Did I do this right??

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mainemom 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • OK….a little background and personal information. I am a 42 yr old female. 5.5 and 170 pounds. Need to lose 30 pounds. I quit smoking 4 years ago. Immediately put on the weight. I lost a few pounds with the following diets ( WW–SlimFast–Atkins–Paleo–Low fat/Low Cal–) Just to put it and more back on when I ate a slice a bread or cookie. I came across the Fastdiet info online and started reading. Bought the book and have read through twice so far. It made me think back to my smoking days. I always thought it was the cigs that kept my weight off. Now that I think about it….BEACAUSE I was smoking I was eating very small meals or skipping them all together. Not trying to shift the blame here but I also listened to my family CONSTANTLY telling me that not eating breakfast, and sometimes skipping meals until dinner would be the ruin of me!! They were more concerned about the no eating than they were me smoking!! This is what I have done so far and I would like your input. Tuesday night/ ate supper at 6:00PM–didn’t eat again until 6:30PM Wed night (footlong chicken sub with veggies)–didn’t eat again until tonight (Thurs) 5:00PM. I didn’t mean for today to happen. Got busy at the job. So Is this form of fasting ok? This would be considered the 24 hr fast right? I did it two days in a row. Is that ok? I would like Mon & Thursday to be the days I do it. Can I mix it up? One day do the 24 and the other day do the 500 cal count? My tummy rumbled and made some very strange noises. lol. Taking that as a good thing. VERY bloated after eating dinner though. And I am definately NOT going to tell my well meaning family that I am doing this. Thanks!

    I think its ok doing two together if you can. I would struggle. Its also ok to just eat in the evening. As long as you keep drinking. I do Monday and Thursday and try to go as long as possible through day with just fruit then eat a nice dinner with hubby who is also on it.

    If you can do 24h already: congratulations! Fasting is definitely something for you.

    I am doing two 24h fast per week – not two days in a row, though. I am not counting calories after the 24h fast, but try to be sensible. Technically this is not a 5:2 diet but more what is advocated under the eat-stop-eat lifestyle.

    Another intermittent fasting lifestyle is the fast-to-5 lifestyle. Here it is suggested that we skip breakfast and lunch everyday and then eat the food we need – and like – over 5 hours, because it keeps our fat metabolism in good shape, and will stop us from overeating. Haven’t tried that.

    Whatever way you choose, you should read the (free) e-book on fast-5, because dr. Herring is saying on the “right way” of doing fasting: “if you get closer to your goals (weight loss, blood pressure reduction, blood sugar control) by the method you are using then it is the right one for you”. In other words, try your program for a month, if you loose weight continue, otherwise, add more fasting days or more calorie control.

    Brad Pilons book on Eat-Stop-Eat will give you a long list of scientific counter-arguments to the usual objections to fasting, but maybe your family is not easily convinced. I really started picking up weight when my wife convinced me to eat more meals a day “to control blood sugar”. With my result during this summer she if fully supporting me on the fasting thing.

    Best of luck. I am sure you can reach your target weight by some form of intermittent fasting. Let your first goal be to get your method to work for a month and post your weight loss on this forum.

    Thanks! You have given me a few things to think about. I got on the scales this morning and I haven’t lost ANY weight! lol. I know I probably won’t see anything for a couple weeks but I have an awful habit of wanting immediate results! (surprised I haven’t lost any water weight though) I am finding any material I can find about IF and reading it. I also find this forum so helpful.

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