Day One for a Newbee…

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lottiepen 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi all I bought the book yesterday and I’m very excited to try this out. As probably most of you have done, I have tried just about every diet going with some success but the weight just creeps back on again. I’m feeling very positive about this diet as it’s something that will be part of my life forever and how easy is it to do!!! No more guilty feelings when I go over my recommended 1200 cals a day! Good luck to you all. I have about 3 stone to lose.

    Hi another Lisa here with the same experience! My book’s on the way to me, in the meantime I’m fasting today, and feeling OK so far.

    Good luck to you, and let us know how you get on

    Lisa (Magimum)

    hi funtimebobby here, just ordered the book, can`t wait to start, need to lose around 4 stone good luck everyone, will be good to hear how everyone is doing too


    Hi everyone – first day over (fast day) and not bad at all – porridge for brekkie, an apple for lunch and vegan stir fry for dinner – only felt mildly hungry and not as horrendous as I thought it might be! Really want to break my emotional attachment to food and make it a less important part of my life as well as making myself the healthiest I can be. Good luck to everyone else just starting.

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