Did my first fast day yesterday

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  memstarina 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi, I did my first fast day yesterday. It went ok and I felt fine. I think I probably need to drink a bit more water but I can make sure I do that. I last ate at 10pm on Sunday evening and did not eat anything again until 08.30 on Tuesday which means I went 34 hours without eating (apart from the 500 calaries you are allowed). Does any one know if that will be more beneficial for me or not make any difference to only doing it for 24 hours?

    Hi Nansue03,

    I think that is the way that you should be doing it. In the FAQ tab, there is a question on whether a fast should be 24hr or 36hr and Michaels says it should be 36 hrs I was doing it wrong for the first 2 weeks just fasting for 24 hrs and the results were slow so I am doing 36hr fast and doing 4:3.

    I hope that this helps.

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