Day 1 newbie

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  • Hi,

    Had heard a lot about this ‘diet’ over the months. I’ve never attempted any kind of diet ever as I knew I wouldn’t be able to stick to it. But this sounded different. Doable. So I decided to give it a try.

    I read the book Friday & Saturday and it’s my first fast day today. Possibly being hungover hasn’t helped, but felt miserable this morning which just goes to show it’s all psychological, as I’d had breakfast (boiled egg and half a grapefruit).

    I’ve never counted calories before so finding it a bit strange to start with. Oh the joy of discovering I’d read the packet wrong on my lunchtime miso soup! 18 calories not 100! Just added some more veg to my meal tonight to go with my tuna steak.

    So I bought body fat monitoring bathroom scales yesterday, measured this morning: 11 stone 8 lb, 32% bodyfat and not enough water. I already knew this – I know it’s something I have to work on. I’m 5’7″ so that’s a BMI of 25.4. Forgot to measure my waist – will do so this evening.

    Off to buy a non-stick pan tonight so no oil for the tuna.

    Anyway, I’d like to think that my one and only attempt to stick to a diet will work. Fingers crossed. And good luck to everyone.

    PS is there a list anywhere of things that are a VERY small amoutn of calories? For left over allowance? For instance having planned my day out, I have 14 left over. I can get a small amount of prawns or scallops to go with my tuna to make it more interesting. But would be curious to see other little things like that…

    According to the calorie count site there are 29 calories in an individual battered and cooked (deep fried) prawn. The same prawn cold boiled is only 6 calories.

    starting to feel like I’m not thinking clearly… everythign requires a lot of concentration. Does this get better?

    Hi. It does get better as you get into it but it’s not a quick fix. I’ve done 5 months and lost 17lbs so really pleased. Plan your fast days food and just get your mind set right. I manage to resist cakes and donuts at work on a fast day which would have been unheard of before the 5:2 diet.
    Probably best not to fast when you’re hungover! ”
    Good luck – Don’t give up 🙂

    I broke at night yesterday – had a pear. So that took me to 532. Oh well not too bad for first go.

    Today (non-fasting day) struggled to finish my breakfast (scrambled eggs on toast). Currently eating a sandwich from Pret that’s almost 500 calories on it’s own! Frightening. New to this calorie counting stuff.

    2nd fast day tomorrow…

    SJ, that’s great! I find fasting days to be extremely difficult so I would be thrilled to hit 532. I think one of the dangers of this program is that it can be easy to become obsessive about calories. Follow the program but sometimes you just need to listen to your body too.

    I was surprised – often if I’ve not had a snack in the afternoon I feel light-headed on the tube home – and will grab a chocolate bar first chance I can. Yesterday I decided to tough it out (after reading about people who were also scared about passing out – but didn’t), and it passed. By itself. I gave in at night mainly because the pear had actually reached ripeness, and it seemed a waste to leave it. Maybe that’s an excuse though…

    If you have a new dog you have to train it. If it barks at night, you have to ignore it – or it’ll continue to bark to get the attention you give it. I’m telling myself that it’s the same for training me (or rather my stomach).

    I started yesterday, weight first thing and took measurements, just upper arms, waist, hips and thighs.
    I weighed this morning and had dropped 4.8 lbs.!!!
    Thinking this couldn’t be right I stepped on the scale again and the same number popped up, I was so excited!!!! Then I decided to measure my waist, down 3 inches! I then checked the other areas I had measured, nothing significant there. My waist is where everything I eat seems to go so losing 3 inches there is fantastic.
    I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started,especially and after reading posts where some folks are having a hard time losing. I know its only been one fast day but I hope my results will encourage you to give it a good try.

    If anyone is interested here is what I had yesterday:

    I always drink a large glass of lemon water when I wake up and then a large cup of coffee with a splash of almond milk
    At noon I had 2 whole eggs, 1/4 cup each red bell pepper and onion and a slice of fat free cheese, this was 218 calories.

    I drank lemon water and tea with stevia all day.

    My last meal was a 4oz ground turkey patty grilled, 10 asparagus spears from a can. (I keep these on had for when I’m out of fresh) 1/4 cup each red bell pepper and onion, 2 cups romaine lettuce, 5 baby carrots and 1 TBS lite dressing= 285. Total for the day= 503 calories.

    More lemon water and tea.

    Since Thursday is the 4th I will fast again on Wednesday so I can eat with the family on the 4th.

    Will keep you posted on progress.

    Good luck to everyone.

    I’ve just scared myself by puttin ginto myfitness pal what I’ve already eaten and what I plan to eat fo the rest of the day… Over 2000 calories! and I think I’ve underestimated the weight of the pork I’ll be having… no more pret sandwiches!


    Boy do I understand this. When I looked at the number of calories I had been consuming daily…it is unbelievable. Maybe instead of swearing off pork sandwiches the answer is moderation. 2-4 ounces of pork…flatbread or ?…or no bread at all…and a bit more pork 🙂
    Good luck!

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