Day 1

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  YoungRogerian 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi all. So this is my first day of doing the 5:2 diet. I am a person who has ongoing weight issues. After losing a considerable amount of weight in 2014, through crossfit and eating less junk and keeping it more or less off for about 18 months, a depression related lifestyle change meant I put it back on and then some. I went back to training in January, but found it difficult to re-adapt to healthier eating and scheduling issues meant there were some weeks I couldn’t make my 3 classes a week, so my progress has been slow in terms of losing weight. I work in a library and came across Kate Harrison’s book, 5:2 your life so decided to try 5:2 for 6 weeks and see how I get on.

    It is day 1 for me and I haven’t eaten yet. I get both a morning and afternoon tea-break so am going to not do lunch and have my meals to tie in with these breaks. I am lucky in that I get my meals 4 days a week from a company that supplies macro and calorie counted meals, so a breakfast and lunch from them fits into the fast calorie requirements quite comfortably. Even though I am male, I am aiming to go under 500 on food, to allow myself a few cups of tea as well. I take very little milk in my tea, but can’t stomach the Tanine taste of the black tea, so have to allow a few calories for my tea requirements. Drinking more water this morning and am finding that the ‘hunger’ I felt at around 7 or 8 O Clock is diminishing. Wish me luck.

    So. I got there. Day 1 done and dusted. I had my last meal at about 4 o clock and went straight to bed when I got home at about 7.30 after having a cup of tea. but didn’t go to sleep for several hours as I distracted myself with Netflix. I felt the cold thing everybody mentions and slight aches in my bones, but I got there without too much stress. I am just about to get up and looking forward to breaking fast, but this deinitely feels like something I can do.

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