Day one in Copenhagen

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TidyChick 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I am a Danish woman, who is experiencing her first day of fasting today, July 30. So far I am coping surprisingly well… I’ve decided to have only one meal in the middle of the day… This way I can eat, when/if headaches or other discomforts set in and to still get the most benefit from the effort. When I return to work this also means that I can have lunch with my colleagues and not miss out on the social side of working… πŸ™‚
    Time will tell if my strategy holds up in the long run.

    Good luck Anne that’s when I prefer to have my main meal. I have been doing it for three weeks and it does get much easier.

    Held of lykke! I am a Danish woman in the US and have done the 5:2 now for going on 7 weeks. Have lost about 16 lbs. It’s not always easy, but most of the time I feel great. I think you will find this way of eating/fasting is wonderful. On your feast day day, eat some salt lakrids for me. πŸ˜€

    Thank you both for the encouraging words πŸ™‚

    Tidy: Jeg vil nyde min salt- og salmiaklakrids, kun for dig!/I will enjoy my salt- and salmiaklakrids, for you only!

    When I was staying in the states, some 28 years ago, there were none of the Danish necessities to be had (lakrids og rugbrΓΈd)and my mother would send me strong liquorish ‘survival packs’ πŸ˜€


    Between the candy, pastry/bakeries and cheese shops……good thing I don’t live in Denmark, or I would have to fast 5 days a week!! I hope you are doing well on the 5:2! How did you hear about it?

    The medias here are all over the topic at the moment, unfortunately calling it ‘the latest trend’… I believe it is much more than that.

    Out of curiosity; have you ever been to or lived in Denmark? What is your connection?


    That is neat! This modern technology is amazing. I was born in Glostrup and we immigrated to the US in 1982 when I was 11. My sister just came home from Denmark last week from a 3 week vacation and brought back lakrids! I am now paying for the party we had with lag kage and slik!

    I heard about 5:2 just clicking on a little news blurb and did a bunch of research online. After 7 weeks, I finally read the book this week. I understand there is a book or cookbook about this in Danish. Do you know if that is true? How are you doing with this plan?

    I am on my 2. day of fasting, and am quite hungry this morning – I was not very hungry last night after having a late lunch… The plan is to eat nothing until lunchtime, and have all 500 kcal in one go, in order to have long fasting periods on both sides, but I think I am going to fail that plan today… Might just have a little porridge soon.

    I have, like you, done an extensive research online before starting, and have just purchased Mosley and Spencers books in english as they are very inexpensive on Amazon’s, I found that the book confirms my research, but now I have it for keeps. πŸ™‚
    The diet book is coming out in Danish this month, but not the recipe book yet. I know of no other books in Danish on the subject.

    This is nice… I feel like I know you a little already, so can I perhaps know your real name, TidyChick?

    BTW, another big ‘trend’ here is the Paleo Diet or Neandethal Diet, with no carps, but again… with that kind of diet, you alienate yourself from everybody else, I think. With 5:2 you don’t have to…
    Have a great day.

    It is fun to share with someone from home! My name is Elisabeth. It is hard for me too, to wait to eat the 500 calories in one sitting. So I split it up. I like to eat too much, but I also like how it feels to actually be hungry. Food is more enjoyable.

    That is neat the books are starting to be available in other languages. I really like how this plan fits in with real life and family. It is very doable.

    How long did you live in states? What is your connection?

    Hej Elisabeth πŸ™‚

    Went through my second fast day with success… I did end up splitting my 500 calories into two meals. I was more hungry than on my first day, but nothing too bad… I believe my stomach is flatter today, but I will wait untill Monday to go on the scale…

    In regard to my connection to the states, I went to New York in December of 1984 to visit friends for Christmas, and ended up staying for 18 month… At a young and impressionable age, the experience stays with you for life: I loved it there, but also saw things in NY, that really made me appreciate the Danish healthcare- and social system. Where are you living?

    I also have a daughter (age 27, as of last Thursday) that through her father, has a dual citizenship, and she studied a year at a University in New York, but is now studying in London, a little closer to home, thankfully.
    Take care.

    Hejsa Anne,

    What a fun experience! Have you ever been back here again? I’m in Utah and love it. Have now lost 18 lbs in 8 weeks. So excited! I have gone from a size 14 down to a size 7. Sorry, I don’t remember what that is in metric any more. πŸ˜€ Bought my first pair of pants today.

    There were a few times I wanted to give up, but this forum has really helped during those times.

    I really hope this is working for you too and that you have great success!

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