Day 1

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Monday was supposed to be day 1 but it fell apart because I didn’t have a plan. So now it’s Thursday and I have a plan for getting through the day. So far so good. It’ late morning and a few hunger pangs have started so I’m turning to my water bottle for comfort. It has a bite straw which helps with the whole chewing oral fixation. I just hope I don’t eat it. Anyway, I’m taking it one moment at a time while knowing tomorrow is only 13 hours away. I think I can make it.
    Mac. Upstate NY

    Welcome mac!
    Fast days are certainly easier with a plan! The ones that have turned to custard have all been ones that I hadn’t really committed to a plan for the day. I think plans change a lot in the first few weeks as everybody works out what suits them the best.
    Good luck with not eating the bite straw. Not sure how many calories that would be… Hehe!

    Haha maybe it’ll be extra ‘fiber’ for your intestines, who knows…

    Welcome to the cheery cherry bandwagen Owl! (Next person please call him/her Ling). We’re happy to have you.

    I’d love to know a bit more about you though, what are your goals? Is it weightloss, or something else? Or both? 😛 What are your hobbies? Your plan to attack this WOL? Your favorite color socks?! Give us something!

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