Exercise on fasting days

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi I am 10-11 weeks in with 14lbs off and motivated. I played sport for years and would have traditionally loaded up with pasta etc prior to matches. Well feeling good and getting used to how my body was feeling on fast days I experimented with playing my 5-a-side on a fast day. I put my normal routine in place which consists of fruit, water and black coffee until after work, had a 450 cal meal at five thirty then played 5-a-side from 8 To 9pm. Energy in abundance!!!! No problem for the hour in fact it is common for some players to struggle with digestion when playing sport too soon after a meal, all those problems were gone. Not only that but strangely the exercise took my mind of the hunger which I sometimes struggle with late in the day. So my advice is just go for it you will be amazed how good you feel. Ps I am just a normal bloke

    Hi I also have increased my exercise programme since starting the 5:2. and can easily do gym routine for 45minutes and then swim 250mts to finish off. I have more energy and better mobility since staring the diet, on non fast days I can swim 1Km which for a 65year old with 2 full knee replacements thrills me to bits

    I agree totally…. I also believe the best time to shed your fat is to exercise the morning after a fast day…. but before eating. If you have fasted successfully the previous day then you should have completely depleted your glycogen stores (the energy you receive from sugars of which carbs are a form). Exercising the next day will have you burning your fat as its primary source of fuel in no time – a process known as ketosis. I also find, as an added benefit, that my first meal of the day after all this is generally smaller and healthier.
    Due to shift work I can’t always do this but have certainly noticed that my weight loss during these weeks has been better and more consistent!
    Im writing a blog if interested… http://www.richjohnson29.wordpress.com

    Hi all,
    I also have increased my exercise recently and find I can do much harder workouts such as Bodycombat for an hour on a FD better than non FD. I wasn’t sure at first as I could go into deficit calories however all seems to be fine! Feeling much better for it too!

    I didn’t initially change my exercise level or habits at all on 5:2. I continued to swim for 1 hour 1-2 times per week for the first 18months on the lifestyle (although after a while I did switch my fastdays from non-swimming days to swimming days). This past year I have upped my exercise exponentially and tend to do most of my high intensity workouts (Body Combat, Box Fit) on fastdays (maybe with a session in the pool of 2-3K to follow) and leave gentler exercise classes (Yoga & Pilates) for non-fastdays.

    It isn’t helping me lose weight at all (extra exercise never does for me) but I’ve improved my tone in the past year and am MUCH fitter than I’ve ever been. My stroke and speed has increased in the pool to the point where I can almost do 3k in an hour at full pelt and although Body Combat does get my heartrate up, I don’t break as much of a sweat over it as I did a few months ago.

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