Does having a large evening meal the day before a fast day make it harder?

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Does having a large evening meal the day before a fast day make it harder?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’m on my second fast day of my first week and it is more difficult than the first fast day. I’m not going to quit but I think it could be because I had a very large meal last night. What are other people’s thoughts on this?


    For me, it depends on what I eat and how quickly it digests and passes through my system.

    But I suppose, if you look at it logically…….(well, my logic anyway)

    If you are fasting and watching calories and not constantly pigging out, your stomach shrinks. Therefore when you have a large meal it will expand again therefore leaving a bigger area when your food passes through your system….leading to being more hungry??? That’s what I tell myself in order not to eat too much in the evenings (now that is…..pre this plan I didn’t care as I could eat my sandwich in the morning to compensate)

    Hi PnatGrandy – yes, it is absolutely harder to fast if you’ve over indulged the evenng before. DO NOT ‘stock up’ the day before a fast (as if there was a natural disaster expected or some such foolishness). Just try to eat ‘normally’ the day before a fast and you’ll find it goes much easier.

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