Dodgy December 2024 Challenge

This topic contains 276 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  jaifaim 2 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 277 total)

  • Day 9 NZ FD 69.7kg👀

    Thank goodness it’s a FD for me… I have had 4 solid days of feasting and drinking with the requisite cooking and baking thrown in… Such fun but two parties per day – lunches and dinners – have taken me to the edge😵‍💫
    Then in the middle of the night I felt something drop onto my finger. I shook it off thinking it must be a slug? But my finger wasn’t slimy. My next thought was it’s a big American cockroach😬which can drop zillions of eggs if you don’t handle them correctly. I decided I had better track it down and turned on the light. Eventually I found a Weta on the floor… a native insect with long antennae, a body that is about 2cm long and serrated legs so can hop like a grasshopper which makes it very difficult to catch… They live in the holes in the trees. They’re shy and I’m fond of them but not in my boudoir… so I went to sleep in the guest room and will go looking shortly…
    @at Thank you for that quote “Every day is a new beginning…”!! Congrats on the kg down!! I think there’s an inverse dining law – the more expensive, the less on the plate so better to go for quality than quantity!!
    Great to hear your shoulder is improving too.
    @brightonbelle You and me both!! Thank goodness for pocket lists!!
    @stitchincarol That is a marathon bake!! It’s great to hear your strength too!! I hope you manage to sleep well tonight .
    And you heard it here first!!! Happy Birthday to you…😍🥳🍹💐🥁🎹
    @funshipfreddie I laughed at you unwrapping someone else’s present to satisfy your power cut frustrations. Great you’re safely back in your zone! That’s a wee bit sad to have what you’re eating made so public. It says more about them than you despite it being said with good humour.
    @jaifaim Well that’s the firewood for the following year sorted by the sound of things. I did always want a chain saw for Christmas!!! There’s only one place to go in the cold and dark and that’s bed!! Glad to hear you still have electricity…
    @missybear That sounds very romantic – outside storms, inside wine and cheese with a candle🥰And your house is solid.
    @lilymartin Wonderful to hear you are managing to dispatch those pesky kgs so efficiently 💪
    WOW @ccco !! You have this sorted out!!
    @songbirdme Those Antigua pounds aren’t hanging around! Well done!!
    @northgeorgia You’re closing in on the 220s💪
    @iona72 and @molij Stay safe in the storm. I looked it up 😬
    90 mph is roughly 140kph, a number we’re familiar with here. But you do have to make sure the hatches are battened down…
    Have I missed anyone. I hope not!!
    Sending strength and hope to one and all💕

    Pocket List🍋

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.5 kg

    Monday morning PFDS! 😇 And I’m more than happy with that number after some very erratic eating Fri/Sat. Now to knuckle down for the next two weeks before the madness of Christmas week arrives ✨

    @merryapple – I just knew you were having a blast after watching your number going up for the last few days on the spreadsheet 😅 Still, not too much damage done. I see you haven’t stated a December goal yet; is that deliberate? 🤔 I can’t think of one insect I’m fond of, & wouldn’t have been able to sleep a wink knowing that creature was in the vicinity. I would’ve either had to grab the can of Doom or check into a B & B until I was sure it was gone 🐛😳

    @stitchincarol – I hope you managed to get some more sleep! Did you try the cognitive shuffling? Alternate nostril breathing? The cognitive shuffling has worked great for me, I never even get past the first letter. Re the power outages, no. Not related at all to the cost of living. It’s not even our entire municipality. Just a couple of unfortunate suburbs, related to when the pylon came down a few months ago. It’s a temporary fix – obviously not working too well – before the major repairs are done next year. So far so good since the maintenance was carried out on Saturday 🤞 Great pics! I spent way too long gazing at those cookies. On my FD! 😶

    @at – adding you to the list again. You’re on a mission! 🎯💪

    I’m off to Grass Roots again for brunch. Have a good week everyone

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍋

    Day 9 UK FD

    I guess you must get used to them but the thought of creepy crawlies that large is a scary thought for me @merry🍎

    Good start to my reset day up bright and early have a long list of to- dos today so here goes 💪

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍋

    Day 9 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    156.4 ⬆️

    Happy Monday Everyone!

    Well what a weekend that was… busy busy and there will be lots of firewood @merryapple but we will need the professionals to come and work their magic to chop them up and check other trees on the land. The good news is that mum slept through the whole thing 🙏🙏.

    Yesterday was another breezy but stunning sunshiney day so it was great to get out early for a walk on the beach and back to do a little more clearing… it’s amazing how many branches are down in the country lanes.

    Oh god @merryapple the thought of that.. 🐞… you will have to search him out today… like @funshipfreddie I would unleashed the can right there and certainly would have struggled to sleep in the same room 😮. One of the problems we have at mums is mice in the very cold weather as they like to come in from the cold so I was doing a lot of checks on that front too this weekend. 🐭 the joys of country living 😂

    @stitchincarol I hope you slept better! I’ve had a rubbish weekend of sleep but tried the cognitive shuffling last night as really needed to get some quality sleep before travelling this morning and it worked for me… hopefully it does for you too…

    Ok have to scoot… work is very busy today and I’m tired but all good. @brightonbelle good to see you here bright and early 🤗

    Here’s to the Monday fasters! Let’s do this together.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 9 5 🍀 🍌

    @merry 🍎

    Day 9 – UK – FD

    Sorry @funshipfreddie yesterday’s FD was a bust…..unexpected visitors led to a bottle of wine being opened and nibbles…..need I say more!!!! So as I quoted yesterday “Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.”

    Busy day today – my SIL was here early to do some painting for me – he is doing the front porch and the shower room – we had a new oak front door put in recently and the porch walls looked a bit sad compared to the new door 🤣 and the shower room definitely needed sanding down and repainted ceiling and walls – he’s a good lad getting it done before Christmas for us

    I have to go out for a couple of appointments in town later this morning – then the usual coffee afternoon with the girls and I also need to buckle down and get the UK Christmas cards written and in the post…..

    @stitchincarol – I hope you had a good night’s sleep 😴 to make up for the night before
    @merryapple – 🦟🪰 of any sort dropping on top of you in the middle of the night doesn’t bear thinking about……I would have screamed the place down and definitely would to rest until I had got rid of it from my bedroom
    @funshipfreddie – how I wish I was joining you with PFDS too – instead a bit of a headache as perhaps too much 🍷was consumed…..
    @brightonbelle – I’m with you today – early start and a busy day should keep us both on track
    @jaifaim – we too got sunshine but still very windy 💨🌤️ day yesterday – I was blown about on my walk!!! today looks a lot calmer and sunshine again 🌤️

    What a pocket list today – surely that will be motivation to keep us all on track – here’s to a good one!

    Pocket List – Day 9 5 🍀 🍌
    @merry 🍎

    I thought I would share this quote from the Dalai Lama to inspire us – “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow; so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live”

    Day 9 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Yuck… my own fault yesterday, but as they say, ’tis the season, so I have to expect a little craziness, as long as I can jump out of it relatively quickly. Today, I’ll put in a FD. I made some homemade soup over the weekend just for this, but the blender’s bottom wasn’t quite flush, slinging tomato-ey concoctions all over the kitchen! What a nightmare mess! Thankfully it was only a few tablespoons, but nicely distributed all over a whole roll of paper towels, some containers, surfaces, etc…

    Hoping I can do 3 FD800s in a row!

    Pocket List – Day 9 5 🍀 🍌
    @merry 🍎

    Day 9-No. VA USA-FD 800
    Wow you poor folks in Britain–sorry for the wretched weather you are having. Hope clean up is not too awful. @merryapple, when I was a resident physician in an very old building in eastern VA, with a big cockroach population, (big both in number and in size), a particularly annoying medical student kept brushing up against me while I was looking at a patient. When we left the exam area, she said, “You had a big cockroach crawling up your jacket, and I had to keep brushing it off…..” Eww to insects falling or crawling on us….when we are unaware.
    @stitchincarol, I discovered a small “white noise” machine my husband got me several years ago; never used it before a few days ago. It is really quite nice, makes a variety of soft sounds, I like the flowing brook sound, for example. It does seem to help me fall asleep. Maybe such a thing would help you?
    @northgeorgia, I remember a pressure cooker disaster involving tomato sauce, when I was a little kid in New York City. The kitchen had really high ceilings…clean up was very prolonged, as I recall.
    Resolve to all you fasters!

    2nd Post – Day 9

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍀🍌
    @merry 🍎
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    USA. Day 9 FD

    Good day, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍀🍌
    @merry 🍎
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    I was going to do a WFD but decided I was too hungry. Instead, I am doing a regular FD.

    I am so tired. I didn’t sleep a wink last night! 😟

    I was supposed to have a birthday celebration for my 3 year old granddaughter followed by gingerbread house making but everyone was sick! Maybe next year.

    Have a great day! 👍🏻

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD – 156.0

    I’m really flummoxed by my weight because I’ve been truly behaved for the last few days, so I’m joining the chorus of you who have been equally frustrated by the scales not reflecting your behavior. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Tonight, DH and the boys are taking me out to dinner, so my plan is to fast until then so I can feel free to eat with no restraints. Not, you understand, with abandon and silliness, but not choosing my meal based on what has the fewest calories but based on what I’d prefer to eat.

    Fun story from yesterday. There’s a maple in the church yard–which is very large–that turns a glorious orange every year and simply beautiful. But the leaves make a huge pile, and the man who is contracted to mow our lawn doesn’t bag, and he stops mowing in October, so the leaves just sit there all winter long, and are right in my path every time I walk to church and they annoy me. (Not opinionated, am I?) And then, what is even worse, is that next spring, when we have our Easter Egg hunt with 400 children, the lawn will still be covered by the previous fall’s leaves! So I asked a friend in the congregation who has a riding lawn mower with bags attached if she’d teach me to use her mower so I could mow up the leaves at church, put them in the back of DH’s little pick-up, and haul them to the city dump for yard waste. Oh, that was F.U.N.!!! I find entertainment in odd places, I’ll freely admit, but it was good for lots of laughter as I learned to control the steering, not by a steering wheel, but by a bar in each hand. I nearly ran over my friend at one point, and crashed into a light pole at another point, but everything was okay. 😂💥🤣💥😂It took about an hour and filled nearly to overflowing the back of DH’s truck, so I’m not exagerating when I say how many leaves were in that small area. And now it’s far more lovely to see, and I won’t have to walk through soggy leaves all winter. 👍😏

    @merryapple What a fun few days you’ve had, all except for the bug on your finger; I’d have slept in the guest bedroom also!

    @funshipfreddie Thanks to you and everyone else so sympathetic to my night of bad sleep; I did indeed get a lovely night’s sleep last night. I didn’t bother with the cognitive shuffling the final time I woke up because it was clear I was awake for all day, and it was related to the disaster of how I ate on Saturday evening; it wasn’t a boatload of food at all, but it was the kind of choices that made me feel truly bloated and awful. But, like you, when I do try the cognitive shuffle, I don’t get beyond the first letter most of the time, and truly appreciate how helpful it is. What is the alternate nostril breathing you talk about? It’s rather self-explanatory, but do you have any details or background?

    @brightonbelle I wish you every bit of motivation and determination to cross everything off your to-do list that’s intended to be accomplished today!

    @jaifaim Lots of firewood for free is lovely, but oh what a lot of work I’m certain it all was and will be, and with everyone in the same boat, I’m sure it will take some time before you’re able to get professionals out to deal with what’s left…am I correct? So glad along with you that your mom simply slept through it all! Hopefully Darragh is gone and finished now.

    @at How nice to have freshly painted walls; will your SIL finish today, or is it going to take another day or two?

    @northgeorgia Oh, what a bummer on the exploded soup; glad you were able to get it all cleaned up without too much struggle.

    @excelsior12309 “Wretched” is such a perfect adjective to have chosen for Storm Darragh, and is used far too little for how expressive it is. My daughter uses a sound machine every night to ensure her girls go right back to sleep when they wake up–which doesn’t actually always happen, but she holds out hope, LOL–so I’m familiar with it. But that night was a one-off and I usually don’t have such awful nights. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thanks for the idea, however, and I’m glad you’re appreciating it for yourself.

    @ccco Oh, bummer on the lack of sleep! I imagine a nap is in order for today!

    Today, I’m going to finally switch out summer clothes for winter clothes–something that’s been on my daily to-do list for over a month!–so I don’t have to traipse down to the basement every morning to choose clothes to wear, and then we’ll get the Christmas decoration boxes and clothes bins all put back away; it’s a disaster down there because everything is pulled out of storage and it’s the last major thing on my to-do list. I’m not entirely done with Christmas shopping for my kids and the few others I buy, but I’m further along than I often am, so I’m feeling quite virtuous, and my Fitbit is impressed enough that it’s telling me I’m burning approximately 500 calories more each day than usual, so that’s another cause for feeling virtuous! 😇🤣

    Okay, a little knitting with Christmas music and my cup of coffee in my Christmas mug, and my day will be off to an excellent start.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 9 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Today is flying by, always helpful on a FD. Went over to visit dad this morning, mid afternoon before I got home and had brunch, now waiting for a parcel delivery. I live on an unlit country lane so at this time of year I dread getting a delivery ETA for the hours of darkness as I always fret the courier won’t find us. Pembrokeshire is the end of the road for deliveries so inevitably we get them at the end of the day. I have been busy online ordering Christmas gifts so it’s going to be a week of peering into the darkness looking for lost delivery vehicles 😂

    @stitchincarol empathy on the undeserved weigh in. I’m trying to forget the horrible numbers I saw on my last weigh in……so dispiriting when you’re expecting a loss ☹️ I’m just sticking with good behaviour in the belief that good results must happen eventually.

    Stay strong Monday fasters.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍀🍌
    @merry 🍎
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    USA. Day 9. FD

    My FD didn’t go as planned. I was tired and bored and wound up eating two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The bread is multigrain, keto friendly, and low calorie, so that part is good. The peanut butter is healthy but has a lot of calories. The jam was only 10 calories because no sugar is added. I didn’t go too far beyond my goal because of the above but I will have to call today a CD. Tomorrow I will try again. It’s easy to get bored when the weather is cold and nasty, so I can’t get busy enough to keep my thoughts from running to food.I guess I will have to work a little harder tomorrow. I actually feel better when I fast, so I have no good reason not to.

    I am already for Christmas. I am glad to have the weight of that off my shoulders. We were supposed to do the gingerbread houses and my granddaughter’s birthday party yesterday but some of us were sick. I will have to give my granddaughter her birthday present another day.

    MissyBear, for years I lived on a street nobody seem to know existed. For this reason, I couldn’t even order a pizza to be delivered because we would be told that we weren’t in their delivery zones. Guests couldn’t find our house and would have to call first, even though they were nearby. It was a nuisance. Now where I live I only have to worry about porch pirates for deliveries. They are already out in force here!

    Hope everyone is having an enjoyable day!

    Day 10 NZ 86.8kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I normally do a fast walk on my own on a Tuesday but the slow dogs turned up so it was an amble. Slightly annoying but I’ll pick another day and won’t advertise it!!
    I went to go to bed last night and stood in the hall debating which bed to use because I hadn’t located the Weta. I looked down and there he was standing on the floorboards next to the rug. I dropped a T-shirt over him, gently scooped him up and put him outside on a tree fern. He was probably pretty thirsty. A thunderstorm storm had passed overhead earlier in the evening so there were plenty of raindrops around…
    I’m off to the Spinners and Weavers Guild Christmas party tonight so need to do some baking… and go to hand physio.
    My eldest nephew rang me last night to tell me he has been accepted into Medical School at Otago University in Dunedin, where my father and grandfather studied. My great grandfather went to the Royal Edinburgh Infirmary. I’m so delighted and proud because he will make a very good physician and it’s really tough to gain a place because there are only two med schools in NZ.
    Must carry on!
    @funshipfreddie I hadn’t noticed I hadn’t filled in a goal for Dec…
    @excelsior12309 I prefer the bear stories😁
    @stitchincarol I love the thought of you on a ride on mower. Have you heard of Benny Hill??!! 😁 The UKites will know what I mean!!
    @ccco Porch pirates🤣 I hadn’t heard that term but we sure have them here…
    Must get going…

    USA. Day 9 FD

    Merryappke, I am going to google what a Weta is. I have never heard of that. Also, congratulations to your nephew for so wonderfully getting into Medical School. Good luck to him. I think he already must be both smart and filled with luck, since you only have two med schools in New Zealand.

    Hope you are all having a great evening!

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Yesterday was a disaster food-wise. I’m going back to basics, logging everything, every day 🎯

    @stitchincarol – alternate nostril breathing 101. Great for de-stressing if you’re worried about something, or just want to feel more relaxed. But I think for getting back to sleep it would be enough to just breathe in for a count of 4, hold it for 6 & then breathe out for 8, without worrying about nostrils 😅

    @merryapple – congrats to your nephew! 👨‍⚕️ I’m hoping that 86.8 by your post – & on the spreadsheet – are typos?! 😳

    @ccco – ‘porch pirates’ 😅 I haven’t heard that before either 🏴‍☠️️ We have every conceivable type of pirate here, & lots of them. You can’t even use the expression, “if it’s not nailed down..” because the nails will go too 😟

    Gotta dash, it’s mosaic day. Have a great day everyone 🎨 🌈

    Day 10 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    156.6 ⬆️

    Hi all, well I had a less than stellar ⭐️ FD yesterday… a colleague brought goodies back from a trip and had made sure I could have some… so I did.. not that many but enough for me to push the FD to FD800 or even a little more and not the best type of kcals… I was tired and a little achey so gave myself a break and figured today is another FD. The rest of the week will be a challenge as I have a night out tomorrow and Christmas lunch with work in Thursday.

    @ccco I meant to comment (and I don’t think I did) on how scary it must have been for you when you found yourself completely disorientated – you poor thing! Isn’t it frightening that in that moment one of the first thoughts we have is that we wouldn’t want anyone to know.. whereas if you broke a leg or any other body part we’d seek help immediately.. I am so so glad that you were diagnosed so quickly and cared for so well and that you are in tip top form now. 💕💕

    @merryapple huge congrats to your nephew!!! What an achievement and so lovely to carry on the family tradition. And can I say well done on saving the Weta even though he scared the bejaysus out of you! 😂😂

    @excelsior12309 ugh! 🐞😂

    @missybear you live in such a beautiful part of Wales – but isn’t it great that you can do your shopping online now – so much easier than having to head to the big towns particularly in the winter…

    To all of those putting in the effort but not seeing the reward… it’s there… you just don’t see it yet… don’t scupper it now… (saying this to myself too even though I actually could have done better!)

    Ok I’m going into today fighting 🥊

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 10 🥊🥊🥊


    Day 10 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. No need to be scared of a few tortilla strips in my homemade Sopa Azteca! Nice drop. Going for another FD800 today, and maybe tomorrow (I take the chances when I can get them this time of year, because sabotage lurks).

    Pocket List – Day 10 🥊🥊🥊

    Day 10 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Oh so cold here! I know I will have to force myself to go out and get some exercise. It will be an effort today, I’m warm and cosy sitting on the sofa sipping coffee from my enormous Christmas mug.

    My delivery arrived late last night. The young courier was new to the job and was accompanied by a mentor. @jaifaim living in a fairly remote part of the UK I do most of my shopping by internet so I am always appreciative of the hard working couriers and so far @ccco I’ve never had a delivery go astray…..hope I haven’t jinxed myself now.

    I had a good FD yesterday. For dinner I oven cooked frozen quorn fillet in tinned chopped tomatoes, added garlic, herbs and pepper. Served with a generous portion of broccoli it was filling and tasty for just 200 calories, quick and easy to prepare and kept me satisfied until brunch at midday today.

    @merry🍎 I had no idea what a weta is so I googled 😱 it looks like a giant cockroach on grasshopper legs! Now I know why you slept in another room 😂

    Well I can delay no longer. I must peel myself off this sofa, put on layers and step outdoors 🥶

    Have a good day everyone 🤗

    Pocket List – Day 10 🥊🥊🥊

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 157.4

    Well, that weight is a far cry from what I was hoping for today, but dinner last night was lovely, and all I can do is keep on keeping on–would that be KOKO? 😂 And a WF today will certainly benefit tonight’s sleep, tomorrow morning’s weight, and my overall contentment, so a WF it is. Although, I’m allowing myself a Kahlua and Cream tonight, should I choose to indulge, LOL.

    @missybear We must continue to cheer on each other so we both persevere in the face of what feels like unreasonable scale numbers, LOL! I loved your description of where you live and the concern of waiting for parcel deliveries; it sounds cosy for you and your DH!

    @ccco Well done on being entirely ready for Christmas, but such a disappointment about not being able to do your granddaughter’s birthday celebration…such is life, eh?

    @merryapple Thanks for the birthday wishes, and congratulations on your nephew being accepted to med school; such a legacy your family has going!

    @funshipfreddie Thanks for the explanation.

    Okay, I’m going to go pour my first cup of coffee (also in a Christmas mug, @missybear) and enjoy the burning candles and some Christmas music and knit for an hour before I have to get this day moving.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 10 🥊🥊🥊
    @stitchincarol WFD

    USA. Day 10. FD

    Today won’t be a WFD but I want it to be a more extreme FD. As soon as I eat a little more than I should, I gain. 🤨. I also find that as I lose, I do gain more energy, something I need very much. I can’t exercise the way I used to and I can’t run anymore, so I have to find other ways to rid myself of excess calories. I am trying to work on a plan, since I really do need some kind of yoga. Even my yoga has become chair yoga but I find stretching exercises to be very helpful!

    Pocket List – Day 10 🥊🥊🥊

    I thought everyone might find the notion of porch pirates amusing. A few years back, when people started buying Christmas presents online to be delivered to our homes here in the states, they started to be stolen before we could get home to bring them in. Here in the states, this has grown to a huge problem now and the press seemed to have coined the phrase porch pirates. I think it it fits. These pirates aren’t even afraid to be caught on this video doorbells! Amazing!
    They already have appeared in my neighborhood and I am keeping track of everything. It’s easier for me because I am a retired woman now!

    Thank you, jaifaim. I have been on quite a recovery journey! Losing my memory was horrifying at the time and I was afraid my family would think I had altzheimers. That is something that could really go sideways. It’s hard to believe that I am saying this, but it was better that I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. No one would suffle me away to some institution for that and it all turned out for the best!👍🏻

    A Weta is a giant cockroach? Wow! I am from New York City and I have seen a lot of cockroaches in my time! Water cockroaches, flying cockroaches, tiny cockroaches, and large ones. I am not sure what constitutes a giant cockroach but I think if I haven’t met one, that might be for the best! LOL

    I hope you all are having a great, albeit probably seasonally busy, day! 😀

    USA DAY 10 FD

    Stitchincarol and I had an overlap, so I added both of us to this pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 10 🥊🥊🥊
    @stitchincarol WFD

    2nd Post – Day 10

    @stitchincarol – I almost forgot?!🎵 Happy Birthday to You!🎶 🎉🎈🎊🥂

    @stitchincarol I remembered and then promptly forgot this morning… the story of my life at the moment!

    Lá breathe shóna duit 🎈
    Happy birthday to you! 🎈

    Day 10 second post

    @stitchincarol I nearly forgot to wish you a very happy birthday 🥳 can’t believe you’re doing a WFD today! Have a lovely day 💐🎉🤗

    Day 10 UK NFD

    Happy birthday 🥳 @stitchincarol

    Yesterday went well today less so but another FD tomorrow so hoping to stay steady

    Sorry… this has to be corrected:
    Damn autocorrect finds Irish difficult 😂

    Lá breithe shóna duit 🎈
    Happy birthday to you! 🎈

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Another bust yesterday. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve just got zero self-discipline right now. Maybe it’s the heat & humidity. I think I’ll need to do an extra FD this week.

    @ccco, @missybear – we have drop-off points here for parcel deliveries. So if you know you won’t be home you can have a parcel delivered to participating stores close by & then just pick it up when they let you know it’s been delivered. It depends on the item though. And one of the bonuses of living in a retirement village, there’s always someone at home during the day 📦

    @stitchincarol – I hope you had a lovely day, despite the WF

    @jaifaim – that blatant spelling error – how could you?! 😂

    Line-dancing today 🕺💃 and then I’m off to the bank to sort out my will. There’s a cheery thought, but it’s got to be done. And now that people have been talking about them, I’ve decided I want a Christmas mug 🎅

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥕
    @northgeorgia maybe..?

    Day 11 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    157.1 ⬆️

    Not looking good this week and I am perplexed… yesterday was more of a FD800 though again but thought I’d see the same numbers this morning… maybe as @stitchincarol sometimes says it’s my body not wanting to let go of the weight or, maybe, I’m just making excuses.. either way… it works to keep me focused during the days ahead where I have lots on.

    @funshipfreddie I know… no one else would have noticed and I leave a lot of typos up here but I couldn’t leave that kn case @daffodil2010 was lurking and saw it 😂😂😂 we can but hope 🙏

    Busy day – hope yours is great whatever you are doing everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 11 UK FD

    Phew tough day yesterday , poor old weather I’m blaming my eating on being in hibernation mode due to the horrid cold conditions , but it’s the exact opposite for @funshipfreddie – there’s probably a week somewhere that’s ideal fasting weather 🌈

    Getting organised for a trip to see FIL tomorrow, we are staying overnight but that means more family visits , it’ll be lovely but I’m looking forward to being back Friday for a rest

    Have a good one all-Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥕
    @northgeorgia maybe..?

    Day 11 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Not much of a drop today due to the big drop the day before. Also, my mom made pinto beans last night and I just had to have a taste — although I did not eat any cornbread with them and had a very small “tasting” amount.

    This time of year, there’s always the chance of sabotage. I was invited out to lunch yesterday, but I politely declined. There will come invitations that will be difficult to decline without coming off as rude, but here’s hoping that day will not be today 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥕
    @northgeorgia maybe..?

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Cd or fewer – 162.4

    Yesterday’s Birthday WFD turned into a Birthday Celebration. Why? Because I had a flat tire and it messed up piano lesson times and by the time I got home, I had zero tolerance left for finding control on my birthday. C’est la vie, and today’s a new day. I’m waiting for a call back to see when I should be in to get the tire fixed and will then decide what and when I’ll eat.

    Thanks, everyone, for all the birthday wishes…even in the Irish language!

    Oops–the phone is ringing!

    USA. Day 11. FD

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥕
    @northgeorgia maybe..?

    I agree with everyone about trying to fast during the holidays but I keep right on trying. Yesterday, I went out with a friend and played golf in intense fog. I don’t know what we were thinking, aside from the fact that it wasn’t raining for a change. We congratulated ourselves for not losing our balls in the fog over a glass of wine! That was fun anyway!

    Funshipfreddie, we have that situation here now, too, where we can pick up our packages at designated location, so as not to have them stolen. The unfortunate problem with that is that kind of defeats the purpose of my shopping online. I want my packages delivered to my door. It’s a pity that there are always people around that can ruin a good thing!

    Jaifaim, thank you for reminding me of how to say happy birthday in Gaelic. My grandfather was fluent in the language but all my family members in the U.S, who spoke the language have long ago passed away and I have no one around anymore who knows the language. I have been saving phrases and just added happy birthday to my list! 😊👍🏻

    I hope everyone is having a great day. I am having a busy one, even though it is raining again!!

    Day 11 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Considering we’re into the month of silliness and indulgence I think I’m handling resistance surprisingly well. I think I must be operating on the delayed gratification principle. Treats have been purchased but pushed to the back of the cupboard / freezer and the Baileys and cognac is being ignored until the week of Christmas / New Year. I’m not underestimating the damage that can be done in a week of indulgence so I’m doing my best to maintain control for at least the next ten days.

    @stitchincarol horrible bad luck to have car trouble yesterday. I firmly believe birthdays should be celebrated so I hope you enjoyed your day after the hassle.

    Off to get dinner prepared.

    Day 11 NE England IF 16:8

    Hello all, trying to keep up but it’s a busy time of year, right? DH decided today he would start some wallpapering – on the staircase, so that’s been fun, I had planned to start my Christmas wrapping today!
    Scales are still wobbling up and down half a pound, but I’m happy to accept that at the moment. Step count is a little down but the weather forecast is favourable for the rest of the week, quite mild in fact Sunday and Monday. I will be out and about.

    Day 12 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    156.6 ⬇️

    Checking in ahead of a dat where I will need to exercise great control…. As we have Christmas 🎄 lunch today where everyone takes time out to celebrate and there will be a fantastic spread… the whole shebang… Control, Control don’t leave me now…

    Happy with the number above alrhough ideally would like ti get back to 155 before Christmas- there is still time. 👌

    @northgeorgia every drop ⬇️ counts 😊

    @stitchincarol so glad you had a lovely birthday 🎈 and hope you got the car sorted as you rely on it so much.

    @ccco aww I’m glad I was able to add to your saved phrases… it is so lovely to hold onto the language.. I love our language and of course we tend to use it in day to day a little by dripping in words or phrases, but am not as fluent as I am in French.

    @missybear you are doing so very well!!! Like you I have bought some delicious treats for later on in the month and am not touching them (Forest Feasts goodies are a current favourite) but I was tempted over the weekend and really felt the effects this week both in mind and body… sugar or low quality chocolate really makes me feel off.

    @iona72 it is tricky now… but step by step we’ll get there. I’m in the same boat 🚤 as you… up/down up/down… but… at least the downs are there… imagine if it was just up, up, up… ⭐️

    @funshipfreddie hope you enjoyed line dancing 🤠 and @brightonbelle that you enjoy the time with your FIL 💕💕

    Hi to everyone else… off now to face any challenges that are sent to me…

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I need a really good FD today. Well, I need several, but one at a time eh? Haven’t weighed myself since Monday morning. It won’t be pretty. No-one to blame but myself. I might do an egg fast or something drastic after the weekend. It feels a bit cooler after a bit of rain during the night. But it was still + 20 C already at 6:30 am, & the humidity’s been close to 100% some nights. At least I managed + 10,000 steps yesterday, & I’m aiming for the same today.

    @stitchincarol – a flat tyre on you birthday?! How rude? I once got a speeding ticket on my birthday. The cop actually wished me a ‘happy birthday’ as he handed me the ticket 🤬

    @jaifaim – you’re so close to that 155, you can do it! 💪 And so can the Thursday fasters… 🎯

    “The only thing standing between you & your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” ~ Jordan Belfort

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥑

    Day 12-No. VA USA-NFD

    Well, in the middle of the night on Tuesday, I was struck by quite the case of gastroenteritis…it really knocked me for a loop, I was up most of the night and definitely not able to go to work yesterday. So it turned into a fast day of the worst kind, but sipping clear liquids was all that was possible. I would definitely NOT recommend it as a way to lose weight!
    But things are better today, thank goodness.
    Sending positive thoughts to all the fasters. I will probably join up on Friday!

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. I know my body is holding on to water, but it’s an early morning…got a political roundtable breakfast to attend early this morning.

    Day 12 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    My cat has decided she wants a cuddle so I’m pinned down on the sofa. It’s a hard life 😉😻 I think brunch will be eggs today then fish with spinach and mushrooms for dinner. Healthy protein with lots of low calorie vegetables keeps me going well on a FD.

    @jaifaim enjoy your Christmas party, you can fast tomorrow.

    @funshipfreddie good to take quick action to prevent the upwards creep, I wish I had. Maintenance is hard work but believe me you’ll regret it if you don’t persevere.

    @merry🍎 hope all is well.

    @excelsior12309 good your illness was short lived, hope you’re feeling much better now……and showing a drop on the scales to compensate for being unwell 🤞

    It’s a short list today, anyone else joining the Thursday fasters?

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥑

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 156.0

    The story of the flat tire is that I thought my power steering had gone out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It was harder to steer than normal and I kept wondering what was up. On my way the 2½ miles from one student to the final three, I finally pulled over to look–and saw the flat. Just then a car drove by, but had to stop at the stop sign where we were, and the kind man volunteered to change it for me. SOOOO kind, as it was miserably uncomfortable in the cold and the wind. His wife got out–they were about the same age as I, or perhaps older–and in the course of conversation, my daughter called to wish me happy birthday. When I hung up, the wife was delighted that it was my birthday, because it was her mom’s as well. “Really? Cool! What year was she born?” “1954.”


    How this woman (and her husband, also), who appeared to be my age, had a mom who was four years older than I is simply unfathomable! 🤣

    So I got the tire repaired–it was patchable, thankfully–and got a lot of knitting done while I sat and waited, so there’s still the possibility I’ll get DH’s Fair Isle done by Christmas. Other things on my list of things needing doing before Christmas– things that appeared to have all the time in the world two weeks ago!–are starting to press down on me, so more cookie dough is soon to be mixed, scooped and frozen, and the Christmas letter written so I can send out cards, and etc., etc. But the list feels daunting and “too hard” some years, so I’m thankful it doesn’t feel that way this year. And I could, of course, just decide not to do the baking I’m planning on, so I’m well aware it’s self-imposed pressure, LOL.

    I’m still chuckling over those of you who didn’t understand how a WF could be a good thing on a birthday, because to my mind, it was a huge gift of telling myself I’m in control of what I eat and I don’t feel pressured to behave a certain way–eat a certain way–just because social conventions expect it. That, at least, was the plan! 🤣😂🤣🤷🏻‍♀️😂

    @funshipfreddie I don’t recall ever hearing of struggles from you, and I’m very sympathetic, but I also appreciate knowing it’s not smooth sailing despite it appearing so, and it makes me even more vigilant to make choices that are good, and psych myself up for the day I finally reach maintenance and STILL have to be vigilant.

    @excelsior12309 Oh, you poor thing. I’ve had that happen and it’s truly miserable. I’m glad you’re better today and hope you’re back to completely fine by tomorrow!

    @jaifaim I wish you strong RESOLVE for today’s luncheon–which, as I look at my clock and see it’s 8am, means it’s 2pm for you, so it’s probably over now. However successful you were at showing control, at least it’s (probably?) all done now! 😏👍

    @iona72 I keep wanting to wrap the presents I have bought–which is most of them, at this point–but can’t do it when there’s a chance DH will pop in the front door, a habit I love, but not when I’m trying to get his present wrapped, LOL! Perhaps today will work. How’s the wallpapering going?

    @missybear This comment from you has my attention: “I’m not underestimating the damage that can be done in a week of indulgence so I’m doing my best to maintain control for at least the next ten days.” What grabbed me about it is that I do, indeed, often underestimate the damage, so I’m adding that thought to my ever-racing mind to help ensure I eat reasonably over the actual Christmas celebration. Thanks for voicing that!

    Okay, it’s time to get hustling. Or perhaps to knit a bit and THEN to get hustling, LOL. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥑
    @stitchincarol WFD

    USA. Day 12. FD

    Today I felt a little heavier, so I thought I would weigh myself. Yup! I shouldn’t have had the glass or two of wine last night, I am up two lbs. The holidays are a difficult time to lose weight but I intend to at least hold on to what I’ve lost, even if the holiday gets a little in the way of a loss. FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I like your Jordan Belfort phrase. I think it is very true.

    Stitchincarol, I didn’t realize yesterday was your birthday. Happy belated birthday or as Jaifaim might say: La breithe shona dult! I wish I knew how to put in the inflection marks on my computer! LOL I am sorry you had to get a flat tire on your birthday. That’s a bummer!

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥑
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Today, I deem as my RFD, otherwise know as my radical fast day! It’s an effort to get rid of those two acquired pounds before they turn into 4, etc.! 👍🏻

    Stitchincarol, when I was in my late teens, my father had it in his mind that all his children should learn to change a tire, both daughters and sons! I learned all those years ago but always had in mind that I would not have the strength to tighten those screws enough, so that the tire wouldn’t go flying off when I was driving on some highway somewhere. Fortunately, I never had to change a tire myself. Now the way tire are put on new cars, I don’t see how anyone but a professional could fix them. My solution is that I always carry my AAA card. I never leave home without it! LOL

    Excelsior12309, I am so sorry for you. That must have been painful! And had to happen during the holidays! ☹️ Feel better quickly!

    Northgeorgia, Good luck with your roundtable. I am trying my best to keep away from talking much about politics these days! I am burnt out!

    MissyBear, your brunch and dinner sound like an excellent choice!

    I better get on with my day! I hope everyone is having a good one! 😊

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kgs

    Well, I’m gob-smacked?! I was expecting to be a lot closer to 73 kgs. I’ve broken every rule in the book this week. Obviously I’m not complaining. But it’s just weird. Not quite like when you’re trying to lose but the number doesn’t go down, even though you know you’ve done everything right. But equally baffling. Anyway, no egg fast necessary, but back to being on my best behaviour; & no more buying enormous bars of chocolate just because it’s 50% off 🤪

    @excelsior12309 – I hope you’re fully recovered by now? That’s horrible, even worse when it happens during the night. So you finish up losing sleep on top of everything else.

    @stitchincarol – that’s a funny story! But, so lucky you got your tyre changed. I’ve only ever had to change one, so far 🤞🤞

    @merryapple – I hope you’re okay, & not being too merry?! 😅

    @ccco – my dad also showed me how to change a tyre when I was in my teens. I never got a flat until I was in my 30’s though. I was on my way home from work one night, after 8 pm on the highway, pitch-dark & in the middle of nowhere. It was horrible. Long story short, when I went to replace it the next day the guy at the tyre place asked me, “where’s your spare wheel?” So I told him, “I told you, I got a flat”. He looked confused, but then it gradually dawned on me that I should’ve kept the flat ‘tyre’, instead of leaving it on the side of the highway. I thought the metal bit in the middle was all part of the tyre, duh?! People just assume you know these things 🤦‍♂️

    Happy Fri-yay the 13th y’all 🍹

    “Managing your weight around the holidays just requires a little planning….For example, I took the batteries out of my scale yesterday”. ~ Unknown

    Day 13 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    156.3 ⬇️

    Happy Friday everyone!

    I am proud of myself for not going mad yesterday but really enjoyed a delicious early cooked breakfast (just protein and veg) and full Christmas dinner and desserts in work. Didn’t take huge portions but tasted most everything except what I couldn’t have but most was GF (no stuffing, pudding or cake but that’s just as well). Not much was done in the afternoon as wine was also on offer… I didn’t partake but everyone else did 😂

    And so glad that even though it’s minuscule there is a teeny tiny drop today… ⬇️

    Thanks everyone for the support!! I am going to really really try to budge away from the 156s ⬇️ next week when I’ve a little less on.

    @ccco, on your PC do you have an Alt Gr key near your space bar? If you press that and “a” you will get “á” 😊 (and the same with the other vowels). If not there are other ways… and on your phone or iPad/tablet just hold the character down for a few seconds and you will see all the options áàAä etc… speaking of umlauts.. where is @snowflake56?? Hope you are out there and keeping well 💕

    I don’t have much more chat today as my head is full of lists and thoughts but will be back on later or in the morning.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 13-No. VA-NFD
    Well yesterday, I returned to the land of the living! Thank you for your good wishes. I actually did some oatmeal for dinner of what turned out to be OMAD yesterday. My weight is definitely down, but I don’t expect it to stay where it is unless I am very careful…but my appetite is off a bit, so we will see.
    @ccco, that was a funny story about changing tires. I agree, that even if I could have removed a tire, I certainly could not have tightened the lug nuts holding it on, and I always feared the same thing: a tire rolling away as I drove off! Roadside assistance is our friend!
    @stitchincarol, a belated happy birthday to you. The other day in my office, one of my medical assistants , who is in her 30’s, was telling the other girls that her mom just had a birthday and was 54. And I realized I could be her mother’s mother! Oh well, every day is a blessing…
    @funshipfreddie, our scales can sometimes surprise us in a good way, can’t they. You seem like a pretty dedicated faster, so I am not surprised.
    @jaifaim, your technique of sampling the offerings of your holiday feast is a good one. I does the least damage, and you don’t feel deprived!
    @iona72, I hope the wallpapering was completed without incident!
    @missybear, your description of being “pinned to the sofa” is what is happening to me now, as I am taking care of my daughter’s little dog, and he insists on sitting on the couch in the mornings, and you have to sit with him…and in just a certain position. He is very strict.
    @northgeorgia, I hope you survived your roundtable intact!

    Resolve to the fasters!

    Day 13 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. I behaved badly last night… a routine change threw me off. The greasy breakfast at the roundtable had me running to the bathroom an hour and a half later LOL!

    Anyway, the weigh-in is decent. Today is the holiday office mingle at a coworker’s home.

    Day 13 Germany FD
    Just returned from a short trip to Majorca. It was great to have a couple of days sun and blue skies. The first day was very windy and the wind lifted my balcony glass table top and shattered it, plus blowing over a cupboard. So a bit of clearing up was done. Weight wise at a standstill with 64,5 kg, but determined to get another 3kg off.
    @stitchincarol loved the story about the cop giving you a ticket, think the guy has a good sense of humour (or not).
    Well it’s Christmas Market weekend with friends, so a few Gluhweins are planned, so don’t expect to loose any this week.
    Happy weekend to you all.

    Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 153.4

    It’s 10 degrees (-12C) and we’re supposed to get ice and snow tonight, which entirely scuppers our plans to go to a 4pm vocal jazz concert in Seward and then on to a 7pm Husker basketball game (for which we were gifted tickets) in Lincoln. 😢 If it doesn’t materialize as forecast, we may still go, but I think I see the handwriting on the wall, sadly…

    Yesterday’s WF went well. I was COLD, however, as I had no calories in me to warm me up, and the air temp was about the same as today. I took to drinking hot water (tea didn’t interest me, nor coffee) and that helped and I just suffered through the hunger. 😏 Now I’m considering my meal options for today, which will be entirely different than planned given the weather and its impact. Can you tell it’s made me a bit grumpy, LOL?

    @ccco Keep in mind that two actual pounds requires 7,600 calories. A glass of wine is about 200 calories, give or take. So there’s zero possibility that a glass of wine packed on two pounds. Try weighing yourself, then drinking a HUGE glass of water, then weighing yourself again. The scale will be up, but clearly you haven’t gained anything, but are instead simply carrying the weight of the water–or in the case of this morning, the weight of the wine and anything else you ate/drank. Keep the faith; you’re being so diligent about fasting that your weight has to be falling, despite temporary gains. 👍

    @funshipfreddie I’m delighted for you at your well-behaved scale this morning!

    @jaifaim Okay, WELL done on the work Christmas dinner yesterday! And to be down a couple ounces in the process? Very impressive control. 💪 And I too have been thinking often of @snowflake56 and @daffodil2010…miss them!

    @excelsior12309 Yeah, it’s always shocking when we realize how young some of the people are around us–one of my adult piano students, who feels like a friend, has parents who are younger than I am, LOL. Just goes to show, I suppose, how unimportant age can be. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @davinac Given what’s outside my windows, and what’s forecast for this evening, blue skies and warm sun sound absolutely divine. Welcome back!

    My 35yo KitchenAid mixer is close to dead, so DH gave me a new one for my birthday (per my request) and I think I’ll christen it today by mixing up some cookie dough and scooping balls to freeze. I have five recipes I’d like to have for Christmas, so it’s time to start getting them mixed up and scooped and in the freezer ready to bake. Which means I’ll have to use lots of discipline and RESOLVE not to nibble on dough. But with sufficient thinking time, I’ll be up to the challenge.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 13 FD

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I loved your tire story. It sounds like something I would do. However, the only time I was alone with a flat tire when I was young, a nice young man came to the rescue of the damsel in distress! I lucked out! LOL

    Thank you, jaifaim, for that information. I will practice doing that. Beware, though, you might be getting a bit more Gaelic! LOL

    Excelsior12309, I thought what you said about your medical assistant was funny! I know that I am more than old enough to be my primary care’s mother! While sometimes I find that disconcerting, I am determined not to have anymore doctors who could retire on me! LOL

    NorthGeorgia, you seem to be navigating the holiday season very well! Congrats!

    Stitchincarol, your current weather is exactly why I don’t think I could ever live in the mid-west or the west! I know what levels of snow you can have. I met someone from the mid-west a few years back who was from the mid-west while I was on vacation in a lovely warm spot. They told me that back home the snow was higher than their two story house!!! That was why they were on vacation. I can’t imagine that being in my life!!

    DaviniaC, I wish I was in Majorca right now!!😊

    Well, I have been avoiding the fact that this morning I weighed myself. I was up 2 lbs. and I perfectly agree with what Stitchincarol said. In my case, I have been trying to eliminate salt. I have managed to eliminate everything else but salt is hard for me. Unfortunately, I ate some salt last night and I could feel my hands were swollen when I woke up this morning and, unsurprisingly, found myself 2 lbs. heavier with water retention. That would incentivize me to stay off the salt today! 🤪

    Given that two pound gain (I am sure from salt), I am on a quest today…no salt and low calories. I don’t want to see that weight again tomorrow! 👍🏻 Given that, I join the pocket list again today or I will create one!

    Pocket List Day 13


    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Day 13 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Good FD yesterday and I held out till 2pm for brunch. I’m currently managing to do TRE and 2 meals a day keeping within my TDEE. I’m hoping this behaviour will help me to maintain this month despite some festive treats.

    I’ve had a busy day of chores today so I’m looking forward to a well earned glass of wine with my fish and veggies dinner tonight. TGIF 🥂

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Very quiet here?! Everyone busy fasting, exercising & Christmas shopping, obviously 😅

    @davinac – welcome back!

    @missybear – TRE + 2 meals a day, sounds like a plan. That’s generally what I do on NFDs too. I just need to plan what I eat better & stop buying junk.

    @jaifaim – I was wondering about @daffodil2010 & @snowflake56 too. @snowflake56 last posted on Sept 3rd when she mentioned going to the Netherlands for a short break… 🤔

    I’m off to a Saturday mosaic class. They’re usually much quieter than the Tuesday classes, so I get a lot more done. Last week there were only 3 of us, & the other two had left before noon 🎨

    Back on the pocket list tomorrow 💪

    Have a good weekend everyone ⛅️🌈

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