Day One

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  • 40 something man, need to shed a couple of stone although it’s hard to tell because I am tall and well built, I also work out quite a lot, they don’t do a BMI for my body type

    Managed to lose weight in the past, without much trouble but you guessed it I put it on again, a thing I noticed years ago that when I emptied my system (so to speak) I always felt happier and more energetic, not that it happened very often.

    Heard a lot about this, so got the book, the book really impressed me, mainly because much of what it was saying kind of chimed with what I already knew about myself, also liked the fact that it’s not really a diet as such more a resetting of the system and a new way of living and eating, and to be fair the few very naturally slim people in our societies have been doing a modified version of this only they never really knew it, we all know a person that eats for England but never puts an ounce of fat on, but they just adjust their calorie intake.

    So day one today, decided I would reduce to virtually nothing all in all I have had about 80
    calories. I wont be doing this again but I wanted to see what it was like

    Surprise surprise! My mood has been quite elevated and I have felt quite energetic

    I will keep you all updated on my progress

    7:16 pm on 31 Jul 13


    have u seen his documentary on this

    how r u progressing?

    i tried the super lowday like u
    not as pleasant as 500

    as ur 600

    wish u success in ur journey

    I bought the book, and got about half way through, and, quite by accident, decided to go ahead and make my first fast day yesterday. Had an eggwhite with soy bacon bits in it, and some sunflower seeds on top. Got busy and ate a bannana mid day. Then, didn’t eat until 8 pm, when going out for dinner where they had Weight Watchers meals under 550 Calories with a diet Pepsi. If I consumed more than 600 calories, it wouldn’t be by much. At 3 am I woke up to urinate all the tea I had before bed, and was RAVENOUSLY hungry. Killed my pangs with two MODEST spoons of cottage cheese. I am excited about this and really hope it works.

    More details and encouragement after my first day…I am a really happy sort of guy, EXCEPT when I am HUNGRY. That is, if I can’t eat, due to circumstances beyond my control. With THIS diet, I approached with fear and trepidation of what kind of monster I would become when the pangs started. But, going into it INFORMED, sort of paved my way. Now that my fast day is done, I found it PROFOUND how my appetite seemed quite diminished, and broke my fast VERY gradually, with a handful of peanuts, and a slice of watermelon. Hours later, I did it again, followed by a 2 oz piece of steak I had forgotten about in the fridge. 8 hours later, I grilled bbq chicken in prep for tomorrow’s Sunday dinner, snitched just a small amount (another 2 oz) of it while I stored it. 9 hours after breaking my fast, with the grill still hot, I finally made myself a massive 1/3 pound hamburger (precooked weight) decked with two pcs of cheese on an onion roll. I served ice cream to my wife, and was ready to devour mine with her, but had to STOP midway through, because I could tell I just didn’t NEED to continue eating the ice cream. Stashed it back into the freezer for tomorrow or later tonight. Now, I know that practicing this diet is NOT going to be hard at ALL, and that, REALLY, on my non-fast days, I will probably be eating less, like I did today. Although I have only done one fast day so far, I can already tell that this is going to sort of NORMALIZE my eating habits. My only hope now is that it will WORK and that I will start to lose weight. My goal is to go from 193 lbs, down to 165 lbs, for starters. Thank you, Michael and Mini 🙂

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