Day 1 – 29 July 2013

This topic contains 19 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  mbasha 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I have just joined this forum and today is my first fast day. I made my first mistake and had breakfast (or my first meal) too early because it is now 12.24pm and I am starving and only have a water bottle to keep me company until I get home. I made the beetroot soup yesterday for tonight’s dinner – lucky I love beetroot.

    For the past 15 months I have been following the Dukan program of eating and reached the 4th phase and still following that, but in the past month or two I have fallen into a bad pattern of eating with the family from Friday night through Sunday night, correcting on Monday with my protein day, but just starting to get a bit bored with that at the same time as gaining about 2kg of the precious 10kg that I lost.

    So I am hoping to shed the few extra kg and give 2 fast days per week a go rather than one Dukan protein day per week, to mix it up a bit. On the other 5 days I will eat normally according to the Dukan principles so as not to be totally disloyal to the program that changed my life. I think the calorie counting will be my biggest challenge but happy to do that for 2 days per week. I’ll clock in again tomorrow with the report on how I went today.

    Hi this is my first day as well.
    Had nothing till lunch time bar some green tea and then a slim a soup.
    Tea tonight is an M&S low fat meal…about 300 calories an dlots of water and early to bed 🙁

    I am really determined this time but find food is an addiction of mine but stopped smoking successfully over three years ago so sure I can handle this.

    Please keep us posted with how you get on, mbasha. I also lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago with Dukan but, like you, got sick of the protein days, so didn’t do them and consequently the weight gradually piled back on. I, too, have been considering going back to Dukan principles but using fast days instead of protein-only days (I’m not losing any weight so far eating ‘normally’ on non-fast days), so I was really pleased to see that someone else has had the same idea. Good luck with it!

    If you eat in the morning try to eat something protein based and your appetite will be less crazy 🙂 An egg white scramble with one yoke is very low in calories. Drink lots and lots of water, tea, herbal teas to get you through the day and then have a nice dinner. I have been doing this for about 8 weeks now and find the longer I can put off eating the better. Seems like eating triggers more eating. I now have my morning coffee and then drink lots of water etc for the rest of the day and have a nice 500 calorie dinner. Everyone finds different ways to get through the day….it gets easier…good luck! 🙂

    Thank you for all your replies. Steph I’m glad I’m not the only one who has shifted a bit from Dukan. I just felt I was in danger of losing something very precious and just had to change the scenery a bit to prolong (or extinguish completely) something that in the past was inevitable – putting the weight back on.

    I survived my first fast day but had awful hunger pains going to bed, but I will do things a little bit differently on Thursday and stagger the first meal of the day. I did have a 600 gram loss this morning, but that’s nothing unusual, given that would happen after doing a protein day on Dukan.

    Yesterday I had a cup of tea when I got up, about 50gm smoked salmon and a boiled egg (a big protein hit) when I got to work, lots of coffee, tea and water during the day, and two cups of beetroot and apple soup in the evening – my total calorie intake was 502.

    I’ll be back on Thursday or Friday with an update.

    Hi New Fast Friends! At the ripe old age of 61 and at least 60 lbs over the normal limit, I need to do something. A friend mentioned the Fast Diet just yesterday, i did a bit of online research/study and here I am! My weight has been an issue all my life after the age of 14 when my Mommy Dearest decided I was overweight, took me to a Doctor and he put me on diet pills, sadly, for years! I have fasted several times before, once for a week! The pounds come off and go back on. So crazy! BUT, I’m ready to start anew! Just got thru the first fast day and for breakfast had a green smoothie which helped me feel under control until about 5pm. Looks like on fast days, I need to eat early in the evening!
    Thanks for your stories.

    I have just completed my second fast day and finding it a real struggle. I managed to stagger the first meal to after 2pm having had just a beef broth; a cup of tea and a cup of coffee before then. I also went for a run before 2pm and figured I wouldn’t have had the energy if I didn’t have at least the broth. By 5pm the hunger pains were almost crippling until I had some beetroot soup at about 6.30pm. It’s now only 8.25 in the evening and I will be off to bed soon so that sleep can numb the hunger pains.

    The other thing I have found is that on fast days I just can’t warm up – I am presently sitting here with a hot water bottle shoved down my front.

    The consolation is that I have lost 0.8kg so far and should be able to add to that in the morning when I weigh in.

    No pain, no gain! So true.

    After my first 2 fast days this week I am down by 1.4kg. I’m happy about that and I only really want to do this for as long as it takes me to get my 3kg cushion back, after having played a little too hard for the last 6 months and lost it. I’m finding on my non-fast days that if I treat food with moderation I come within 2000 calories so it’s safe.

    Tonight is Friday night and we always have our own take-away style food at home to celebrate the arrival of the weekend (i.e. homemade pizza, beer, Maxibons or Cornetto) and I have factored all of those things into today’s 2000 calories.

    So all going well I reckon 3 weeks might do it, then one fast day per week, or maybe back to Dukan’s one protein day per week. Maybe I’ll alternate that??

    Hopefully I haven’t spoken too soon.

    Well done mbasha on losing 1.4kg your doing so well, I too have just finished my 1st week and have lost 4lbs not sure what that is in kgs.

    Its take away day in our house tonight too, I normally have a chinese take away, but wondering if it will undo all my hard work?

    My hubby has also pointed out that my cough that I’ve had since jan has gone, coincidence or what???

    Keep up the good work. x

    Hi everyone just starting out and trawling for ideas and inspiration. On the plus side so far, my swollen ankles have now gone down to a manageable level and I have seen my ankle bones for the first time in about 6months!

    I am now in my second week of the fast diet and seemingly combining successfully with Dukan. I am still finding the fast days quite tough but probably haven’t quite tweaked it to suit me yet. I am a real breakfast person so I wake up hungry and find it hard to put off that first meal until 1pm. But I can see the benefits already so am willing to keep going with it until I reach my goal. So far I have lost 1.5kg, although when I got on the scales on Monday morning before doing my 3rd fast day I had put on 1.1kg of the weight I had lost in my first week, so was feeling quite deflated about that until I weighed again yesterday morning and 900g came back off. It must have been water.

    Anyhow, onwards and downwards.

    Today was really not a bad fast day apart from when I first got up and realised I couldn’t have breakfast (I’m a real brekkie person). I haven’t experienced the awful hunger pains of the last 3 so I might have it figured out. For lunch I had a sachet of Continental beef broth, then I found a fatblaster sachet so had that too. I had a huge bowl of raw veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, carrot topped with a 95g tin of pink salmon and a sprinkle of ground chia). All in all I haven’t gone over 500 calories. I feel full and won’t be going to bed hungry tonight and hope to have a good result on the scales in the morning.

    I’m intrigued, Mbasha – what are fatblaster sachets and chia? They’re not something I’ve heard of! The greedy person in me is always keen to discover something new to consume! :-))

    OK StephB. I’ll look for your log and see if I can post the same info there. Where are you from? I am from Sydney Australia so these products may just be Australian terms or product names. But chia is a seed. Take a look at this link.

    It’s available in seeds and ground. You can sprinkle it on anything and it just seems to bulk it up once you’ve ingested thus staggering hunger – PERFECT ON FAST DAYS!!! You don’t need much. Tomorrow I am running a 14km run (Sydney’s annual City 2 Surf). So for breakfast I am going to have some no fat yoghurt with a banana and a teaspoon of chia mixed in for 1) energy; and 2) small meal to fill me up but not too stodgy before a big run.

    Fatblaster is one of those meal replacement drinks. I have it with water because mixing it with milk just boosts the calories unnecessarily on a fast day. There are so many of those products out there, Slimright, Optifast to name a couple.

    Maybe you can tell me something – how do you put those smileys there? 🙂

    I’m a 68 year old guy who is 6′ 4″. I checked my weight yesterday morning and it was 199.8 which is what it has been for a long time + or -. Never made any effort to diet in a long time but started 5:2 diet yesterday with the following below. Remember a man is allowed 600 kCal on 2 “fast” days a week. Women get 500. These are actually calorie restricted days since you eat during the day and the following day you eat as you please with no restrictions.

    9:00 AM: 2 egg omelet with onion, peppers, mushroom mix and one Canadian bacon slice, cup of decaf.

    1:30 PM: 1 large cucumber sliced thin in big bowl with 10 or so cherry tomatoes, big dollup of sour cream with a splash of red wine vinegar dressing, salt and pepper and dill seasoning. Big glass of green tea.

    5:00 PM: thawed 8 cooked shrimp from freezer and ate with shrimp sauce and 2 saltines and green tea.

    8:00 PM: thawed 1 chicken tenderloin and fried in pan (olive oil) with curry and salt and white pepper. Also steamed 1 small cut up carrot with about half a cup of green peas. Pat of butter. Big glass of sparkling water with a touch of organic lemon aid.

    11:00 PM: handful of salted almonds.

    I’m sure I ate something else during the day. Got hungry about 3 PM which is normal lunch time but no big deal. Fairly active during the day with chores.

    So the scale this morning reads 194.8. This down exactly 5 pounds. Very surprising. So now just finished 1/4 cup of cooked Scottish oats in 1 cup water with almond milk and cup of decaf. This will be a regular day but I will restrict, but not eliminate carbs today. This has sure been easy so far.

    Haha – looks like I learned how to do the smiley by accident.

    I earned an extra 1029 calories today by running the C2S – 14km, longest ever for me. There’s no way I can use all those calories if I tried. And I’m too tired to cook and eat tonight anyway. And tomorrow is a fast day and any bet the hunger will kick in then. But I’ll just do what I did on my last fast day and hopefully it’ll be OK. I’ll just have sore muscles to deal with!! 🙁

    Well done on completing your run, Mbasha, I’m in awe of anyone who can run for the fun of it! Is Chia what we in the UK know as oat bran (the Dukan staple)? I’m on holiday in Spain at the moment, not prepared to fast whilst I’m here but hoping that I won’t be pigging out as much as I normally would on holiday. Wish me luck when I get back on the scales in 2 weeks time…!

    Just looked properly at your link, Mbasha. No, Chia isn’t oat bran. Never heard of it, though, so will do a bit more research and see where to source it here 🙂 (glad you de-mystified the smiley process!)

    Yes, definitely not oat bran Steph but just as beneficial I am sure. It is getting me through on the fast days.

    Enjoy your holiday, and no way can you fast in that mode, nor should you. Good luck on the scales on your return. You’ll be fine between Dukan and the Fast Diet ridding any little excesses. Maria

    Last week was positively horrible. Lunch with a friend the day after a fast day reversed all the good work. Then hosting a work lunch the following day got really ugly with the leftover Tiramisu. The next fast day was good but everything was reversed over the weekend resulting in a hideous figure on the scales Monday morning.

    So I resolved to do better this week and already it’s looking good. I clawed back some of my initial weight loss, cancelled a night out with friends tomorrow to consolidate and stay on track.

    I have a big fun run coming up this weekend so combined with that I hope to have a much kinder figure on the scales next Monday. 🙂

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