Our resort – tamarind hills.com
This topic contains 276 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by jaifaim 2 months, 1 week ago.
Day 4 NZ NFD 68.4kg 🏃🏼♀️
There was a gorgeous slither of a new moon in the navy blue sky last night. I turned over a coin and made a wish. It turned out that it was day 2 for the moon but who’s counting!!
@excelsior12309 Loved hearing about the bear! A Californian friend who has a house at Lake Tahoe had a visit from a bear – through the window, which was closed😵💫. He opened the freezer door, ate all the strawberry ice cream, took a 💩 and left…!!
@at and @stitchincarol Next time I have the opportunity I’ll order duck confit on your advice 😁
Welcome back @davinac It’s great to hear about your success!!
I have to go and tidy up the house and do some cooking prep. I have friends coming over tomorrow. I’ve made sure I have the ingredients to make a Dark & Stormy 🇯🇲 cocktail… rum, ginger beer and lime juice on ice…
Cheers everyone!!
Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
@davinac – welcome back!
@molij – All set for Christmas already?! I’m not going mad this year; I’ve got one more present to buy. I hope your granddaughter is okay. I had to Google sous vide. It said something about ‘cooking method’. So then I had to Google ‘cooking’ 🤣
@excelsior12309 – the house numbers I made for a neighbour. They’re a little on the large side, but he loves them. In the 2nd pic you can see the old # 35 on the floor.. https://imgur.com/a/rK66oLC
@songbirdme – I hope you haven’t done too much damage to your waistline during your vacation. Have a safe trip home 🤗
@at – I love the Gary Allan quote 😂
@stitchincarol – the mosaic Christmas function was fun. And I finished side # 3 of the pot I’ve been working on forever. It’ll be nice to have something I can work on sitting down next year. So much food yesterday ?! The quiche I took disappeared rapidly; I just got the last slice. Here are some pics our teacher Natalie took. I’m the one in the Santa hat 😅 https://imgur.com/a/nnDOQbD
Interesting, re preventing dementia:-
Experts reveal only three factors matter in preventing dementia
Happy Hump Day! 🐫
2nd Post – Day 4
Didn’t realise we’re on page two already, duh
@songbirdme – Tamarind Hills looks blissful😍
@merryapple – your bear story 🤣 Down a little after an NFD?! 🎯👏
Day 4 Ireland – CD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
155.6 ⬇️
Hi all, I had a good CD yesterday ahead of a NFD today which is unusual for me but I’m out tonight with one of my Frenchie besties ♥️ 🇫🇷 🎈
@at hope your 🎄 📚 🥂 was lots of fun!
@molij – I’m so glad to hear all is ok with your granddaughter 💕. You must have been so worried. Enjoy the run in to 🎄🎄🎄 sounds like you have it all organised 👏👏
@stitchincarol bravo to you on the lovely numbers uou seeing and long may this losing streak continue 👏👏. Inching back down and you are right.. not bad after a weekend where the reins were dropped a little.
@songbirdme your trip sounds divine! I watch a programme here called Death in Paradise which is a really really silly detective series but it’s set in the Caribbean and I love the scenery and the general relaxed vibe of the islands so it’s pure escapism. ☀️ 🏖️ 🕵️
@ccco – good strategy to come back on! I really find that helps… you’re great for the WFDs! And for even contemplating B2B ⭐️ I find them so tough! You are doing phenomenally well given the year you have had… I keep meaning to ask how things are going around the bay now – is the bridge being rebuilt?
@missybear I love putting my tree up (not yet though… after the 8th for me) as my decorations mostly are gifts from friends or decorations I bought on my travels over the years so it is a trip down memory lane when I dress the tree… and now becoming a bit of a memory test 😂
We have a siblings (&OHs) Kris Kindle now which works brilliantly rather than buying for everyone we buy for 2 and some of the children. And with friends it has changed a lot in recent years as we all have what we want, so we mostly treat each other to 🎭 tickets or experiences but there are still a few to buy for 💕.
Have a great day one and all!
@flourbaby thinking of you and hoping you’re ok.
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Second post
Like @funshipfreddie I didn’t see the 2nd page..
😂😂 @funshipfreddie I did wonder when I saw your reference to the article but no article 😂🤔😂😂😂😂
I shall read it now 👏
@merryapple I’ve seen brown bears under me on ski lifts in the summer in British Columbia and I love them at a distance but god… what a funny/frightening story!!! I hope your wishes do some true… I’ve never heard of the wish in a coin tradition. We learn every single day ⭐️⭐️
Day 4 NE England NFD
Victory on the scale today, another pound down, finally! My goal is in sight ~ but could well be derailed by the festive season 🤔 so I’m aiming to reach it by my birthday at the beginning of February. Toddler is a bit better thanks, so I’m free today. Just popping in to see my sister who is 60 today, we will be out for dinner this evening I shall choose wisely!!
@excelsior12309 I have never seen a bear, sounds scary! I’m sure my spaniel would go crazy!!
@songbirdme your vacation sounds delightful, especially on this cold frosty morning
Day 4 Wales 🏴 NFD
Lovely start to the day, haircut in a nearby seaside town then a walk down by the harbour. The town was very quiet, no tourists midweek at this time of year and the only sounds by the harbour were waves, seagulls and my footsteps. I enjoy the quietness of the winter season.
The bear talk had me thinking about a wonderful holiday we had in British Columbia. We spent a couple of weeks renting a cottage in Bella Coola and enjoyed watching bears catching salmon……from a safe distance. They were far too busy eating to be interested in us and they were beautiful, especially the cubs, but I wouldn’t welcome one into my kitchen!
My belly is starting to rumble and I haven’t decided what to have for brunch yet. Perhaps I should have a wander around the village while I think about it. Have a good day everyone 🤗
Day 4 – USA/GA – ?
Weigh-in: 235 lbs. I doubt today will be a FD, but I’m doing ZBC and treating it as one just in case. I’ll be traveling with a co-worker to one of the counties we serve today, going to several sites, so there may be pressure to do lunch. If it doesn’t work out today, tomorrow looks good — but this time of year, it is best not to tempt fate.
USA. Day 4. FD
The WFD went well. I weighed myself this morning and I am down two pounds today! I have got to keep up the momentum. It seems that eating one meal a day later in the afternoon works for me. I drink coffee in the morning and that staves off the hunger. I measure those meals carefully, so I can log in the exact calorie counts with portion sizes. This allows me to eat whatever I fancy in small portions. This works well with my personality. I like not feeling deprived. My latest issue is ridding myself of salt. I have long ago gotten rid of white flour and sugar and don’t miss them but salt has been a demon to get rid of! 🤨
I am now strong enough to begin my exercise program and this has already made me feel so much stronger. Even though my head still feels a little strange, the fact that exercise is beginning to make me feel normal is a huge leap forward for me.
jaifaim, the bridge is a very political move. The Baltimore Harbor has always been an important harbor. We can now get ships in and out of their slips but the Citu really needs that bridge back. Unfortunately, we will be tied up in insurance issues, law suits, and politics before they bridge will be rebuilt. That could take years but at least the harbor can work again. We just have a problem moving traffic around down there. I prefer to stay away from that mess. I am so glad my daughter and her husband moved close to me after that incident and I won’t have to attempt to get through the harbor. I love having my grandchildren so close to me, too!😊
I love reading about everyone’s Christmas plans. I have been at work with making mine. I had all my Christmas cards made out before Thanksgiving and sent them out on December 1. I have purchased all my presents. Fortunately, there are not a lot of those that I need to buy. We gave up buying everyone presents years ago because there are too many of us. I will have Christmas dinner. While it went well, I think my daughter did a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, her first, but she found it exhausting and is more than happy for me to do Christmas. I love being with my grandchildren during this time. They get so excited and they are hoping for snow!
MissyBear, your trip to Bella Coola sounds lovely. When my son got married in Oregon, we stayed at a lighthouse, which also is where the ceremony took place. We could sit on the porch and watch the whales every morning. Oregon beaches are like no other that I have ever seen. They are really wild and not really for sunbathing or swimming. Whale watching was fun, though!
NorthGeorgia, I know how hard it is to control your meals when traveling or at meetings. I have had a hard time turning down food, especially when I am not cooking it. The food usually is something I don’t cook for myself and I just can’t pass it up. I hope I will be doing better for Christmas!
FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I will read your article as soon as I finish here. Dementia is an interest of mine, as well as many people. The week before I found out about my brain tumor, I drove out of my neighborhood and suddenly didn’t know where I was. I drove up the street thinking it would come back to me. Maybe a building would jog my memory, since I lived here for a very long time. It took quite awhile to remember and that was frightening. I thought that maybe I had sudden onset dementia and didn’t want anyone to know. The next week I learned I had the tumor and that was the reason for the memory loss. I am all good now but I truly feel for people with this issue. May none of us ever go through any of that.
NorthGeorgia, you are right. Better to not tempt fate!
Hope everyone is having a great day!
USA. Day 4. FD
Second Post
FUNSHIPFREDDIE, that is an excellent article but it doesn’t go into inherited tendencies to get dementia. I would like to have seen that, since we have that tendency in my family from my Irish/English grandmother. She didn’t have it but her sisters did and so did her daughter, my aunt. It was so sad to watch my aunt. I do all the things mentioned in the article. Now, I can just hope. So far so good! 🙂👍🏻
Day 5 NZ FD 86.3kg
It’s suddenly hotter here – 25c Summer has started and so has my quest to hide from the sun!! The air is a lovely coolish temp in the mornings but the sun is noticeably hotter… We have a big hole in the ozone layer above us plus our position on the globe means that the angle of the sun’s rays enter our skin quite deeply. Our summer tans last way longer than those gained closer to the Equator… Hence we top the stats for skin cancers…
On the plus side salad days are here!!🥒🥦🍠🥕🥬🫑 The early summer fruits are appearing 🍓🫐🍑🍒🥝
I made enough jam and bottled fruit to last me another year. I’ll just be eating fresh berries, apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines etc. Yum!!
@ccco You’re on a roll!! That sounds fantastic that you’re able to start exercising again. Just be aware when you’re not eating as much, you might get cramps if your salt consumption is too low… It happened to me… I was brought up eating low salt – cook with salt only not added at the table. I was getting bad cramps when I started exercising – not just over worked unfit muscle cramps!! Eating more salt helped. Having said that I have a low BP…
@excelsior12309 Your poor ol’ Corgi… defending your realm and no one got up to see what was going on on😬 I’m amazed all the dogs didn’t set up a chorus!! Did the bear get the goldfish or did he turn his nose up at carp?!
Thinking about dogs @penz How are you???
@funshipfreddie Who knew you weren’t a Christmas grinch😂 You look lovely and Christmasy, trim, taught and terrific and your garden pot is a triumph. With only one face to go you’ll have it home in no time!!
@missybear I loved hearing about your walk. Wild beach weather is so much more interesting than a sunny calm day unless you’re going for a swim!!
@iona72 Great to hear your finishing line is in your sights!!
And your wee granddaughter has bounced back again.
@jaifaim It’s an old Celtic custom for good luck and prosperity I learned from my grandmother as a kid!! Always go outside to see the new moon (not through glass) and turn your silver coins over. As the silver moon waxes so will your coins increase!! Try it!!
Have fun everyone!!
Pocket List 🍀🌙
(I use the sheet to collect names just in case someone is wondering why their name is missing)
Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
I seriously lost the plot yesterday. No idea why. I stuck to my window; but let’s just say it was a busy window 😕 Big rest today 🔘
@ccco – that must have been very scary, suddenly not knowing where you were?! About that article though, there’s not much we can do about our genes. But those 3 things are very doable – watch our weight/diet, exercise & a hobby or two, especially after retirement. There’s definitely a correlation between obesity & dementia, & some people refer to Alzheimer’s as type 3 diabetes. All the more reason to stick to our FDs & avoid junk food
@merryapple – so many compliments – thank you! It was also around 25 C here yesterday. 37 in Pretoria!. There seem to be a lot of holiday people here already. I can tell by the car registrations too; each province has a different plate. The really busy season will start next week after the schools close on the 11th.
@excelsior12309 – I’ve thought of doing a Boo Boo mosaic. I haven’t mosaicked over a picture yet, that’s something I’ve yet to learn. I’ve got this cute animated picture of a kitten sitting on a roof, so I might have a go at mosaicking over this first – https://imgur.com/a/W6vMWVc
RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters! 💪🎯
“Delayed gratification is a sweet lesson whose teacher knows the best is not right now, it is yet to be”. ~ Maximillian Degenerez
Pocket List – Day 5 🍀🌙
Day 5 Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
158.2 ⬇️
Hi alll, I had a lovely night last night out and about the city and the proof is in the numbers… every time this happens I’m surprised but there you go! Didn’t feel that I overdid it that much but… the proof is in the numbers… who knew steak weighed so much 🤔🤔🙄
@iona72 – so glad to hear all is well! Bravo on the scale victory ⭐️ and @ccco and all the other winners too ⭐️⭐️
@merryapple enjoy that sun ☀️! I think I remember what it looks like 😂 . Another storm due here tomorrow and will be travelling again…
I never heard if that custom but I absolutely will try it next time!
@funshipfreddie big rest or reset? I am on a big FD!!! Maybe even a LFD… with you all across the miles 🌍
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Pocket List – Day 5 🍀 🍌
@merry 🍎
Day 5 – USA/GA – FD
Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Hmmm, 5 lbs in two days? Bloat bloat bloat. Nope, it was a NFD for sure yesterday. This is what fast food on the run does. Ironically, I shouldn’t be so tempted on the NFDs over the weekend. Anyway, I’m going to make it a great FD today and cannot believe it’s less than three weeks until Christmas.
@merry 🍎
Day 5 Wales 🏴 FD
Hello from a grey, wet and windy Wales 💨💦🌧️ very definitely a day for indoor activities. Perfect day for writing the Christmas cards, but being a FD I will forego the traditional glass of Baileys which usually accompanies the task. I am being strict with myself in an attempt to drop a couple of pounds over the next couple of weeks to compensate for the inevitable gain that happens over Christmas and New Year.
Pocket List – Day 5 🍀 🍌
@merry 🍎
Day 5-No. VA USA-FD 800
It is verrrrry cold and windy here today. Weight is stable but I would definitely like to drop a few pounds before the end of the month. Veering away from carbs is most important for me! Sweets, also, a problem if I start.
I am inspired by @ccco and @iona72!
The bear(s) were back last night, but since they have eaten everything around and there is no garbage to go through, they didn’t stay long. They keep knocking over the metal trash can that had sunflower seeds for birds in it. But it is also empty! There are lots of other homes not too far away they could raid instead!
@funshipfreddie, definitely get to work on the Boo-Boo image. It will be spectacular.
@merryapple, I went downstairs last night at about 9:30 when the corgi was barking, and she was just laying sprawled out on the floor, occasionally barking, but not even looking out of the French door window…so I went back upstairs. The bears have left the koi alone in their freezing cold pond, fortunately.
Resolve to all of the fasters today!
Day 5 UK FD
I know it’s all very scientific but I still dont understand how a minor indulgence can see us piling the weight on overnight , but being super good it can take days to see any difference??? I feel for you @jaifaim & @northgeorgia
I’m in a similar frame of mind @missybear 🎄
Pocket List – Day 5 🍀 🍌
@merry 🍎
3rd Post – Day 5
@jaifaim – rEset! Every day’s a rest day for me 😅
I’m struggling today, but I won’t be defeated 💪
Pocket List – Day 5 🍀 🍌
@merry 🍎
@excelsior12309 FD800
Day 5 about to leave North Wales 🏴 NFD
Not going to be able to reply to people in this post as I am doing this whilst we are driving to visit Children and Grandchildren. I feel a bit sick if I look at my phone for too long. The car is loaded with presents . I definitely have the Christmas Spirit now. In the next 8 days we will be visiting Leicestershire, South Yorkshire and Northamptonshire. That will be a lot of driving and a lot of Christmas eating . If we are lucky enough to sell our house next year hopefully it will be the last of these long journeys we do each December.
Yesterday’s FD was ok I have had better.
I will try my best to post frequently if manage to get a minute. Have a good day everyone.
Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 156.0
What a crazy day it turned out to be yesterday. I woke up early, for which I was thankful given how much I had to do, and hit the floor at 6:25am, running to accomplish everything. A friend was coming over at 9 to make candy and prepare for our baking on Friday, all for our church’s 33rd Annual Christmas Cookie & Candy Boutique on Saturday morning–that’s a mouthful, huh? I honestly didn’t nibble much, but apparently had enough that the scales shot up. However, between candy-making, preparing for my cleaning lady to be here, working at church, practicing the organ, and then a worship service last night, I also hit 10K steps, and my Fitbit says I burned 2500 calories and walked 3.98 miles, so I imagine the bit of candy I nibbled won’t have a lengthy impact.
I’m thankful today will be more relaxed, even though it’s also plenty busy. Friday afternoon, my friend and I will bake our four- to five-hundred cookies, so it’ll be another day to be highly disciplined.
@molij Wowza but your postage is high!! I don’t blame you for not sending cards this year. Have a grand time on your trip seeing family and grands!
@merryapple and @excelsior12309 When my daughter was living in Colorado at a Christian Camp in the mountains, the house they were living in had been visited by a bear who slid open the sliding glass door and wandered around the kitchen it led into. He could smell the food in the pantry cupboard but couldn’t manage the door handle, so took a bite out of the corner of the wall, LOL! The dad got up to investigate and the bear ambled out, but even today, fifteen years later, that bite mark is still there as the source of a great story for anyone visiting the house!
“I had to Google sous vide. It said something about ‘cooking method’. So then I had to Google ‘cooking.’” 🤣 @funshipfreddie you gave me a grand laugh! And oh what fun to put a face to your “voice”!! Thanks for including that. (And now I understand why so many of your friends call you skinny…they’re not wrong and it’s your stellar behavior that has accomplished that for you!) The group looks great fun, there are some amazing mosaic projects pictured, and the food table…That was a LOT of food, LOL! And thanks for noticing the article was missing; I’ll read it later.
@iona72 CONGRATULATIONS! on that pound!
Okay, I managed to speed-read all the posts, but really must get going on my day, so can’t do my usual chatter.
Have a grand one, everyone!
Pocket List – Day 5 🍀 🍌
@merry 🍎
@excelsior12309 FD800
@stitchincarol WFD
Day 5 country west Australia NFD 84.4 kgs
Day 4 NFD 85.3
Day 3 NFD 86.1
It is so good to read everyone’s post and to see the positivity here.
Have made better food choices and trying to just eat less.
@funshipfreddie, love the quotes.
USA. Day 5 FD
Pocket List – Day 5 🍀 🍌
@merry 🍎
@excelsior12309 FD800
@stitchincarol WFD
Quite a list today! 🙂
My yesterday’s FD went well but I broke my fast with a glass of white wine! 🤨
That was a no no but I saw some people on TV program drinking a glass of wine after a rough day and suddenly I needed one, too! LOL Today is another day! 😊
Wow, @stitchincarol! I wouldn’t want such uninvited guests in my house!!
MollJ, have a great Christmas with your children and grandchildren! I am looking forward to that, too. Having grandchildren has put much life back into the Christmas celebration.
FUHSHIPFREDDIE, we are behind you to help you get through today’s struggles.
AT, I like your Tony Horton quote. So true! We just need to get into the right mindset, although that is a tall order. Also, I just finished a course of physical therapy myself, only mine wasn’t bursitis and tendonitis. I thought it was. It turned out to be something called frozen shoulder. I had to look it up. It’s the thickening of your tendons and cartilage and can happen as you age. My mother had that but I never paid any attention to it. The PT worked and I got my range of motion back. Good luck with your PT.
Brightenbelle, I am right there with you about it being easy to put on the weight but hard to rid ourselves of it.
Excelsior12309, I am right with you. It’s bitterly cold here in Maryland, too. I would really take m customary walks but it’s too unbearable out there. I need those walks to distress and for the exercise.
Merryapple, thank you for reminding me about those pesky cramps! I forgot about that. I remember that I had terribly scary muscle cramps when I went on a low carb diet. I couldn’t even walk. I went off it immediately but I was that scared.
I will have to respond to more posts later. Looks like I need to actually do some work! I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas season! 😊
Day 5 USA (Illinois) FD
Damage from the wonderful all-inclusive resort wasn’t too bad. Added 2 pounds (1KG) but was already 3 pounds more than I wanted to maintain. Can I lose 5 pounds in December and January? I hope so.
Arrived home at 3 a.m. after a very long travel day. BRRRR cold front came through our area with incredible winds – sorry I didn’t bring along something warmer to wear while waiting for the shuttle at O’Hare to get back to our car.
@merryapple – just as you got hit with a blast of heat, we had the opposite
@stitchincarol – our #2 daughter also worked a summer at a Christian camp for athletes near Rocky Mountain National Park. Whew!! She worked in the kitchen but never mentioned any bears. I cannot imagine that…..
@funshipfreddie – “sous vide” was new to me too.
Hugs to you all. Back to the last load of laundry and putting away the cleans. Hope my FD today has a good effect.
Onward and downward.
Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.5 kg
That was a tough fast day, partly due to the junk I ate on Wednesday I guess. And the power was off for much of the day, until almost 9 pm. But I battled through, & finished up having a can of chicken & veg soup & a small packet of biltong 🙄
@songbirdme – home safe & sound, & hardly any damage after what sounds like a lovely break 🌊🏝
@lilymartin – over a kilo & half down, & without even fasting! 🎯
@molij – happy travels 🚗 🤶
@stitchincarol – I’m glad I made you laugh; & yeah, it WAS a lot of food! And it was the first time I ate there. While I was munching on my quiche Natalie walked over & said something like, “can I have your attention, everyone? I’d just like to point out that David is actually joining us by eating something today!” Which got a cheer & a round of applause, & I think I turned as red as my T-shirt 😂 Have fun – & RESOLVE – baking all those cookies today 🍪
Interesting article about people who’ve had great success on the weight-loss drug Mounjaro
A really scary bear story?! “Don’t play dead..” 😱
Happy Fri-yay! 🍹
Day 6 Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
Happy with where I am… Great FD and back to knocking on the maintenance door 🚪. Let meeeee in 😂😂😂
@brightonbelle with you in wondering how the gain can happen so quick but this was very EOEO thankfully but isn’t it still so bizarre! Imagine if I ate like that all the time… which was really not excessive at all.. 😊
@northgeorgia hopefully it is the same for you – EOEO 🛻 🤗
@molij – what a trip you have to make to deposit the gifts but how lovely that you will see everybody ♥️🎄
@missybear what a horrible day it was yesterday although I did get a good walk in last night. I’m in the same frame of mind – good choices now so that party time can be enjoyed. 🥂🎄
@excelsior12309 I am loving the bear updates but from afar 🐻♥️ To think we worry about little critters here! 😂
@at ooh well done on applying yourself to the exercises.. such a painful condition. Glad to hear that we reset together and I hope today is another good day for you too.
@stitchincarol I bought my Christmas stamps yesterday and was shook by the price.. it’s the first year ever that I’ve seriously debated whether I should send cards … but I love letter writing and cards so.. I won’t be turned… but have cut down the 🎄 card list a little. The international cards will all be sent as it’s the one time of the year to check in with faraway friends and family and I love receiving cards too although… like presents I’m a huge fan of receiving a card or letter, just because, at any time of the year… ✉️ 📪♥️
@lilymartin well done to you! Stay with us 💕💕
@ccco I love that you broke your fab fast with a white wine 🥂. Go You! On the subject of cramps I have had two seriously painful cramps in my calf during the night in the past 2-3 weeks and it’s been a mystery… it’s left a residual pain as if I tore a muscle.. interesting to read your comment and o must track back to see what @merryapple said regarding cramps… (ok that didn’t take long 😂😂 see your post above @merryapple… how interesting!) Love the forum – I know I say it a lot .. but I do ♥️
@funshipfreddie hope you had a good RESET day 😂😂
@songbirdme well done to you!!! 2 lbs gain after all inclusive – bravo!!! 🤗
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 6 Wales 🏴 NFD
I have been exceptionally disciplined this week, yesterday’s FD was text book, I woke this morning feeling lean and was convinced my weight must be down……so I made the mammoth mistake of stepping on the scales and they say I have gained a pound and a half since last Friday 😠 So now I’m in a really bad mood and kicking myself for weighing in before the end of the month. I know it must be normal fluctuations, I cannot possibly, scientifically have really gained fat this week but it’s so annoying and upsetting to see a higher number after a week of total restraint. Now over the weekend I shall have to fight the feeling of oh sod it I might as well have another glass of wine because I’m not losing weight anyway! OK rant over! It has helped to let the anger out, now I will just put the scales away out of sight and continue with control…….logic says good results will eventually follow good behaviour.
TGIF 🍷 have a good day everyone 🤗
@missybear – it’s good to rant! 🧘 😂
I went up 3lbs and down again 3lbs in the past two days all because of a fabulous steak dinner and a yummy desert…
Keep the faith my friend.. you are doing so well ⭐️
Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 153.8
Love my weight, although I was honestly hoping for an even lower weight. Greedy thing, aren’t I?? 😂😂 However, as I commented to DH yesterday morning about my 156.0 weight, how absolutely lovely that 156.0 is depressingly high, when last summer I would have been thrilled to be down to that weight! It’s all relative. In October, I was hoping to get down to 149 by my birthday and the more days that passed without significant progress, the more I realized that goal simply wasn’t going to be met. Then a couple days ago, I wondered if I could at least shoot for 152. Then a blast of reality hit me and I realized a much better approach was to shoot for excellent behavior between now and then; whatever weight that produces will be lovely, but the pride in stellar behavior will be a far better birthday present. So I’m now working out what I’ll eat and when over the next few days so I can be pleased with my food choices and my restraint…
@lilymartin That’s impressive weight loss you’re experiencing–it’s the fun and motivating immediate result of starting back on restrained behavior, and you must be stoked! It truly is lovely having you back with us! ❤️❤️❤️
@ccco If all you had was a glass of white wine, then I’d say that simply functioned as your reward for a good FD!
@songbirdme Wow but I’m impressed…a measly two pounds? All that walking and swimming you talked about truly played its role in minimizing the impact of all you ate and drank. Welcome home to the bitter temperatures and back to the forum; it’s lovely to have you with us for a bit!
@funshipfreddie I can just imagine your face when Natalie called attention to the fact you were eating. However, it strikes me that your stellar restraint each week has to be a good example to everyone else for how to behave if they want to be thin, and I wonder if anyone ever uses restraint because they’ve been inspired by yours?
@jaifaim How are the trousers fitting? You keep coming back to kiss 155, so I’m thinking your body is also shrinking nicely to match the weight!
@missybear Oh, I’m so disappointed right along with you! BUT. You know the stellar behavior you’ve been showing, so you know the scales had to be lying. Take heart, your rant was entirely reasonable, and your weight HAS to be dropping. 👍💪💪💪🥰
@northgeorgia I can well imagine your frustration that you’ve not yet broken into the 220s, but don’t forget to celebrate that you’re not breaking back into the 240s!
Today is another day crammed full of commitments, but all fun stuff including a much needed haircut. The friend who is baking with me is significantly obese, but has been using that drug and has so far lost 40 pounds, so her motivation is as high as mine to not nibble as we bake–a perfect baking partner. I’ve kept the house completely tidy, the kitchen tree is decorated finally, and today I’ll get out the rest of the decorations. Then tonight…oh, tonight will be glorious! My alma mater is Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska, about an hour away, and every year they do a concert called “Christmas at Concordia.” (I actually sang and played in this when I was a student there 35 years ago.) There are four or five choirs, the band, a handbell choir, and many skilled organists, and it’s a seamless concert of hymns and choral/instrumental pieces. I’m a total sap when it comes to glorious music, especially Christmas stuff that reflects my faith, so I’ll try hard to sing on the hymns, but I’ll likely be so choked up I won’t be able to, LOL! Tickets are free, but you have to get them ahead of time, in late October, and they always run out within only a few days because this is so popular because it’s so very well done. So, DH and I will grab a sandwich or a small pizza or something and take it to the local brew pub (they don’t serve food so you’re welcome to bring in food), and that’ll be supper, and then we’ll get to the church by 6 so we can get great seats and wait until it starts at 7. 😂😂 I look forward to this all year and it will be the best part of my week. 🥰
And on that note, I’m going to start getting cookie dough out of the freezer, then sit and knit and enjoy the tree lights, the sunrise, my coffee and the Christmas music I have playing!
Have a grand one, everyone!
Day 6 USA (Illinois) NFD
Good loss overnight from a 250 calorie FD yesterday – 2.2 pound loss! Now to keep that off, but I still want to lose 3-5 more this month and next. Being at 165# is still more than I want to be. That puts me at just 25BMI – enough to be barely in the acceptable range.
@stitchincarol – I am sure your concert tonight will be terrific! Enjoy it for me too. Sometimes I wish we were closer to U of I to hear their choirs and music, but it is about 3.5 hours drive.How smart to have a baking buddy who is also careful with her eating.
I have almost nothing decorated for Christmas yet, in fact yesterday brought in fall and turkey items I had outside. Oh wait… we did get lights on one of our new pine trees before we left on vacation. I have ordered more lights for the other tree, and we have a lighted Nativity display we will put up tomorrow. It is supposed to be a bit warmer, maybe into the 40’s.
Must run and dress for Silver Sneakers.
Onward and downward.
Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
Another unscheduled power outage yesterday?! 🤯 The worst part is not knowing when it’ll come back on. So I didn’t make the best food choices. I was in such a vile mood by 8 pm that I unwrapped a box of chocolates that I’d bought for someone & munched on those 🤦♂️ The power finally came back on at 9 pm. And I just heard that ‘scheduled maintenance’ that was supposed to occur on Tuesday from 9 am – 5 pm will take place today instead. But I’ll be out until about 3 pm anyway, so that’s not such a hassle. But it must be a nightmare for small businesses & people working from home.
@stitchincarol – I do have a couple of friends that dabble with fasting because of the success I’ve had with it. But it’s early days at the mosaic class. They probably just think I’m nuts 😅 On the rare occasion I mention it to new friends/acquaintances, the reaction I get is, ‘but you’re not fat..?!’ So there you go – you wait until you’re morbidly obese and THEN start fasting 🙄
@songbirdme – wow?! You didn’t waste time getting back on the wagon, good for you! 🎯
@missybear – I feel for you, I really do. Are you counting calories on NFDs, as well as FDs? Or are you just winging it? Are your scales dodgy or very old? Have you tried cutting down on carbs? Or maybe it’s just that you’re getting really close to your goal so your body’s trying to cling onto every gram it can.. 🤔
@at – when I was a casino dealer people would often ask me if I could do any tricks. I usually told them – yes, I could make their money disappear. And I usually did 😏
I’m doing another Saturday mosaic session today, so I need to get moving.
Have a good weekend everyone ⛅️🌈
Day 7 Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
155.5 No update – no scales here 😂
Travellied late last night as it is stormy here and I’m glad I did as it has been a wild one here… and I’m sure it will be the same over with the Welsh crew and maybe you too @at? The storm is coming from the north west which is unusual. We have a few Darragh’s in the family so it’s nice to have a storm named after them 😂
It’s one of our Irish names which can be spelled in many ways but this spelling is generally the male version. Dara, Daire, Dáire and Daragh are also used. The name is derived from the Old Irish word daire, which means “oak”. Dara can also mean “pearl of wisdom” or “pearl”.
I like that In Cambodia, the name Dara means “star”.
It has been one wild night with lots of items blowing around outside so will be fun later when I get out to see what needs to be done. But I’m glad I came ahead of the gusts as it was blowy enough before midnight.
@missybear I’d say you are due a whoosh soon – for some of us it can be delayed… don’t succumb to the call of the treats…you are doing really well 🤗.
@stitchincarol I haven’t tried my trousers this week… I’ll do that Monday when back and will report back although today I feel like my body has caught up with my efforts 🙏. Mind you, who knows 😂
Super well done to you on getting to where you are happy and proud of yourself and well you should be! ⭐️
@ccco – 🥊🥊 keep it up – you are doing a great job.
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 7 Wales 🏴 NFD
I was shocked by a siren alarm on my phone last night, a UK government alert of a red weather warning for windy weather. The gales overnight and today have certainly lived up to the warning! Many big trees are down around the village and now we’re under flood alerts for high tides. Thankfully our house is solidly built on high ground so we’re keeping safe indoors. The storm has blown down a lot of power cables and parts of our village are without power, ours is still on but I’m not risking the slow cooked casserole planned for this evening just in case the power goes out part way through cooking….haven’t decided on an alternative dinner yet but if we are without power it will probably be cheese and wine by candlelight….just have to make the best of it 😉
@funshipfreddie yes during this month I’m calorie counting every day and my scales are good. That’s why I was so disappointed. I have now looked back over my notes of 5:2 first time round and there are numerous references regarding my frustration about weight fluctuations…….so I’m just going to carry on being disciplined and will only weigh in once a month to get an idea of my weight. I think a more trustworthy measure of success is how my body looks and feels and of how clothes are fitting.
Have a lovely weekend everyone 🤗
Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 154.4
One of my first thoughts this morning was that today is “Pearl Harbor Day.” I don’t imagine the rest of the world thinks of that, but many Americans do, and one older man today at the Cookie Boutique mentioned it. 😢🤗❤️
The cookie boutique went wonderfully this morning, my baking friend and I drove to Omaha for some shopping afterward, and now I’m home watching Netflix’s “Man on the Inside.” I’m worn out–I’ll be at 10K steps by bedtime–but am very content with all that was accomplished in the last ten days, and very, very happy that the coming days will be back to a more reasonable and typical pace–yes, @at, this has been a crazy busy time for me.
The concert last night was G.L.O.R.I.O.U.S. Truly. I wish there was a link I could share with you, but there’s no recording of it, so you simply have to believe me that it was beyond perfect.
DH and I ended up being late leaving last night because cookie baking wasn’t done, so by the time we left, we only had time to drive straight to the concert, and skip supper. So, afterward, DH and I went to get a Runza (an eastern Europe thing, I believe, and a fast food place that’s beloved here in Nebraska) and then took it to the Brew Pub to split, with a beer each. Today hasn’t been as minimal eating, but it hasn’t been awful either. Tomorrow should be okay, food-wise, and Monday is when DH and the boys take me out for a birthday dinner, and then Tuesday, my birthday, I’ll water fast. That strikes me as a PERFECT way to celebrate a birthday, LOL! Although, I’m toying with having a Kahlua and cream when I get home from piano lessons…it will be, after all, my birthday! 😂😂😂
I miss everyone who’s been a regular in the past, but tonight I’m particularly thinking of @penz and @flourbaby. If any of you are lurking, do take time to say hello, okay?
Day 8 Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽♀️ 🌾
What a day yesterday… lots of clear up… a number of trees came down but missed the house thankfully. No problem with mums electricity (thank god, as her bed is working all the time to keep her as comfortable as possible) but thousands of homes across the country are without power and it looks like it will take some time for this to be resolved. What an awful time of the year to be stuck in the dark and cold. Huge kudos to the ESB workers working hard in that weather. 😮
I had a nibbly kind of day but will be more controlled today.
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
Will check in tomorrow and see what’s on the scales.
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD
No power again yesterday?! It went off around 10 am for ‘scheduled maintenance’ but didn’t come on after 5 pm as scheduled. So frustrating. From the messages I’ve seen it came back on after 1 am. And three of my lamps were glowing when I got up to feed the cat at 6:30. Hopefully they’ve fixed the problem now 🤞🤞
I hope all those affected by Storm Darragh are okay. @jaifaim – I just saw your post! I saw some lunatics on Sky News taking a dip in the sea in one of the stormiest areas, somewhere in Wales, I think? There’s always at least one nutter, eh? 😏
@missybear – I thought I’d reached my goal, & I was happy at 73 kgs a couple of years ago. Then I stopped drinking & quickly lost 4 or 5 kgs, without doing anything else differently. I didn’t think I drank that much, & I was counting the calories too. Maybe something to think about for next year. Just for a few weeks & see if it makes a difference..
@stitchincarol – I’ll have to check out that Netflix series. I like Ted Danson, & all I’ve watched recently is crime documentaries on YouTube & Big Bang Theory repeats. I get the impression you enjoyed that concert? 😜 A water fast on your birthday?! 🤯
@at – I’m glad I’m not alone on the pocket list. Let’s make it a good one 💪
Pocket List – Day 8 🥚
Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA
It’s 3:10am and I’ve given up sleeping. 🙄 I was asleep by 11:30, awake again as 12:30, again at 1:55, again at 2:45, and my eyes were wide open at that point. I considered staying in bed, but I’m in the living room with a candle lit and the tree lights on, and this is far cozier than wide awake in bed.
And so I got ambitious and uploaded pictures to Imgur. https://imgur.com/gallery/december-concert-cookies-bDkk3UT
The first is the final carol, Joy to the World, of the Friday night concert, with all the choirs and the band, and the bells are next to the organ in the balcony.
The second is how much candy/cookies my friend and I made.
The final two are at church and you can see the fellowship hall “gussied up” for the sale.
I didn’t eat very well yesterday, and the little bit of popcorn I had put far too much sodium into me, and despite all the water I drank last evening, I was still thirsty, so drank more–and it’s refusing to leave me, so I feel bloated and I’m sure the scale is jumped up several pounds. Oh well, I’ll eat better today.
@jaifaim What awful weather and horrible consequences you’re enduring! We had two such storms last spring, so I know the heartache and concern you’re feeling, and at least we had warmer weather and it wasn’t Christmas; you’re right about this being a horrible time of year for such results! My heart goes out to you, and I’m so glad at least your house escaped anything, and that your mum is fine. ❤️
@funshipfreddie Wow, more power outages has to be irritating beyond tolerance… that’s the flipside of how inexpensive the cost of living is, perhaps?
@merryapple Where are you??? I hope all is okay.
And now I’m going to knit, and perhaps go back to bed later. Have a grand one, everone!
Day 8 UK NFD
Oh dear not sleeping is ok if it’s just one night but if it’s a regular thing it starts to take its toll Love the pics though @stitchincarol
I thought it was over but we seem to be still suffering storm Darragh today Hope @jaifaim @missybear and @molij who are further west are coping
I’ve indulged in far too many treats this weekend will be on the list tomorrow
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8:22 pm
3 Dec 24