Do you have to get hungry on Fast days?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SSure 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi there! I started yesterday and today is my first Fast day.
    Is it necessary to feel hungry on Fast days to burn fat?

    Hello Kate Fogarty,

    There is some basic guidance and FAQ for newbies in this useful thread:

    As for your question about hunger, no, you don’t have to feel hunger to burn fat (you switch to fat burning most nights when you’re asleep). You might feel a little hunger while you’re adapting to a 500kcal or 0.25 TDEE (see Newbies thread) intake on your FD but you may well adapt to that quite quickly.

    Good Luck with integrating fasting into your new WOL.

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