Excited about this new lifestyle!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jayneyb69 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Today’s my 2nd fast day and I’m excited to find this forum! I’ve struggled with weight all of my life and finally lost 70lbs (yes, I’m American!) in early 2015, only to be diagnosed with cancer that May. I’m almost on the other side of it and cancer-free, but somehow gained back 35lbs, and am having “chemo-brain”, memory and cognitive issues. I’m already feeling clearer and “lighter”. I figure I’ll get this first week under my belt and add exercise next week. Any tips or suggestions? And so nice to connect with all of you.

    Hi Jane,
    Interested to read your post as I too have quite a lot of weight to lose and I too have just finished a year of cancer treatment after being diagnosed in June 2015 with breast cancer. The treatment also made me gain weight. Funny really when you hear the word cancer you have visions of loosing lots of weight and looking gaunt, but chemo and steroids put paid to that. I ate like a pac man whilst on steroids.

    I am in my first week and today is my 2nd FD, so far so good.

    It will be good to see how you do after the first weigh in,

    Good luck.

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