it back on. Almost a year later I started again and got to 68lbs less than when I first started. I’ve spent a fair amount of time going round in circles regaining a few pounds and then losing and regaining and I never reached my goal weight. At present I’m on a mission to finally get there.

    After spending most of my adult life overweight/obese I’ve finally found something that works and when I exercise sufficient willpower it is surprisingly easy. The problem is that life sometimes gets in the way and willpower occasionally disappears without warning. That said I’m slimmer than I’ve been since my 30s and am fitter and healthier so it is worth the effort.

    Hi Yvette

    I’m also of the ‘water and salt’ porridge eating fraternity. I agree with @amazon that raisins are very high sugar – but they have a much lower GI, contain potassium and some iron plus some other minerals. They’re considered a good sugar/ honey swap because they’re one of the healthiest sweet foods.

    On a fast day I would limit them to about 15g or half an ounce, which is about 44 calories( a bit less than a tablespoon full, or about twenty raisins). That should be enough to sweeten the porridge, especially with cinnamon.

    As well as Miso soup, try cups of warm or hot water – a lot of people say they help.

    Hello Amazon. I just want to thank you for your extremely encouraging post, especially telling us about the yo-yoing(?!)
    I am confused about how sensible or not I should be on non fast days. Yesterday I ate 9 Nairns oat biscuits – ginger flavour, which I now regret – of course; biscuits are my downfall. I obviously ate other things such as a very rich risotto, and consequently decided not to visit the scales today!
    I am now on my 6th day, and don’t feel that I take NFDays seriously. I have read the Fast Diet and not a lot is said about those days, thus giving me ‘permission’ to revert to my normal behaviour. Any thoughts ? Yvette.

    The advice is “eat normally” on NFDs but what those of us who are overweight/obese consider normal is what got us in the position in the first place!

    The first thing to do is to go to the resources tab at the top of the page and work out your TDEE which is the number of calories you should not exceed. Use sedentary for exercise level and enter your goal weight rather than what you weigh now. You’ll probably be shocked at how low the number is and even more so if you do the second thing I suggest which is to weigh and measure ie calorie count every single thing you eat for 2 weeks. It is a very sobering exercise but the most helpful thing to do as you’ll find yourself confronted with all the reasons why you’ve gained weight

    As for biscuits, I don’t buy them as I find it impossible to eat less than half a packet. They are 100% indulgence and have no benefit other than feeding the snack/sugar habit but the downfall is they make one feel more hungry a couple of hours after the sugar rush has subsided.
    On the whole it is best to avoid processed carbs but we are human and all like to indulge occasionally and if we don’t it can be miserable so balance is the answer.

    Suggestion number three is no snacking. Eat only at mealtimes and do so sat at the table not on the sofa in front of the TV, and do nothing else unless you are sharing your meal with someone and chatting. Pay attention to every mouthful, eat slowly.

    If I snack which is for no reason other than temptation, and once I start I find it difficult to stop so I try very hard not to do so.
    Having said that, I live alone so it is entirely my choice of what I store in my larder.
    If I’m on holiday or it is a special occasion I’ll indulge but try to limit it to things I don’t usually eat or can’t get at home, such a local delicacies or ice cream which IMHO should only be eaten outdoors on a hot day, preferably at the seaside.

    I love cake either homemade or good quality and if I indulge, it is my lunch. I have a friend I visit every summer and we go out every day and lunch is often a cream tea or a slice of cake and I usually manage to return home without too much excess baggage.

    There is no reason why you cannot negotiate the pitfalls associated with changing your diet to a healthier one and losing and keeping off the weight, but it requires some dedication.

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