Does Mimi Spencer, 5:2 Co-writer Still Do 5:2?

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  • I don’t know where to post this, so I might as well post it here. I have all of Dr. Mosley’s books, and I know Mimi Spencer was a cowriter on some, and very enthusiastic about 5:2 for a while. She never talks about it anymore, and I believe her new food book is totally unrelated.

    Anyone know if she still does it?

    Never mind, I got my answer by searching through her new book on amazon. For those of you who enjoy her cowriting and 5:2 articles as much as I do, you might be interested to know that Mimi wrote in her new book that she still follows 5:2 from time to time when she needs to lose weight, but she is more concerned with what she eats everyday. I wonder if she does 6:1. I must say it was a bit disappointing to read that, because there’s no reason the two can’t go hand in hand and be equally important. I guess I’m just a die hard 5:2 fan!

    I do 16:8 every day, maintaining, I was a little concerned by Mimi’s initial comments in the original book that she wanted to be at the lower end of her bmi.

    Her recipes did it for us, though, so I’m eternally grateful.

    I hear you Polly. I’ll be 64 this year, and at this point in my life, I’m more concerned with health than a lower end BMI. In fact when I go back to the high end of my healthy BMI, I’ll be thrilled! Yes her recipes are wonderful.

    I’m 70, coffee. I definitely do not want to lose anymore weight. At 5.3 and 126/7 lbs my bmi is 22. I’ve a thin face anyway. In fact, I’d gladly put on a couple of pounds if they could go on my face.

    I’ve been maintaining since September on 16:8.

    I’m just a child at 57 but it seems my face is the first place I lose weight. I wish I could push up a bit of fat from my middle to my face.

    Me, too, dykask! High cheek bones are great when your young – ageing when older.

    Well I’ve recently gotten below the low end of my ‘healthy’ BMI and at 68 I think I’m pretty healthy. My doctor agrees. How healthy am I? In May, I hiked Hadrian’s Wall in England — all 84 miles in 8 days.
    I didn’t try to get to this weight and this BMI, but after Fasting [standard 5:2] for 3.5 years, here I am. Since I have a very slight frame, the BMI reading is probably not too valid. At this weight I can eat pretty much what I want on a ‘Slow Day’ and still be OK.
    Have you tried rebuilding lax muscles in your face? High cheekbones were something I wished for once…
    I stay on the 5:2 to keep my husband company and because I like the special foods we have then.
    How often does Michael do the Fasting? Is he on 6:1 as well?

    Hello Pollypenny. Just a quick question. You say you’re maintaining on 16:8. Does 16:8 mean fasting for 16 hours and eating then only during the remaining 8 hours of a 24-hour day? I’ve started doing that because I’ve discovered that I can very easily skip breakfast every day. I then eat a healthy lunch and dinner, then nothing more until the next day lunch. On my fasting days I skip breakfast and lunch and have a small (500 calories or so) dinner only. Does this mean I’m doing 16:8 on non-fasting days?

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