Day 1, hello there

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MizShell 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello hello,

    Here I am starting my.. hummm probably 4th diet of the year so far. A self confessed yo yo dieter I can now say I have grown tired of crash diets followed by gain weight and the whole disapointment and frustation that comes with it… my body has started to resent this and well cellulite and stretch marks come way easily and faster.. at 27 is not as easy to loose weight as it was at 20(and I started dieting around 14), altough I feel it is far easy to put it back again.

    Anyway, day 1 of the 5:2 diet just about to end and I went straight with a fasting day. Not too bad I must say, although I may have cheated a little as I had breakfast at 12pm and dinner at 21pm. Still counts, I hope!

    By the way, the lo-lo meatballs are amazing! I had them with spinach instead.

    Wish me good luck 🙂

    hi Jomlt well done on day 1, I dont think you can cheat on 5:2 cause you can adapt it and make it fit in with you, all the best!

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