Dodgy December 2024 Challenge

This topic contains 276 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  jaifaim 2 months, 1 week ago.

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  • USA. Day 27. CD

    I am continuing on my path of CDs until I finish off my leftovers. I am very proud of myself for controlling my eating and now I feel much better, since my Christmas feast, which left me feeling overwhelming stuffed! My only problem is that I had to go old school to reheat everything. I always use my microwave for that. It’s quick and easy. However, I burnt it out while using it to reheat items on Christmas day. It’s a Samsung and I really love it. If there is a reset button, I don’t know where that would be, so I have a repairman coming on Sunday. It cost $89 just to have him show up, even if he can’t fix it. Fortunately, there are a lot of great post Christmas sales right now, so if the repair cost more than the value of my microwave, I will simply buy another new one. Problem solved! πŸ™‚

    Funshipfreddie, I am glad your kitty is fine. I have three of mine own in my life and I loved them dearly. They are great at home companions.

    NorthGeorgia, I am sorry about your mother. I can sympathize with you. Ever since Covid, everyone has gotten a bit conscious about making others sick at gatherings. It’s especially hard when it is family. I had all my vaccines but I got Covid at my brother’s funeral. Four family members did. I got the RSV shot because I didn’t want to take any chances. Even though I am 74 yo, my doctor didn’t recommend it for me. I don’t know why but I went out and got it anyway. He doesn’t remember that he told me not to bother and now he is glad I did it. I let him believe he recommended it! LOL.

    Stitchincarol, I am right there with you about all the guests for Christmas. You are happy living quietly and then suddenly all the hub bub!. Nevertheless, it happens so rarely that I am so happy to see everyone, even if it is such a short time. Too bad Christmas and Thanksgiving are so close. That’s a lot of cooking! πŸ˜„ I am very much looking for that club dinner! It means I don’t cook and I get to fraternize with my family! πŸ‘πŸ»

    Jaifaim, sounds like you are enjoying the holidays!

    Just checking in!

    Day 28 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – CD

    I got home at about 5:45 pm last night. It felt weird waking up without my moggie demanding breakfast. I’ll pick her up after brunch & picking up some groceries. The interior of my fridge looks pathetic – 6 eggs, cheese, milk & a bottle of diet coke πŸ™„

    @stitchincarol – the road was pleasantly quiet driving back from Gonubie. I do get a backache sometimes during a long drive, but tweaking the position of the seat usually resolves it. Sounds like you’ve been working your tail off?! No volunteers to even help with the washing up? But I can’t throw stones. I only spent 3 days at my friends’ place, but I was totally spoiled & I didn’t wash so much as a teaspoon. I did offer though πŸ˜‡

    @northgeorgia – wishing you & your mom a speedy recovery 🀧

    My friend’s stained glass nativity scene is stunning. She’s had it for a couple of decades, I think:-

    Have a good weekend everyone β›…οΈπŸŒˆ

    Pocket List – Day 28 πŸ₯¦

    Day 28 North Wales FD

    Just a quick check in. I was moderately restrained over Christmas. I am going to my sisters today for 5 days where I will find it extremely difficult to eat healthily. I will be doing the January challenge. Happy New Year to you all. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.

    Pocket List – Day 28 πŸ₯¦

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Yesterday went well as a FD, but my mom did start feeling better — she wanted to go to the grocery store with me (we didn’t overdo it), and later that evening I think she wanted to celebrate a bit and zapped up some frozen foods (oh no… processed gunk) for us to nosh on. I didn’t have a whole lot, as I had my soup and salad earlier. So, no weight loss, but I did keep the same weight as yesterday and as last Saturday.

    My mom and I both got the flu shot several months ago. I need to get my first shingles vaccine soon.

    USA. Day 28

    Good day, everyone! I am still only eating a controlled diet, until January 1. I am really missing my microwave! πŸ˜• It would be really helpful with reheating my leftovers. The repairman will be here Sunday morning. My suspicion is that he can’t be fixed. I think I burnt out the motor, so I checked my local stores for sales and found a replaced on sale. If the repairman tells me that he can’t fix it or the price is lower to just buy a new one, I have the model I want and will go directly to the store to get it. Fortunately, they will deliver it and install it. I hope that is a good plan.

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I checked out that nativity scene on the website you gave us and it is beautiful! 😊

    MollJ, have fun at your sisters.

    NorthGeorgia, glad you got your flu shots and will be getting the shingles vaccine soon. I have shingles, although I had the vaccine. Nasty business! Sometimes the vaccine doesn’t stop getting shingles but it is always definitely a good idea to have it. I am glad your mom is feeling better!

    Tonight I am hosting a family dinner that I am very much looking forward to. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! πŸ‘πŸ»

    Day 28 NE England NFD

    I got on the scales this morning, just a half pound gain so I’m thrilled with that.
    Our family members have returned home, so although I had planned to have a quiet, do nothing day it hasn’t been so! I’ve enjoyed tidying up, doing laundry, washing floors, etc just generally getting back to normal. We have a trip to visit family on Monday, then the Pantomime on Thursday with the children. NYE will be quiet at home, we’ve been invited to a party but don’t like to leave our dog home alone at night especially with fireworks likely. Then back to fasting!!!

    Day 29 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – FD πŸ’ͺ

    Boo Boo used up about 3 lives this morning, I think, after waking me BEFORE 5 am?! I gave in & fed her. Half an hour later she was fast asleep on my bed & I was wide awake 😠 Carol-the-cat-lady was also not too happy yesterday, after telling me she’s had several no-shows over the last few days. People book in their cats & then don’t even call her to say they’ve changed their mind. Meanwhile she turns away other clients because she believes she’s booked up. I told her she needs to start charging a deposit, but she’s too nice. A few months ago a woman arrived with 5 cats, paid for a week’s board & then never returned?!

    @iona72 – well done on just a half pound gain! I’ve been quite disciplined since I got home, so I’m hoping for a similar result after today’s FD 🀞

    @ccco – I’m glad you like my friend’s nativity scene. It really is lovely, every piece made by hand. Good luck getting your microwave fixed. I couldn’t live without mine.

    @stitchincarol – I’m looking forward to ‘Joyous January’ πŸ˜ƒ

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 29 πŸ₯š

    USA. Day 29 FD

    Pocket List – Day 29 πŸ₯š

    All my holiday eating days are over now, so I am back in business! πŸ‘πŸ»

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, your cat stories are interesting. It’s hard to believe that someone would think that it is alright to abandon 5 cats that way!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! I am currently waiting for the microwave repairman! ☹️

    Day 29-No. VA USA-FD800
    We are gradually returning to more normal eating habits; I have continued ZBC and time restricted eating for the most part. Weight pretty stable, considering I had three small glasses of red wine yesterday at family “Christmas” dinner. Therefore, I did not drive home!
    @funshipfreddie, in our office, we often have “no-show” issues like your cat-carer lady does. So aggravating; people sometimes make urgent morning appointments and then do not show up in the afternoon. And of course we will have turned people away…Also, thanks for sharing the lovely pictures of the glass nativity. It is very special!
    I am glad, @northgeorgia, that your mother is feeling better. The older we get, the longer it sometimes takes to shake those respiratory viruses.
    @ccco, good luck with the microwave. You will be the proud owner of a new one soon, I am thinking!
    Looking forward to Joyous January with @stitchincarol at the helm!

    USA. Day 29

    I couldn’t find the signup for Joyous January. I was wondering if it is not posted yet. It is a little early. Thanks.

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs, but I was very bloated this morning. The Urgent Care isn’t seeing patients today (well, you can walk-in supposedly, but when I went with my mom, they said they were only seeing online patients. Today, they said they’re only accepting walk-ins on the website. I don’t want to sit 3 hours in a waiting room with Norovirus gonig around), so I’ll try tomorrow if my symptoms get worse.

    I was going to make it a FD, and it’s 1 p.m. — no food yet. But I am making some homemade soup for myself and a pot of chili for my niece and nephew.

    Day 30 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD 70.7 kg πŸ™‚

    It’s a Christmas miracle! ✨ Still at maintenance, & just 0.4 kg higher than last week. Well done to me! πŸ‘

    @ccco – the Joyous January Challenge hasn’t been posted yet.

    I’ve got a brunch date at Grass Roof later, looking forward to it. Another hot day here, going up to 28 C by noon

    The last FD of 2024 for some of us – sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters πŸ’ͺ🎯

    Pocket List – Day 30 🍏
    @molij ?
    @northgeorgia ?

    Day 30 UK CD

    Well done indeed @funshipfreddie, and to everyone else that showed some restraint over the Christmas period πŸ‘

    Unfortunately I didn’t – but no point looking back , I’m gearing up for a truly Joyous January πŸ’ͺ

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 156.6

    I’ve been hovering at the same weight for four days now, so I’m pleased that I’m showing enough “reasonable eating” that I’m not continuing to gain, despite the wine, the cookies, and the good food. And, honestly, as often as not, I consider grabbing a cookie or a piece of candy or whatever and think, “BLEH.” πŸ˜‚ Protein is what I’m after far more often. πŸ‘

    @funshipfreddie Oh, I’m getting lots of help in the kitchen cooking, and DH helps with the dishes, and DS28 even did the dishes all alone at 1am a couple days ago, LOL, so I have no complaints. But I do wish I’ve been working my tail off, as that’s where the bulk of my extra weight settles, LOL! That nativity set is truly stunning!

    I’ve read all the rest of the chatter and it all made me smile, either in congratulations or commiseration, and now I’m going to go set up Joyous January, so it will be available soon.

    day 30 country west Australia 84.9 kgs 186.78 lbs NFD
    decidedly decadent December days and days of divine delicacies.
    Off to the coast tomorrow to celebrate NYE.
    So …. looking forward to Joyous January 2025!
    Happy last day of 2024 tomorrow everyone.

    USA. Day 30 FD

    Yup! I am back in business! To this end, I am joining today’s pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 30 🍏
    @molij ?
    @northgeorgia ?

    Thank you stitchincarol for putting up the January website and for leading us this month! I will be seeing everyone in January! 😊

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Just doing CDs as much as possible. I find drinking plenty of water, having soup, and eating apples and limes are very helpful while dealing with this gunk.

    USA Day30 WFD

    My FD went sideways when I decided to try out the apple pancake mix my sister bought at a farm in up state New York and gave me for Christmas. That pushed me far away from a FD or a CD, so I decided I would start a WFD beginning this evening at 6 pm and ending tomorrow at 6 pm. Maybe I will make New Year’s Day a WFD, too! I think it’s a good way to end 2024 and start 2025 with a clean slate. I will have no more reasons to eat big meals with the holidays being over, plus the renovation on the inside of my house begins Thursday morning. That will keep me from using a number of rooms inside my house and make it possible for me to cook one meal a day. That should help my fasts for three weeks, when the work will be over.

    I did wind up having to buy a new microwave because it cost me more to fix this one than to buy a new one. I won’t get the new one until January 11.

    See you all tomorrow!

    Day 31 Hogmanay or New Year’s Eve NZ

    I’m looking forward to starting the New Year off with enthusiasm!!
    I need to catch with everyone’s posts after a busy patch of far too much Christmas cheer!!
    It’s my first Christmas completely on my own and I am blessed to have dear friends who understand thisβ€οΈπŸ’š
    My wee white Westie MacintoshπŸ»β€β„οΈπŸ€ was such a comfort after my DH died. My twin brother lives in Berlin and younger one is in Wellington.
    I hope everyone is feeling fired up too😘

    Day 31 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD

    Finishing the month just 0.4 kgs heavier than I started it, so I’m declaring Dodgy December a success 🎯

    Grass Roof was insanely busy. We struggled to find parking. And we were then told that any cooked food would take about 60 – 90 minutes?! Nothing tastes that good, I don’t care if they’d offered us unicorn burgers πŸ€ͺ So we found a lovely place about 4 km away called ‘Apron Strings’. A rustic garden restaurant hidden away just off a dirt road. Very cheap, great food & there were only 3 other people there. We’ll definitely be going there again πŸ™‚

    @merryapple – I’m not feeling fired up yet πŸ˜… Just sore! I think I’ve thrown my back out. I tried to move the gigantic plant pot after I finished it yesterday. I’m okay sitting down, & I’m okay standing up & walking, but anything in between is agony! I just hope I can get in & out of the car because I need to go out πŸ₯΄οΈ

    I hope everyone enjoys New Year’s Eve, however you decide to spend it. I will definitely be asleep by midnight, assuming I’m not deafened by fireworks. Happy 2025! πŸŽ‡

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 158.0

    DH and I went out to dinner last night after getting my sister to the airport, and then I indulged in some sugar when we got home, so the scale responded appropriately. I’m not planning to worry/think about weight loss for another few days as we’re going to the fireworks in Omaha tonight, eating out, and staying in a hotel, so that’s not at all conducive to anything but celebration behavior, and then Thursday is my piano students’ Christmas recital, but I WILL get back on track soon. In the meantime, I’m choosing joy. πŸ˜‰

    @merryapple I can well imagine how tough this first Christmas all alone could have been, and I’m glad you have such dear friends to hold you close.

    @funshipfreddie Oh, dear! Are you going to try to do something about your back, or just wait it out in hopes it improves soon?

    @ccco Three weeks of renovation, eh? What are you having done? I love the commotion of renovation, and hope you find joy in it also!

    I’ll take my laptop along to Omaha so I can have a proper host post tomorrow πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but given how quiet it is here, I’m questioning just how many posts will come in on New Year’s Day, LOL!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Well, my 2024 average was 230 lbs, which means I have some work to do in 2025. I plan on January 2 to return to fasting. I don’t think my symptoms are deteriorating with my daily liquids and limes/sour apple treatments. I’m going to have to remember to buy bags of Granny Smith and limes each time a cold comes on.

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Thanks for hosting @funshipfreddie , sorry my participation was poor See you all next year πŸŽ†

    USA. Day 31. WFD

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I am so sorry about your back. Backs are tricky! Hope that is sorted out quickly. You have too many interests to let something like this to get in your way. Again, thank you for hosting this month.

    Stitchincarol, it took me 2 years to find a designer who could do this for me but I think it is well worth the wait. So many businesses either modified or simply went out of business. I am redoing entirely my powder room and master bath and replacing the floor tiles in the kitchen and downstairs corridor. I like what I chose and was glad to have such excellent help putting it together. I have so much going on in January, which should make that a productive and fast month. I am finally excited about it and can’t wait to see the final product.

    NorthGeorgia, I didn’t know that limes/sour apples were a recipe for cold improvement. I rarely get a cold but I will keep that in mind.Thank you for that input.

    Merryapple, I remember my first holiday season alone and I am glad you have such supportive friends. I am looking foward to January and the new year, too!

    I wish every a very happy new year! πŸ₯³

    Thank you for hosting @at πŸ’

    Thank you for hosting Dodgy December @at! πŸ˜‡
    I fell off on the last days…
    See you all in Joyous January πŸŒ…πŸ’•

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