Day 1

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cariadjude 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    I’ve read the book, seen the film on YouTube, seen friends loose weight…so, I’m on day 1….
    I’ve kept myself busy this morning after my boiled egg and peach, drank loads of black coffee and water…but now I’m getting fidgety, too early for my last meal…How do others occupy themselves and manage not to devour the entire contents of fridge and food cupboard????

    I think most of us say to ourselves – I can have what I want TOMORROW. And of course, TOMORROW does come! Go and do something nice, away from the fridge. It’s never easy but it does get easier.

    Thanks Humphrey, I have stepped away from the fridge and am drinking water…it’s rather hot here (Crete) and I know I’m thirsty really….I’ll be off walking in a ouple of hours, when it’s cooled down.

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