Dodgy December 2024 Challenge

This topic contains 276 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  jaifaim 2 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 277 total)


    Why wait for a new year to make the usual resolutions……START TODAY! Join me for the next 31 days to shed some of those unwanted kgs/lbs and we can all start the new year in a positive place!

    Remember that “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    Everyone is welcome to join the monthly Challenges. So whether you’re a fasting veteran, just trying it for the first time, or if you fell off the wagon and are coming back to the fold, let’s make every day of December count! Fasting is tried and tested, it’s free and for many of us it’s the only thing that works. We eat what we like…..well most of the time 🤣 and still lose or maintain weight and stay healthy.

    These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. Goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces, we are able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish our goals one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges.

    There are no rules, but as a general guide, here are some tips for any new people:

    1. Posting – Please start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. Look at the various posts, and you’ll soon see the pattern, and will learn how useful it is for reading.

    2. In your first post, please introduce yourself to the group – this helps us to get to know each other, which is especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    3. Spreadsheet – Here is the link for the December spreadsheet – hopefully I have given access to all to input as they wish:
    It’s in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post e.g. Day 1 – 2nd Post. Past history shows that posting every day truly does help with motivation for staying on track with your goals, so please don’t feel shy about suddenly posting daily; we love new members!

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for a FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    9. The “rule”. The F word (FAIL) is prohibited!! We all stumble in our journey – it happens. But acknowledge it, think about what you can do next time, and continue. We’re all here to help!

    We tend to use a LOT of abbreviations in these posts. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:

    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days FD

    16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)

    AF – Alcohol-free

    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)

    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate

    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)

    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son

    DTF – Dry ’til Fri (no wine, beer, etc.)

    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)

    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)

    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)

    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories

    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce had an inner warthog!)

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones

    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!

    LC – Low Carb way of eating

    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating

    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)

    LOL – Laughing Out Loud

    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)

    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new
    Fast800, it’s a FD

    MFP – MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.

    NFD – Non Fast Day

    OH – Other Half (e.g. spouse/partner)

    OMAD – One Meal A Day

    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of moi!)
Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day

    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)

    TRE – Time Restricted Eating

    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)

    WFH – Working From Home

    WOL – Way of Life

    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age
WW – Weekend Warrior (c/- @jaifaim)
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    My personal motto for this WOL is:-
    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    For any newbies joining us

    I am a 66y.o. female living with my OH – I retired in December 2013 and moved to the Lake District ⛰️🥾 best decision we ever made – OH and I loving our new life here ❤️

    I started this WOL on my own back in January 2016 as I was fed up with being overweight and wanted to get fitter to enjoy the mountains and hking where if had moved to – I decided to join the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and managed to reach maintenance in early December 2016 with the help of the lovely people here offering great support and advice 🤗
    Total initial weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs and had managed to remain in maintenance range until this past year or so when I have struggled and gained some of those lost kgs/11lbs back 🥲

    In the No Nonsense November Challenge I managed to regain some of my mojo and got back on the fasting wagon, but have still struggled on my NFDs – I am hoping that by taking over the baton from @funshipfreddie, who did such an admirable job leading us through No Nonsense November, it will give me the motivation I need to make December successful

    I loved the quote that @funshipfreddie ended his introduction to the November Challenge with, so I’m repeating it here – Let’s do this 💪🎯

    Day -2 South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Thanks for setting up ‘Dodgy December’ @at! Count me in please! Isn’t that a great quote? Another one of his – “If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree”.

    USA. Day 0

    Thank you, AT, for shepherding us through December. FUNSHIPFREDDIE did a wonderful job and now we move on. I can’t believe November is just about over! December is not an easy month to navigate but it is a new start.

    Day 0 – USA/GA

    Yes, such a dodgy month. I’m a 50 y/o male in the U.S. who has lost more than 70 lbs on 5:2, although in the past couple of years, I’ve gained back 25-30 lbs. through overeating on NFDs and the occasional breaks in 5:2 due to sickness or other events. I have found that limiting processed foods is more important than calorie restriction on your NFDs. Unfortunately, UPFs are EVERYWHERE, so we have to work hard to cook up nutritious filling meals.

    Day 0 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    I’ll be here for certain, so thanks, @at, for leading us!

    I’m a 65yo female married to a pastor who’s going to retire next May, so this year is filled with monthly and even weekly “That’s the last time we’ll do ________” Some of the things are bittersweet and some are a relief, LOL!

    I’m a musician (organist and piano teacher), the church office secretary, an avid knitter/quilter (hence my handle) and gardner, and LOVE to cook and especially to menu plan, which is, of course, what got me to being significantly higher in weight than I like. I’ve been yo-yoing between 165 and 140 over the last nine years, and fully intend to do whatever it takes this time to not only lose the weight but keep it off.

    I’m currently down about 10 pounds from the high of 165 I was over the summer, and am certainly thankful for that. My goal is to be at least 140 by the time we retire, and then to eventually reach 132 and STAY THERE.

    Welcome on board to @funshipfreddie @ccco @northgeorgia and @stitchincarol

    “How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flew. How did it get so late so soon?” – Dr. Seuss

    North Wales

    I will be joining you. Hoping to not gain weight. Will be happy to maintain as it’s going to be a difficult month for me.

    Day 1 NZ NFD 69.1kg

    I’m off to the second day of my weaving class this morning.
    I’ll catch up later.
    Lovely to hear from you @lilymartin. You can do this!!

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone!!

    Nov. 30, OH -USA, NFD
    I’ve been away from fasting for a few weeks. Hoping to reel it in over the next few weeks! I miss the way I feel in the fasted state. So glad to be back in contact with like-minded fasters!

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @at – thanks again for setting up the Challenge, for the spreadsheet & for offering to steer us through Dodgy December 🎄I love the Dr Seuss quote 😀

    About me:- David, 62, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014. I joined the Challenges in 2018. I do basic 5:2, having around 600 – 700 cals on FDs – one evening meal – and I have an eating window of around 12 noon to 8 pm on NFDs. Currently maintaining at 70.3 kgs. I recently started following LCHF too, which really works for keeping hunger at bay most of the time, even on FDs.

    @teneer – welcome back!

    @merryapple – enjoy the class! Great colours for your scarf, but weaving looks quite complicated?! 🧶

    @northgeorgia – I have to disagree – holidays don’t MAKE us do stupid things. Although alcohol might do 😅 But we generally only do stupid things when we lose sight of our goals & lack RESOLVE, grit and tenacity 💪🎯

    Wishing everyone a resolute ‘Dodgy December’ 🎅

    “Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever”. ~ Lance Armstrong

    Pocket List – Day 1 🥑

    Day 1 NE England NFD

    Hello everyone, glad to join you on this journey after having a lovely time on the November chat led admirably by Funshipfreddie. I’m starting the month on a plateau but feel inspired to try really hard these next few weeks.
    I love the spreadsheet @at thank you for that. Onwards and downwards.

    Day 1 country west Australia NFD
    60+ health professional , started 5:2 in November 2017, had good results by actually DOING 5:2 s in Actually fasting on FDs and being controlled to/under TDEE on NFDs ( which I find much harder than FDs).
    Got complacent/lost the plot/focus/mojo. Ate like there was no tomorrow and piled on the kgs – and then some. 😅😱 So am now almost the heaviest I have EVER been.
    Not helped by the Fat Fairy dumping a tractor sized spare tyre around my waist with THE strongest superglue and here I am … again ….
    I do find that the support offered with this group really works , as does being accountable.
    Have started recording my weight daily here to embarrass myself into doing something about losing weight for my health. I am a daily weigher but only record my weight on a Saturday.
    Thanks @at for providing the spreadsheet which I endeavour to fill in daily.
    Hi to anyone new and hi to the ‘oldies’.
    I can feel my mojo stirring just by posting here.
    Aiming to incorporate some serious resistance exercises too due to wanting to improve lean muscle mass- which must be hiding somewhere under the rolls of fat!!🙄
    I just read this on a site Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, Tom Venuto, about weight loss and building muscle
    …”Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search For Meaning, which was about his experience in a concentration camp, said:
    “Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” ‘
    I can’t say for sure whether the amount of stuff you control is 80% and the things you can’t control is 20%, as Brian suggested, or the numbers are slightly less optimistic (genetics can sometimes be a real bugger, and so can old age).
    But either way, I’m certain that we ALL have great control over our results, and probably the majority of factors that impact our results are in our control.
    Let that fact lift your spirits and raise your optimism when you’re struggling with problems and facing huge obstacles blocking your path.
    What does this mean? Accept what you can’t change, as the stoics say. But don’t let things that are under your control hold you back, God forbid, let it hold you back for years due to negative attitudes, excuses, blaming, complacency, or inaction.
    When you’re faced with difficulties and challenges, focus on what you control and get to work on those things. Work on yourself. As Brian said, always start with yourself. ….” ‘

    This certainly resonates with me and I will try to read this each day of Dodgy December as I aim to swerve the calories and negotiate the very many food festivities coming up.
    Happy Sunday 🙂

    Day 1 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all! Posting my closing numbers from Friday as no idea what I’ve gained in the past two days 🤗🙄 😂

    Thanks @at for hosting Dodgy December 😇and @funshipfreddie thank you for guiding us with a zero nonsense attitude through November 😇

    Welcome back @lilymartin and @teneer and hello to @songbirdme in Antigua 💕

    I joined tte challenges in October 2017…and I’ve been intermittently fasting in all senses of that phrase 😂 since.

    My name is a little play on words as I am a french speaker also so “J’ai faim” means “I’m hungry” but also stands for Just Another Intermittent Fast And I’ll Maintain…it makes me smile 😊

    I reached my ideal weight last year (155 lbs) but maintenance is hard and I bob up again after holidays etc. I’ll get to <155lbs again this month and ideally would love to get down to 152 by the end of this year (I can dream) – then bob between 152 and 155lbs forever and ever. 💪

    I love being outdoors even in our lovely Irish weather and cycle, walk, swim in the sea. I should be doing more some strength work too but I need to find more time.

    I stay away from alcohol 🚫 most of the time, try to reduce my intake of added sugars ✅ and eat gluten free 🌾 because of intolerance symptoms – headaches mostly – no gut issues.

    But….. life is for living and like others I tend to have one blowout (EFS) day a week where I might have some treats like crisps etc.

    Looking forward to supporting and being supported this month as we all deal with Dodgy December 🎄♥️🎄

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Hello everyone, looking forward to joining you all for what I think is one of the most enjoyable and definitely the most waistline challenging month of the year. I am 65 year old female, began 5:2 in July 2017 and lost 30 pounds by January 2018 relatively easily. Maintained around target weight until late 2020 when the upwards creep began. Now working at getting back to a better weight and finding it much slower and requiring more discipline this time around. Sometimes I think doing 5:2 just maintains my weight and stops even more gain, perhaps it really does become harder to lose as we get older, or perhaps I’m not remembering that I had more enthusiasm and was much more focused when 5:2 was new to me. I suspect I was more controlled on NFDs.

    I plan to dodge festive treats in the build up to Christmas. My plan for this month is to maintain because I know that will be challenging enough over the silly season.

    @at thank you for setting up and hosting Dodgy December.

    Tomorrow will be my first FD of the month.

    Day 1 North Wales. NFD

    Thank you for hosting @at I joined this forum in December 2017 and I have had considerable success. My name is Gail and I am 68, a mother of 2 daughters, a stepson and I have 6 grandchildren. I live in North Wales. My youngest daughter is getting married in 8 months and I want to lose some weight for that and to improve my general health and fitness.
    I am very disappointed in myself for allowing the weight to creep up again. I used to tell myself that the 5.2 was a way of life and I believe it is, but I fell off the wagon. I am feeling strong and determined and I know that I can do this 💪.
    This month will be difficult for me due to all the visiting we will be doing in the run up to Christmas and New Year. I will be doing 2 FD’s a week when I can but will not be fasting whilst away. If I can maintain my weight this month I will be delighted.

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone. 🌞

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Me – 63F living on the south coast of England with DH currently enjoying being empty nesters as both grown up sons residing elsewhere

    It’s a familiar tale, had success with fasting got complacent put some of it back on, had a great start to the year bit of a blip in the summer and I’m currently 6lbs down December will be challenging but I’m aiming to at least stay static but a small loss would be better , I’ll be doing 2 <500 FDs a week and aiming to eat healthy and be kind to myself Looking forward to our journey and thank you @at for guiding us . See you on the pocket list tomorrow 😍

    Day 1 – USA/GA – ?

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. My mom decided to cook a second smaller immediate family Thanksgiving yesterday; I’m down over yesterday morning. Tomorrow was to be my FD, but I think I’ll try a B2B FD today and tomorrow to jump start things. I am pretty sure I can make today a FD, so I’ll pocketlist myself today, although there’s a small chance it might devolve into an OMAD.

    @funshipfreddie Meh… I still think out of ordinary events like the holidays tempt us into situations and attitudes that influence us to go off-course. All the grit in the world can’t make me hurt someone’s feelings for not trying their holiday dessert when offered or coming out to a special lunch invitation. But you’re right; that’s still no excuse for eating up someone else’s bag of potato chips/crisps — perhaps it’s just a psychological weakness thinking that since I wounded myself once with processed food, go ahead and wound myself twice with processed food. The reality is that it’s easier to quickly heal from the one wound than from multiple wounds!

    The good news is that my mom wants to reattempt a weight loss journey after the holidays. She told me this last night after I lamented not being able to fit into half my wardrobe I had no problem with a couple of years ago. Yeah, I know there’s no reason it can’t start now, but it was nice for her to come to that decision. I’m hoping if she doesn’t go for the 5:2, she’ll try the 16:8 and replace processed foods with whole foods.

    Pocket List – Day 1 🥑

    USA. Day 1. FD

    Pocket List – Day 1 🥑

    Whew! A new month! Can’t believe the year is almost over! December is such a busy month for me and I am tired just thinking about it.

    Well, today, after yesterday’s resting CD, I am back on my FD regime. I hope my FDs this month will offset my Christmas festivities.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Day 1 – UK – FD800

    A rather drizzly and grey day here but very mild – a 4mile walk to a nearby Christmas Fair with friends and coffee before heading back home

    Welcome to @molij @merryapple @teneer @iona72 @lilymartin @jaifaim @missybear @brightonbelle great to have you all on board for December

    @songbirdme – great to hear from you – Antigua sounds fab especially on a dreary grey day here
    @merryapple – loving the colours on your loom – be good to see your finished product once it’s completed
    @teneer – I had lost my fasting Mojo too but managed to get back on track in November and now trying to gain control of my NFDs in December – allowing myself one Feast Day each week
    @funshipfreddie – I decided to join you with a FD today – very unusual for me to fast on a Sunday but I’m in the mood for one
    @iona72 – I’m feeling inspired too for this month @funshipfreddie got me back into the fasting mode in November so not I need to gain control of my NFDs
    @lilymartin – great to have you back with us – I too have been finding NFDs harder than FDs recently hence not losing any weight but at least I seem to maintain at this heavier weight which I desperately want to move downwards from……
    @missybear – your post reflects my recent journey……..I too lost easily and maintained easily for a number of years, until 2 years ago when the weight has slowly but surely crept upwards and now I sit on a plateau about 5kgs above where I feel my best…..and I agree that the issue is with my lack of control on NFDs so this month I plan to stick with 2xFDs, 4xTDEE and 1xFeast day and see what happens 🤞

    There does seem to be some positive vibes coming through these early posts so as @jaifaim says let us support each other this most challenging of months and Together we will get to our goals so Onward and downward ⬇️ and We rise by lifting others 💕

    Great to have 4 fasters on this first day of our Dodgy December Challenge 👍

    Pocket List – Day 1 🥑


    USA. Day 1. FD

    I just read everyone’s posts. It is good for me to see the passion. I think I found a good pattern for eating. Like @funshipfreddie, I also have a window of opportunity for eating. My biggest problem now is that I keep snacks for my grandchildren. I was never a snack eater but their snacks have begun to call my name! Ugh! I don’t even like those snacks!! Anyway, that brings in to play a new challenge. It’s always something! 🤨

    I hope everyone’s weekend is going well. I am preparing for Christmas. At my age (74 yo! I rarely share that!) making Christmas is generally a little exhausting! I do like that my grandchildren understand Christmas now and are excited. This certainly makes it more fun!

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70 kgs ⭐️

    A real Sunday Pocket List yesterday! A great start to the month. But I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it’s December already. This year has been a blur.

    @molij – £13 for YouTube Premium?! Here it”s R72, which works out at only about £3 🤷‍♂️

    @northgeorgia – it would be great if you could get your mum onboard with 5:2 or TRE in the New Year 🤞

    @lilymartin – wise words from Viktor Frankl. And from Jeff Keller – “Attitude is everything. Change your thoughts…change your life!”

    A new brunch venue today – ‘Grass Roof – Your local farm-to-table restaurant, farm-stall & bakery’

    “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it” ~ Lou Holtz

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    Day 2 – Ireland – FD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    155.6 No update – no scales here 😂

    Hi all! Happy first week of December and happy first FD to those with me today! I love a new start 🌅 .

    Up early to work from home and I haven’t slept too well but am grand and… am going to fit in a 15 minute little workout beside the bed. Then walk out and see the sea… then apply myself.

    Love this @at! “ DREAM IT. WISH IT. DO IT” ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Have the most wonderful day of the…month 🎶🎄🤗

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    Day 2 FD North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    Day 2-FD-No. VA USA
    Hello to all the fasters. I have been away for a while. Rejoining before I fall off the wagon and get run over. Good to see everyone’s enthusiasm. I enjoy this time of the year very much. I actually like the early darkness and the cold. It doesn’t last that long. We had a Saturday, Nov. 30 family Thanksgiving and that caused much eating and salty snacks and now more discipline is called for. Have a good day, everyone.

    2nd Post – Day 2

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    Day 2 UK FD

    Aiming to get the month off to a good start , dont have much on this week – mainly waiting in for deliveries so no excuses 💪

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 156.0

    Yesterday’s non-traditional Thanksgiving with our two sons and DS33’s BFF growing up was a perfect day. For our appetizer, I made a pumpkin aligote with smoked mussels set on top and frisee and a pesto vinaigrette drizzled over it, and homemade seed crackers to serve with it. It was all a guessing game trying to recreate an appetizer from an October meal out, and it wasn’t the exact same at all, but was plenty good. The duck confit was truly amazing, the lentil ragout was pointless (😢) and the veggies were healthy. The wine was not at all as free-flowing as it often is, and the games afterward were full of laughter and fun. And I’m down a smidge from yesterday’s 156.2, so it was clearly a decent day of enjoying food but not going nuts. Now it’s back to normal food routines, and I’m certainly relieved, LOL!

    @teneer Good to have you back!

    @lilymartin Your post has all sorts of amazing points in it; thanks for sharing. I have one suggestion for you to consider, and it’s related to you saying you’re posting your weight on a daily basis “to embarrass [your]self into doing something about losing weight for [your] health.” I fully understand that attitude–truly, truly understand it. But I spent the last two+ years living that attitude, and got nowhere except up in weight. When I succeed the best is when I embrace the thought that I’m making all my decisions. I fast because I choose to eat so little, and am glad to do so. I eat minimally even on feast days because I choose to do so, because I’m not a glutton, and not because, poor me!, I somehow /have/ to. In other words, I do and think exactly what I do when I’m full of mojo. But I’ve found I have to focus on remembering I don’t make or fail to make excellent food choices based on whether I have mojo, but because that’s who I am. It’s the choices I’m making for my life. And while I’m currently about 24 pounds overweight, I work to remember and live the attitude that I’m a truly thin woman, who happens to be carrying extra weight, but am slowly putting down that weight, pound by pound. And this is all a choice I’m making because it’s the way I want to live my life, not because I’m having to compensate for past bad eating choices. That at least is the attitude that works best for me, and an attitude I’m slowly learning to live 24/7. I’m certainly not perfect at it, but I’m getting there.
    I don’t know if any of that is helpful to you, but it’s the attitude that brings me the most peace as well as the best eating choices, and I’d hate for you to spend much time at all berating yourself and suffering a bunch of embarassment. We’ve ALL been there, so forgive yourself and stand up straight and be who you truly are, not who you’ve been. 🥰

    @jaifaim It’s so fun to see your weight inching back down…well done!

    @missybear I remember that when I first started 5:2 back in … 2013? 2015? I was like a disciple of the lifestyle with my huge enthusiasm. Now, I take for granted that I approach food this way, so I think the difficulty you and I and so many others experience has to do with familiarity with 5:2 and it having lost its shiny and sparkling newness, LOL. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But, we’re still here, and we only fail when we give up.

    @northgeorgia Oh, I hope your mom gains more and more enthusiasm for the idea of losing weight and making the food choices needed to make that happen; that will make your own eating choices easier, I’m sure!

    @funshipfreddie The menu for Grass Roof is amazing, both for the astonishingly low prices and for the inventiveness and wide variety; do share what you choose to eat!

    @excelsior12309 So glad to see you back!

    @at Did you happen to see my question of if you have a sous vide?

    Today I will clean the kitchen after yesterday’s cooking commotion and put away the fall decorations and continue the process of getting out Christmas decorations. And I’ll take a nap because it’s 5:55 and I’ve been awake since 4:00. 😠 LOL, some nights don’t bring sleep as easily as others do, even with cognitive shuffling!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. Good FD500/800 yesterday. The homemade soup still has a serving or two left and works a treat. Going for another one today before my meeting in Atlanta tomorrow (where lunch will be served).

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    Day 2 – UK – FD600/?800

    The Christmas fair we walked to yesterday was a bit underwhelming but I did manage to stick to a good FD 600

    Aiming for another today or perhaps FD800…….will see how the day goes – nothing to eat so far today and I’m out meeting my regular Monday afternoon group for coffee and chat so that should keep me away from food until my evening meal…..

    Wrote all my Christmas cards for overseas today and will drop them in the post box on my way out this afternoon, at least one more job ✅ off my list

    @lilymartin – I find a weekly weigh after my 2nd FD is good for encouraging and motivating me
    @northgeorgia – 16:8 might be a good start for your mum – I wish you both motivation on the way forward
    @funshipfreddie – I hope you enjoyed brunch at your new place – good treat after Sunday’s FD – thanks for adding me to the pocket list for today
    @excelsior12309 – good to have your company for the last challenge of 2024
    @stitchincarol – sorry I did see the question and thought I had answered it – no I don’t have a sous vide

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    “While December may mark the end of the year, it also brings us closer to new beginnings. Let this month be the time to chase your dreams.”

    Day 2 second post

    @at The reason I asked is because I followed Nagi’s recipe for duck confit except for the part where I followed the directions in a comment about doing it sous vide. Thus, I had five for dinner yesterday and five in the freezer for a future dinner, and the active time involved was about 20 minutes for the cure and then wait for 24 hours + 50 minutes getting them into their bags and into the sous vide (that was because there were ten of them!) + keeping an eye on the sous vide for 36 hours + 5 minutes preparing them for the oven + just under an hour while they cooked in the oven. So active time was an hour and 15 minutes. My point is that, if you had a sous vide, you could easily do a batch of them and then cook one or two for yourself and it wouldn’t seem so daunting to have duck confit even though your OH doesn’t eat meat. I LOVE my sous vide and I LOVED the duck confit…can you tell?

    2nd post

    @stitchincarol – I can make a batch the traditional way and freeze individual portions for later – You might have inspired me to do a batch soon as I too love duck confit 😋

    USA. Day 7 FD

    So far so good!

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    We have quite a pocket list! 🙂

    Day 2 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    I planned to have a couple of boiled eggs at 2pm for my FD brunch but the sun was shining so I decided to go for a walk first, then a neighbour called so it was after 5pm before I had the eggs. Dinner is salmon fillet with green beans and that will be at 7.30pm so a very short eating window today!

    Keep going everyone 💪

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍌

    Day 2 NE England 16:8

    Unexpectedly looking after a poorly toddler today, I feel worn out now, it has been very demanding, and all to do again tomorrow!
    Eating has been controlled though, so I am pleased about that. I would recommend IF 16:8 or similar to anyone new to Fasting, it has worked very successfully for me, but I like to get lots of steps in too.
    I know I’m in denial about Christmas looming, I am going to have to get cracking soon, I really don’t like December/Christmas but can’t share these feelings with my family, they all get very cross!

    Day 2 NZ NFD 68.6kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    It’s taken determination to keep ‘at it’ esp with last month’s result of a slight increase… On a +ve note I was in control but my energy equation was a little out of whack!! It did make me think I’ll be able to ‘maintain’ when the time comes!!
    I’m 66 years old 💪, and like many this is my second round of 5:2. The first was in 2018 when I hit the high 70s. When I restarted it was quite difficult to get my head and body around this WoL. @lilymartin you were my inspiration esp because we were both in the same 10kg bracket. I focused on losing 5kg at a time because that’s a dress size!!
    Two years later here I am 24.4kg down and 3.6kg to go!!
    I do understand being embarrassed about weight – apart from being a registered nurse, I come from a medical family and therefore “should” know better. All the rest of my family are or were very slim and I was the only one who struggled with weight. Over the years I have yo yoed around.
    It’s not so much my weight loss that is a big achievement for me, it’s my ability to adjust my eating patterns and habits so I’m not over eating with NO dieting😃
    I fractured my little finger through the joint 2 1/2 months ago ago (compound, displaced, comminuted) and am in a splint until my next appointment in January. I am now ineffectively left handed😵‍💫 but I can manage table top weaving it seems🙂
    I did sneak into the garden to plant some tomatoes, lettuce, chile and silverbeet y’day.
    It’s great to have our wee group together in the monthly restart mode!!
    @northgeorgia I’m delighted to hear your mom wants to join in. You will be a great support to her and visa versa.
    @iona72 You must have Scots blood 😀 – the New Year is more important because well it is the NEW year. The Auld Year is tidied away and we start afresh!! Sound familiar?!!
    @stitchincarol and @at I have always shied away from anything confit because of an extraordinary amount of of fat involved, like fish and chips (apologies to the duck lining it up with f+cs) putting your gall bladder into overload… Is this the case?
    @excelsior12309 Do your Virginian trees have a golden glow at the moment or have the leaves gone by now?
    @missybear The perfect menu!!😋
    @jaifaim I hope your mother is enjoying having you there. Your bedroom workout🥳 has reminded me about planks😬. How easily these things slip away from my daily to do list…
    @molij 8 months is loads of time to get to your wedding weight and sew your lovely dress. You’re doing so well 💪
    @funshipfreddie Love the numbers. Has Judge Judy spotted it yet???!!! Maybe she’ll walk past one day and become apoplectic. Wish I was a fly on the wall!!
    @ccco How was Thanksgiving for you? I hope you enjoyed your new ‘guest’ status!!!
    @flourbaby Hope you’re staying in touch by reading the posts at least. Is all well with you?🤞
    @brightonbelle Great to hear your positivity!! Deliveries? Are those early arrivals from 🎅??!!

    Steely control!!

    USA. Day 2. FD

    My FD was not as low in calories as I had originally planned. Tomorrow I will do better! 🙂

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    A nice long pocket list yesterday! I hope there’s plenty of PFDS going around this morning. My stroppy cat is rapidly using up her 9 lives after waking me just after 5 am. I put food out for her, assuming she must be ravenous, but she gave it a sniff & then strutted off to the garden 😠

    @stitchincarol – down a little after a Thanksgiving dinner! 🎯

    @stitchincarol, @at – brunch at Grass Roof was lovely. A great venue. The weather was perfect so we sat outside. We’re going again next week. We both ordered from the breakfast menu. I had the ‘Mini Veg Breakfast’ i.e. poached eggs with mushrooms & avo + sourdough toast. And two cappuccinos.
    I also bought an enormous chicken & mushroom quiche from the farm shop to take to today’s mosaic class. It’s our Christmas/Year End function, so I won’t be able to dodge the food this week, & we’ll all be wearing something Christmassy. It should be fun 🎅 ✨

    @excelsior12309 – great to see you back! 👏

    @missybear – I like your FD choice of meals. Plenty of protein, filling & nutritious 🎯

    @iona72 – you’re not alone in not liking the Christmas season. It’s common for many people to feel sad – depressed even – at this time of year. Your family feeling cross with you wouldn’t be very helpful! – “Experiencing depression around Christmas is quite common, often referred to as “Christmas depression” or “holiday blues”, with many people feeling increased stress and pressure during the festive season, which can exacerbate existing mental health issues, especially for those already dealing with anxiety or grief; this can be due to factors like family dynamics, financial strain, and the expectation to be joyful despite difficult circumstances”.

    @merryapple – your scarf is going to be gorgeous 😍 I don’t know if Judge Judy has spotted my neighbour’s house numbers yet. We’re going to deny everything. Someone must have sneaked into the complex & put them up as a practical joke?! 😅 But just as with my yard gate – there’s nothing written about size, colour etc pertaining to numbers or anything else you care to put on walls. Judy’s probably frantically re-writing the Conduct Rules, but only we, i.e. the owners can approve them.

    Have a good day everyone ⛅️🌈

    Day 3 Ireland – CD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    156.2 ⬆️

    Morning all!

    Well I did my little workout, had a decent FD, travelled and didn’t munch or grab coffee as I usually do on the trip so I’m happy with my effort and minor wins ⭐️ My numbers are up this morning and will be dealt with this week. So @stitchincarol a little creep up – not so fun now, is it 😂😂 but I agree it’s great to see them generally trending down.

    Hello @excelsior12309 – so great to have you back 💕

    @merryapple I’m reminded myself of the planks too… I am hoping to get an n to 30 minutes a day of strength work for future me… and aiming to have this in place before the end of the year.. I feel very motivated and quite energised now for self care even though I’m a bit tired generally.

    @funshipfreddie and @iona72 I love the general fun of the season and it was always wonderful to come home from abroad at the same time as many of my family and friends.. the only time of the year to catch up with many and it’s the same now with those still away but really dislike the long run in now and the pressure of gift buying at Christmas jfor the sake of it. I love gifting for people when I see something I think suits perfectly at any time of the year but Christmas seems to just be a huge transfer of gifts for the sake of it.. I am a Grinch 🎄😂

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 3-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Yesterday was a good fast day; today I am staying at or about 800. I hope other fasters made it through, too!
    We have had a big fat black bear snooping around the property the last two nights. On Sunday night, it completely trashed two bird feeders which hung on thick metal pipes about 7 feet in the air (it got some suet and some seeds); last night, it was shambling around our deck and then tipped over one of the big garbage pails (“wheelie bins”) but there was mostly trash in there and not much food. This is annoying. Happened a few times in the past, but in spring, when young bears move. This one should be hibernating, or trying to. (To answer your question about the leaves, @merryapple, the colorful ones are gone; only tan beech leaves and some brown oak leaves are around). The old corgi was barking a lot around midnight; I guess she must have seen the bear; my husband captured its image on the ring camera.
    @jaifaim, I agree with you about gift-giving. I enjoy giving gifts throughout the year, when I think of someone, but I do not enjoy the pressure of “the perfect gift” and I do not enjoy Christmas in October!
    @funshipfreddie, I hope you will soon show us the house numbers you are designing. You shall now have a cottage industry. You should do a Boo-Boo in mosaic.
    @at, I have exactly 1 Christmas card to send abroad (to England), but yet I have not done it. You have inspired me!
    @stitchincarol, my son got me a sous-vide device several years ago, and I agree it is very handy and effective, particularly for meats that take long cooking, like lamb shanks or short ribs. Haven’t used it recently….

    Happy fasting, all!

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Nice. Off to my meeting in Atlanta… uggh the traffic.

    Day 3 UK CD

    Lunch sounded lovely @funshipfreddie 🥑

    Just a few Amazon deliveries @merryapple, I echo the others in that I’ve scaled back on pressie buying so mainly things I know people need 🧦🩲

    Must try and get on , I’ve been getting up very late and it’s lunchtime by the time I’ve woken up properly

    USA. Day 3. WFD

    Excelsior12309, I have had problems in the past with bears. They seem to come down from the hills when they are hungry. We have been having some odd weather which might be one of the reasons that bear isn’t hibernating yet. I am your neighbor in Maryland but I am from New York City. You would be surprised what kid of wildlife we have there. That city is primarily associated with too many cars, rats, and some bugs but we have some beautiful birds and some incredible animals that roam around (and I don’t mean the animals that escaped from one of the zoos! LOL) Now that it is getting so cold, that bear will probably go away.

    Today is my water fast day. If I am successful, I will try another one tomorrow. For some reason, I find that the second day I am not hungry. I also need to start to get rid of salt. I have removed everything else from my diet, i.e. sugar and white flour, but I have never been able to get rid of salt. I know it is bad for my blood pressure and leaves me puffy the next morning. That journey should be interesting.

    FUNSHPFREDDIE, that brunch sounded mouth watering! Yum!

    @jaifaim, I know what you mean about gift giving. I used to have a lot of pressure giving years ago but once my siblings and my children grew up, I changed how I do things. Now I only sound out Christmas cards to everyone and only give gifts to my grown children, their spouses, and my grandchildren. Until my grandchildren came, Christmas wasn’t the same anymore, mostly eating my way through the season. My grandchildren brought back the fun of it for me again. they get so excited. This weekend we will be going to our club to make gingerbread houses, followed by a birthday dinner for my granddaughter who is turning 3. That comes back to back with a good friend of mine’s husband’s funeral. Such is life at my age! She was married 62 years!

    Anyway, if I start to get tempted to eat, I will be back today! I hope everyone is having a great day! 👍🏻

    Germany Day 3 NFD
    Hi everyone, I have just logged back on after being away for nearly 2 months.
    Weddings and birthdays in Italy, UK and Majorca. It was a wonderful time with the family. I was determined with all the celebrations to continue fasting as much as possible. So I’m thrilled to say to date since August I have lost 14cm round the waist and 9 kilos in weight ( I like to think of it as 9 bags of sugar). My aim is another 3 kgs . I feel so much more confident and fitter its great when people notice the difference. FD days are hard and I do get hunger pains late afternoon and i do need that one piece of chocolate after my meal but it is still working. Keep positive everyone and try to resist all the great goodies being offered in the supermarkets at this time of year.

    Day 3 – UK – CD

    Definite PFDS following B2B FD600 for me ☺️

    Just back home from my regular Tuesday walking group outing – just over 4 miles and 600ft of elevation and definitely a chilly morning – wooly hats and gloves all round 🥶

    @merryapple – I had forgotten about your nasty fractured little finger but good work with the weaving – it’s definitely taking shape. Re Duck confit – once it’s been done (confit) and you’re ready to eat you remove the duck from fat, allowing excess fat to drip off. Pat excess fat off with paper towels. Prepare for roasting:by pouring 1″ of boiling water into the roasting pan (steam keeps flesh moist). Place duck on rack, skin side up and roast until skin crispy and golden – about 40mins (You won’t have problems with fat smoking as it drips into the water) absolutely delicious !!
    @iona72 – my OH is definitely not a Christmas person – he hates all the commercialisation that goes with it – we keep it very low key but do have some nice meals planned
    @funshipfreddie – glad you enjoyed the brunch – did look like my kind of place
    @jaifaim – I’m with you for a CD and a walk today but will be having some 🍷 this evening as we have our Christmas book club meeting and I’m having a OMAD to keep well within my TDEE today
    @ccco @excelsior12309 @jaifaim – as others have said I too agree about Christmas gift-giving, these days my friends and I have stopped all Christmas gifts; however I have an Irish friend (we have known each other for over 40 years!!!) and she insists on presents at Christmas so I do exchange gifts with her as I know it makes her happy – OH and I give our daughter and her OH money, to help them out – as they are doing up their house. Time together is our gift to each other – DD and I also usually have a day out together – this year it will be a walk on the beach with her beagle and then afternoon tea in a nice hotel overlooking the sea 🌅

    Perhaps enough of the Christmas grinch on my part 🤣 I need to go have a shower and change before heading out for my much needed haircut

    ”Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip.” — Gary Allan

    Day 3 North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I was a bit worried yesterday as my 7 month old granddaughter had to be rushed to emergency. She was ill with a cold but it developed into tonsillitis. My eldest daughter suffered for years with really bad tonsillitis. I hope my granddaughter is not going to be the same.

    I really enjoy the build up to Christmas. All the presents are wrapped and I am making chocolates for the grandchildren today. I am not sending cards this year. With the price of a first class stamp being £1.65 and a second class stamp 85p I have decided to text everyone this year, a few days before Christmas and make a donation to the local food bank.

    It’s a beautiful sunny day here today. It was so lovely,to get out and walk the dog first thing this morning.

    @stitchincarol what is a sous vide? I have never heard of it.

    @at I am hoping to go to a Christmas Fair this weekend when we are visiting family. It’s a shame your was a bit underwhelming.

    @merryapple my dress is finished, I must get round to posting a picture. I have now bought fabric to make a bolero type jacket to go with it. I will start that in the new year.

    @iona72 hope your toddler is feeling a bit better.

    @excelsior12309 welcome back. I loved reading about your Bear even if it’s a bit scary.

    @ccco enjoy making a gingerbread house. I love making them too even thought I don’t enjoy eating them.

    @jaifaim I am sure your numbers will come down soon. Stay strong 💪.

    @funshipfreddie hope you enjoyed your brunch.

    @northgeorgia I love a homemade soup on a FD too.

    Have a brilliant day everyone.

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 154.8

    My weight is cooperating and I’m trying not to notice too loudly for fear I’ll suddenly shoot back up! 😂 After two years of gaining/not losing, I’m not accustomed to the joy of lovely scale numbers, LOL!

    @merryapple Your scarf is looking gorgeous! I did a tiny bit of weaving once at a three-day “craft retreat” where weaving was one option. It was a total blast, and would do it again. Are you going to buy your own loom eventually?
    As to fat in confit…hmmm…good question. You’d have to google calories in duck confit v. roasted duck, I suppose. In my case, I did it sous vide, so it wasn’t roasting in nearly as much fat as the traditional way, and next time I make some, I’ll try not bothering to add any fat, which was what the commenter said he’d done; in that case, I suppose it wouldn’t actually be duck confit.

    @funshipfreddie Yummm. Enjoy your mosaic party today!

    @jaifaim I have a friend who feels exactly the way you do about “required” gift giving at Christmas v. when something pops up and looks perfect to her. And that’s a decent weight you’re showing after several days away, and I’m sure you will deal with it promptly this week.

    @excelsior12309 Try your sous vide for 72-hour chuck roast; you’ll never think of chuck roast the same again, as it turns into a magical roast of beauty.

    @davinac Welcome back, and congrats on the loss you’ve brought about!

    @molij It’s a cooking device so you cook food in vacuum-packed bags in water. Google it for images and a better description, but it’s wonderful. I don’t use my weekly, and often not even monthly, but LOVE it.

    Okay, I’m needing to walk out the door in only a few minutes and don’t even begin to be ready, so must fly. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 3 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I absolutely agree with the comments about Christmas and unnecessary gift giving. In recent years we have scaled right back reducing expense and stress. Our decorations are decades old but hold lovely memories and along with twinkling lights really make the house feel different and we will have a few special treats focusing on quality not quantity. And in the build up to those treats I am carefully observing TRE having 2 meals a day which helps me to stay within TDEE 🤞on NFDs.

    Keep on keeping on everyone 🤗

    USA. DAy 3. WFD
    Second Post

    I am back, as I am beginning to think too much about food!! LOL. I am determined, though! In the past, I found that the first day of a water fast, I might crave food but not on the second day, so maybe I can make this a two day event! I am determined. I wish I could go out for a walk. That would help but it is incredibly cold out there today! :(. I did do my morning exercises, though. I am still trying to build up my strength after a difficult year. Anyway. we march on!

    Day 3 Antigua (but from USA, Illinois) NFD

    I am quite certain I will need to be back with you all doing 5:2 after this Caribbean vacation with all the food, desserts, and drink I could want. Yes, rationalize that we are swimming and walking, even climbing long flights of stairs to our hillside suite, but I know once we get home tomorrow night, I will force myself on the scale.

    I am Gwynne, 76 y.o, retired music teacher from NW Illinois. I began 5:2 in March 2016 once I knew I would surpass 200 pounds if I didn’t do something drastic., I lost 40 pounds over the next 9 months having made wonderful connections with so many who came along on @coda challenges (even got to meet her and her.DH when they visited the states, in Chicago). I do Silver Sneakers (seniors exercise) classes 3x a week, work at our local Children’s Museum, and am president of our area Choral Society. I keep up with David (aka @friendshipfreddie) doing Words With Friends. Also love Wordle and Connections.

    It is wonderful to see so many familiarly names and identities here. I will do my best to be as active as possible through this Dodgy December.

    @at – you’re the best to guide us nere!

    Onward and downward.

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