Done my first fast on Monday felt really good all day

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Done my first fast on Monday felt really good all day

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MelindaShay 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I did my first fast day on monday, coped really well with the hunger. Laying an engineered oak floor so was quite focused on that. Went to bed hungry. Woke up this morning not feeling hungry, had toast with my daughter before she went to school anyway. Really enjoyed my cup of tea but the toast was not so great. About half 10 was ready for lunch. So enjoyed a lovely creamy mushroom soup and half a sandwich.

    By about mid afternoon noticed a cold sore appearing, which I have not had for months. We are at the end of a big house renovating and extension project, so I have a good amount of stress in my life alongside doing the family thing. I’m feeling good about the project at 4he minute even though the budget is tightening around us. Im very hands on

    Just wondered if anyone else has had a similar breakout? And if there is anything anyone can suggest to help reduce this in the future? I have avoided the coughs and colds going on around me so far this year by some miracle. So im considering this quite a small payback for that.

    Hi Roly,

    I try and avoid things like bread, rice or any other processed carb. Doubly so for anything with sugar in it. Simple carbs will just cause you to feel hungry again very soon. I have high fat low sugar yogurt (hard to find in the supermarket but with some searching you will hopefully find some) with some raspberries (or any type of berry) and some almonds. Yum! This will satiate you for a lot longer than simple carbs like toast or cereal. Sugar of any sort, just avoid it at all costs.

    Now nothing to do with 5:2 but I also have cold showers. At the end of your shower just turn off the hot water and stay under the cold shower for as long as you can tolerate it (30 seconds or more). In summer its easy (Im in Australia), winter it gets hard. My wife thinks Im crazy but Ive had one cold in three years!! Even when the rest of the family gets a cold I don’t. Heard about this in a study but cant remember who did it.

    Congratulations on your fast day. Sounds like it went very well!

    I recently found a product that works wonders on cold sores – not sure if it is available in your area but Bactine spray (same key ingredient as Abreva but only about $5) is a miracle for me. First sign of a sore or even if the sore has blistered I spray it on throughout the day (6 or 7 times?) and it heals it up much faster than anything else I have tried.

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