…ever hopeful for a new me :)

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  • ..HI…I am Kathleen, 43 years young, form Hampshire, U.K. I have been a yo yo dieter for years. I watched the brilliant program, bought the book, and am now reading my way through the skinny 5:2 slow cooker meals book. I am starting this tomorrow and am hopeful that this may be the diet I have needed for years. Wishing everyone luck on their personal venture on this new way of slimming.
    Kathleen x

    Hi Kathleen, good luck on your first day tomorrow! When the hunger pangs come, keep in mind that on Tuesday you can eat normally – that and lots of liquids always helps me. Sounds like you are well prepared and motivated, that’s half the battle. For many of us this really is the “diet” we’ve needed for years, hope it’ll be that for you, too.
    Let us know how your first day went!

    Hi Kathleen,

    How did you go on your first day? It was my first day today too – all the way in New Zealand. Found it interesting, had to have an emergency lolly (whoops) as I was feeling a bit shaky, but overall was okay – although totally enjoyed my dinner this evening!!! I also drank SO much, but it did help a lot!!

    Hi mummyjoynz !
    It’s only 11.10 am here, so it’s not that far into my first day, bur so far I have not thought about it too much. I am making a slow cooker meal for my main meal, so I wont lie…I am really looking forward to that ! Drinking lots of water with a dash of lime juice in it is refreshing !
    Hope your day continues well x

    Hi Kahtleen

    It’s my first day today too.

    I also have been on every diet under the sun over the years and whilst I cna stick to it for a while I get bored basically. And then I end up lapsing and put on more weight than ever. I lost 2 stonme last year with the “eat less, move more” and the myfitnesspal app – but Christmas came along and I fell off that diet – thankfully not put it back on yet, but I’m hoping, like you, that this is one I can stick to as it’s only 2 days in a week.

    How you doing? I decided that once I start to eat that’s me for the day nibbling – so I havent eaten since 8pm last night and it’s now 1pm. I have a lovely stir fry and fruit meal planned when I get home around 6pm, and I suspect it’ll be the best I’ve tasted ever!

    So far my head’s not as with it as usual – but the weather is a bit heavy too so that’ll not be helping. I’m just keeping in mind that my long-term health will be better if I keep to it. My Mum had breast cancer recently – thankfully she’s doing really well – but it brings your own mortality to mind and it’s the overall health improvement I want. I could do with growing a few more brian cells like the mice in the programme!

    I hope you’re doing ok, like you say – it’s only a day and tomorrow is business as usual. I think I’ll do some knitting – the lunchbreak seems a bit pointless without actual lunch LOL

    chin up!

    i just read my message again – my typing is perhaps suffering from lack of food

    Hi – reassured to see I’m not the only new starter today! Have tried lots of diets and at the end of the day I know that ‘eat less exercise more’ should work…but for me it doesn’t. So here goes with the fast! I’m never one to accept hunger and I’ve become a habitual grazer. So hoping this will re-train me into better habits and renewed self-discipline.

    I have to say the cookery book has really inspired me – and reading all the comments from successful faster has been a great motivator. It is nearly 4pm and I’m right on track to complete day 1…just need to deal with the evening nibble tendencies…but the plan is to do an exercise class and KEEP BUSY!

    Good luck to everyone else starting today. If I can shift a stone and a half I will be ECSTATIC!


    Hi everybody,

    Its really nice to see people starting on the same day!! MJJ44 and Wends273 are you from the UK too? Katiebopper was your slow cooked meal good? Bet it was. I am doing my second day tomorrow (Wednesday) had planned for Thursday but have realised with what I have on that day that it wouldn’t have worked, so Wednesday it is. If that goes alright I am considering doing a 3rd day!

    After reading some of your posts, I am going to try and not eat until dinner…will let you know how I get on.

    Nice to be able to change days to suit – I was going to start again yesterday but couldn’t, so I’m now starting again today and hopefully Thursday!

    Happy fasting. 🙂

    Hi everybody, I am Angie and I live in Hull, I am starting today too, and as I type im eating my breakfast… 10.35am… I am at weight watchers and my weigh day is Thursday..i loose with W.W but very very slowly (underactive Thyroid) iv been there since 4th of January and have lost 16.5lb… I have done Lighter life (4 food packs a day..well milkshakes)in 2011 and I lost 21.lb in 10 weeks but I missed food so much… I found another website that sold food packs and when I got down in the dumps with W.W I would order them, eat eat what I like 5 days a week and have the packs 2 days a week…. its 500 cals aday just like this.. but again I would loose the will to live and could think of nothing else but food.. but I lost 6.5lb in 3 weeks and a W.W on food alone I would loose at the most 0.5lb a week and not always every week. I have another 2stone to loose and it would of taken forever 0.5lb a week. I kept thinking of having the food packs again but just couldn’t stand it… So Saturday I was watching Saturday Kitchen and saw VIctor Meldrew as the guest and he kept saying about this 5.2 diet.. so here I am… its the same calories as my packs are.. but its FOOD….. HOW AMAZING IS THAT…hahaha…… I will continue to weigh in on a Thursday at w.w but keep doing this 2 days a week… my normal days will be Monday & Wed… but as I only started today and I want to have a loss on Thursday I am doing today and tomorrow..to optimise my hopeful weight loss! Iv found it a bit different as iv never counted calories before only points..but Its hopefully worth the effort for only 2 days a week.

    It s been lovely reading your post.. whats this Slow cooker book??? iv got the “fast Diet Recipe book”

    Hope your all having a good day!! I will look forward to reading your progress.. Sorry iv rambled on. Big Hugs Angie xx

    Started my first fast day today.Surprised really how easy it has been and how I don’t feel ravenous at 1821, having had only water, tea, coffee since breakfast @ 0700. Just goes to show, how much eating I usually do! Chicken stir fry shortly! Yum!

    Hi all
    Ŵell i survived the first day ok. By the time I walked home and then walked the dog I thought I’d be desperate to eat but actually I was fine. Had a lovely huge bowl of stir fry veg and prawns, some fruit and that was me. Up this morning and… Fine. No desperate hunger cravings, eaten pretty sensibly today too. Have had a headache but as I still have it, and I’m prone to them and migraines, I’m now assuming it was the weather. No grumpy mood, not particular problems aside from a bit fuzzier than usual mid afternoon. Great.

    I love how in control I felt yesterday.

    Already planned meals for second fast day on Thursday, lets hope that goes as smoothly.

    He everyone else did ok.

    Hi mummyjoynz, yep in UK

    So while I began Wednesday as a Fast day, various things happened so it has been a half a fast day – but considering its Wednesday that’s okay, will do another on Friday so that will actually make 2 and a half fast days which I am hoping will mean a good result when I weigh in on Monday. I too am an ex Weight Watcher, while I have always found it useful and have lost weight, pregnancies and the fact that I was always watching what I ate meant that I could never see it as a long term solution. I really would like to see the Fast Diet as a long term solution, I read somewhere that the fast diet is probably what most slim people do subconsciously all their lives, but I just need re-training!!

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrow – beautiful weather in NZ today its the middle of our winter and 17 degrees, lovely!

    HIYA……my first few days have been great.
    Hope you are all well, lovely to have so many people in the same situation, very encouraging xx

    To a slimmer me and beyoooonddd…!

    liked the title of your post so thought I would respond!

    I too started yesterday, was a little nervous as had body attack class (1h high intensity aerobics with intervals) mid morning so had a bannana and then chicken+veg stirfry for dinner. Considering I had my 11month old and 3year old screaming at me for an hour between 5-6 and hubby working till 10pm the day went fine!!!

    I am a GP and seen this diet work for alot of patients. I too have done WW, love exercise but always see it as overall depriving myself. I therefore start well and slowly “cheat” little by little and stop getting results. In this diet there is no cheating – 500 calories give you little moving space. But I’ve lost 13lb in 7months with exercise and calorie reduced diet and think this maybe more effective for me. As previous reply stated – think slim people do this naturally!!

    Good luck everyone

    Hooray Day 1 (Tuesday) done again! Did struggle a little but think this is because I’m home with the kids and they are always hungry. Managed to get through it by going for 2 walks and a couple of cups of tea. Really enjoyed my dinner in the evening at about 8.00 pm and then actually thought I wouldn’t be able to eat it all!

    Planned for Day 2 tomorrow (Thursday) – salad (32 calories) with slice of ham (34 calories) sometime during the day and then the Mexican Wrap recipe in the evening. Also will make some Sugar Free jelly ‘for just in case.’

    Good luck everyone fasting or non-fasting today. 🙂

    I have had a really great first week 🙂 The two fasting days were fine, and I didn’t feel half as hungry as I thought I would. I knew I was a comfort eater, so wasn’t actually hungry half the time.
    I realised today that I am 43, the same age my mum was, when she died 23 years ago… I cannot imagine leaving this world at such a young age, as I have so much more to do, and more importantly, so much more to give.
    Tomorrow will be seven days on this fab new routine, and I can’t wait to see the first weeks results, even 1lb off is a step in the right direction, any more would be a bonus.
    Here’s to another fab week, where, as my children are away for the week with their grandparents, there are no tempting goodies in the cupboard. But to be honest, I haven’t missed biscuits or cakes etc, all week. Again a comfort thing !
    Love and hugs to all xx

    Hi everybody,

    Well the first full week is over for me, I have to admit that I haven’t completely done as best as I can, while I do feel better not much changed on the scales. However this week I am tweaking a few things and I do think that I possibly ate too much on my ‘feed’ days!!

    Looking forwards to seeing how you all got on, my motivation for this however is more than weight, so slowly but surely is fine with me


    Hi mummyjoynz I’m also in nz and this is my third fast day will weigh tomorrow morning and see how I go! Glad to see someone else in NZ too!

    Hi Bectstar81, hope you go alright – think there is a few kiwi’s dotted around. ,Good day for me today, finally got to watch the Horizon documentary that kicked this is all last night and it was very enlightening. Was a ‘feed’ day for me today, but found I really couldn’t eat that much and didn’t really feel like much either!

    Have a good week everyone.

    Well I lost half a kg which is ok could of been better so need to knock the chocolate on the head lol. How did you watch the horizon program? Hoping to lose more next week!


    Im from NZ too. Im now in my 11th week of ADF. I found the doco after searching on youtube. There are a few spam type vids there but you can tell by the length of the videos. The book is great too.

    Okay so this is my second attempt at this post!!

    I found the Horizon docu on the Daily Motion website, you will need to register on the site first because if you don’t and start watching it after about 5 minutes is goes black!!

    Bectstar – Half a kilo is awesome, definately slow and steady is really the way we want to go, but I had hoped that in my first week I might have seen a bit more of a difference on the scales to give me a big boost!!

    Kiwiana – 11 weeks thats great – how are you finding it?

    Uk ladies – how are you going so far this week?

    So good to see a GP trying this as you hear a few conflicting. Reports about medical opinions…. I guess from some people who haven’t done that much research. Good Luck to everyone on this thread: it’s great to be starting at the same time as so many other people!

    Hi Mummyjoy.

    All going well here. I have lost 4.5 kilos and will weigh in again on Friday when week 11 is completed. Have ramped up the exercise the past two weeks because the weight appears to drop off more when I do this.

    Hi, I’m Christine from the UK, and yesterday was my first fast day. I thought it would be more difficult than it actually was. I don’t usually eat till 11 in the mornings anyway, so it was the norm for me to have my first bite late in the day. I decided on half a small tin of tuna in spring water, cat had the other half, and that kept me comfortable till I had my evening meal at about 7pm, which consisted of chicken breast and salad, followed by strawberries, no cream of course. I am now looking for meals inspiration to take me through future fast days.
    I do not own a set of bathroom scales, but I shall certainly know how I am doing by the fit of my jeans. I absolutely refuse to by a bigger pair, even if it is only a “temporary” arrangement.
    Is the recipe book recommended? Don’t really want to buy another recipe book, as my shelves are groaning with them, but if it is a must have, then I’m sure that I will be easily persuaded.

    I have loads of recipe books too, but I really recommend the 5:2 one by Mimi Spencer. Lovely food, not boring or expensive or time consuming either.

    Thank you Annette. I’ve just ordered it from amazon,together with the slow cooker book as well. Then more and more of them were popping up, so I restrained myself.

    I hope that you find the book useful. Mine has loads of index flags on the pages that I like!

    The hot weather made fast day eating easy but with the chill in the air, I fear the return of soup. I am sick of the sight of the stuff. I started the 5:2 in January when it was freezing and soup (Leek and Potato) seemed a great option.

    So I shall start planning what my winter meals will look like shortly.

    The Hairy Bikers do a good reduced calorie book as well.

    Good morning, my name is Cheryl and I’m also from Hampshire in the UK. I started this week having Monday as my first fast day and then again tomorrow as I have company tonight. Fasting day wasn’t as bad as I thought. Monday is my day off work and I did find it useful that I didn’t have to be on my feet all day as I am at work and can get light headed if I haven’t eaten. I could get out and walk the dog and take my mind off of food, but I must admit it was there in my head all day. I ate sensibly yesterday and will do today too before tackling Thursday. I really hope there is a result at the end of this as I don’t lose weight easily. I do exercise and my job is quite physical and have always exercised so it will make little difference. Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone!

    Hi Cheryl, yesterday was my second day of fasting and I did find it a bit harder than the first. Both days I thought about food a lot but I channelled it into searching for fast day ideas, especially what I could do when the pangs got so bad it was painful. I also choose days off to fast, no way could I do it at work, I have to have my wits about me. I was quite active yesterday, whereas my first fast day I took it easy. So the plan now is to take it easy on fast days until I get into the full swing of things. Welcome 🙂

    Thank you Aniann! This really is good when I think about food to start reading these forums and posts of encouragement. When I am fasting on Thursday I am going to an aerobic class in the morning. I’ll eat an M&S low fat yogurt before I go with coffee and then have a salad later on as far into the day a I can get and another salad or stir-fry in the evening. Fortunately my husband is joining me on this so that’s easier and my kids are old enough to fend for themselves, so I’m quite lucky there. On Monday I used ready counted M&S meals just to make it easier but I think I can make a better meal now I have my head around the calorie counting a bit more. Off to walk the dog again and then work. Made a lasagne and salad for my company tonight. No pudding for me and I’ll be ready for another fasting day tomorrow (hopefully). Thanks again for the warm welcome…

    This is really amazing, only started on Monday, and already my jeans have started to feel slacker. Had my second fast day yesterday, which I was very pleased with. Planned to have my first protein bite at about midday, but got busy and didn’t think about it till one o’clock, and as I wasn’t feeling that hungry decided to give it a miss and went shopping for an evening meal of the prescribed 500 cals. Made meatballs with tomato sauce and runner and broad beans, followed by strawberries. Lovely, and well within the 500.
    Annette, we will have to get our heads together and come up with some winter fast day ideas, but for me protein works every time. Years ago I did try Atkins which was protein all the way, and whilst i lost a huge amount of weight very quickly, I didn’t like the idea of not eating enough veg.

    Sounds a great idea.
    Once I am back at work we get fed rather lovely meals or there is always salad in some shape or form. I usually have midday meal and then something in the evening. I usually cook from scratch something to fill up my 4 young men in the evening. If i am fasting I usually have fish and salad/prawns and salad.
    I am not keen on vegetables, but love fruit. Grown French beans this year and love them, also love raw peas in my salad as well. Grew them for the first time and they were very tasty straight from the garden to my plate.
    Protein does stop you feeling hungry.
    The meatballs sound delicious too.

    Annette. Home grown veg. How lovely, and there is only one way to eat raw peas, and that is straight off the plant.
    Had dinner out at our local last night, as is usual for a Thursday, and I thought, eat normally, thats what we normally do, so yes, chips and a pud, and a G&T!!!!!.
    I did have guilt pangs, but on thinking about it, and adding it all up roughly, including two hardboiled eggs at about 2pm. I added 1000 calories for the chips and pud (big guess), and the rest was minimal, I still think my daily cal intake was less than 2000.
    Hopefully, my two fast diet books will come today, will let you know if I’m inspired. The slow cooker one sounds hopefull for the colder weather.

    I may be biased, But I thought the peas straight from the plant were very tasty, much better than shop bought, which is what I have left now.

    Off to lunch with the girls today.We all take something, so no idea what will be available. My task was to make some bread and take crisps.

    I am also taking a pile of unworn new shirts that I bought at the start of the summer and are now hanging off me. May well fit some of my friends.

    I am off out to a concert this afternoon, so will have to grab something on the way to eat in the Q. Not stressed by this at all.

    Annette, You seem to be a very busy bee,how much have you lost since starting? I’ve only been going since Monday, but really enjoying it. I was really shocked when I found and used the calorie calculator. I thought I would be thin forever if I only ate 2000 calories per day, but not so. According to that, 1750 is more the mark for my age and height.
    I’ve been a bit of a wine guzzler over the past few years, and I think it is that which has caused me to put on weight, anyhow, I have ditched the daily couple of glasses in the evening with my husband, it only gave me indegestion anyway.

    I have lost 23 lbs in 28 weeks, so some weeks 2 lb and other weeks nothing. BUT, I’ve lost 16″ on me too!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am running a half marathon in 5 weeks and seriously need to pick up the training, because I am very slow and moan rather a lot. It will be interesting to see what effect that has on the weight/inches lost.

    Wine gives me a migraine and I would rather have a cup of tea!

    23lbs, thats getting on for 2 stone, fantastic. But what have you lost 16 inches off, I cant quite make it out? Perhaps your tum.

    Half marathon, wow. Good luck with that. Look forward to hearing about it.

    Yes 28 lb/2 stone, which would give me a BMI of 25.
    Since January I have lost 2″ bust, 1″ under bust,4″waist, hips 4″,3.5″ thighs,1.5″ calves=16″.

    I have got teeny abs now too. Never had those before.

    I was very slow and a stone heavier in March when I did my first one. Raising money for charity.

    You really have done well, those are impressive reductions. I am hoping to see a loss off my calves, as I have always had treetrunks, and hope that I’m not living in cloud cuckoo land in thinking that my calves were the first port of call for any spare fat. I have always found it irksome that some really large women can have such small calves.

    My books have arrived, the one by Mimi looks fantastic, but I wouldn’t recommend the slow cooker one, which contains very little in the way of slow cooker recipes, a lot of gabble about the diet, which we already know. I’m quite disappointed because I am a slow cooker fan. Cant win them all.

    I have no doubt that swimming twice a week and running once have really helped to trim the wobbly bits!
    My calves were huge, the size of some mens’ necks!

    I only discovered that my calves had shrunk when everywhere else was the same and I hadn’t measured them since January.

    I am not getting any lighter but I am shrinking which is good as there is 4 weeks to go to the half. I did have two new things to celebrate on Saturday…I had never run for 2 and a half hours non-stop or 11 miles! I am thrilled and rather sore.

    My focus has always been on being 2 stone lighter and a BMI of 25 for the half.I am finding that 5 lb stubborn, but I am very pleased with the trimmer arms and calves and the new gap between my thighs when i stand with my feet together.I have to remind myself that this is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Congratulations on your new achievements, I can see why you are thrilled.

    On the subject of not getting any lighter, that is so interesting, there are ladies on another forum who like me have just started, are getting changes in body shape, but are not actually losing weight. I know the fat lighter than muscle thing, but I shall watch that one with interest. I dont work out as I have replaced hips, but I am a farmer, and spend a lot of time on my feet. I like swimming though, but dont do it mainly because I dont have a swim buddy to go with. I suppose I ought to enquire at our local pool and see if they have group for ladies who like to do gentle pool workouts.

    Thanks Chislo. What do you farm?

    I imagine that disappearing internal fat has something to do with the changing body shape, as well as visible wobbly bits.

    I often found that I wasn’t losing weight BUT I was losing inches when that happened. Those who say that they aren’t losing inches may well be expecting weight to go from the bust/chest, waist and hips rather than checking upper arms, calves or thighs. Plus clothes highlighted when fat had disappeared from my back or from the bit between the base of my neck and the start of the bust. I couldn’t figure out why dresses were now much longer!

    Plateaus are part of life and the body readjusting after weight lost.It just takes time and perhaps a change of activity to get things moving again.

    I go swimming in the morning when there are lanes and can swim in the slow lane.I won’t be going swimming for much longer as I will be back at work.

    Hi Annette. We have a herd of alpacas, and they alone keep me on my feet. We also have a small herd of pigs, but my husband takes care of them, I find them a bit too hefty and they dont look where they are going. What will you be doing when you are back at work.

    Thanks for the explanation regarding weight loss. I’ve never been particularly large, but in recent years, I have felt fat inside, and my legs have got bigger. If I could settle at 9 to 9.5 stone then I would be happy. Thats where I used to be, but have now crept up to 11, and I dont like it.

    Hi Chislo,
    Wow Alpacas sound very glamorous.
    I work in admin in a secondary school.

    Thirty years ago I was 9 to 9.5 stone. The weight built up over the years to 11 stone 11 lb in January and at 5 ft 1, every lb shows.

    The pesky 5 lb that I am struggling to shift would bring me down to 9 stone 11 lb which would be fantastic. Single figures….wow!

    Half marathon training is hard work and I have decided that I need more food, so I am giving up the 5:2 from now until after the event. It will be interesting what happens to my body in those weeks.

    I am signing out now and will catch up with you again in mid September. It will be great to hear how it all going then.

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