Day 1 :)

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  • Hi everyone

    I have tried the Fast diet previously, and found that it worked. I didn’t do it for long as I had a bit of a hectic life at the time, and this was just adding to my stresses. I feel as though now I am in a good place to try again.
    I find this diet easier to stick to, as you can pretty much eat what you want on your normal days, and therefore don’t feel as restricted.
    In December 2013, I was at my heaviest. I was hitting 17 stone, which for my 5 ft 2 frame, I was extremely over weight. I have managed to lose 2 stone by eating better and being more active. I have managed to maintain this weight loss since June, by watching what I eat throughout the week, then eating what I want on a weekend. I only drink alcohol of a Friday night, and it’s a small amount.
    I would like to lose 24lbs by Christmas. That’s 2lbs per week. I am going to start with 3 days of fasting per week and see how I get on. Each fast will be 24 hours. For me it’s easier to do from 06:00pm – 06:00pm. My fast days are: Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s.
    Today is day 1. I haven’t eaten anything since 06:00pm last night. I am drinking green tea throughout the day at work which helps keep me full, and it’s a good way to detox. I was experiencing some hunger pangs this morning, and my belly was rumbling, but it passes. I will eat a balanced meal tonight at 06:00pm, then will not eat again till breakfast tomorrow.

    I plan to have a healthy balanced diet on my normal days, but will allow myself a chocolate bar if I fancy one, as that is my weakness! I also plan to have a take away of a Saturday night, and also a big Sunday dinner.

    Weight: 15 stone
    Dress size: 18 – 20
    Goal: 186lbs by Christmas

    good luck everyone!


    Hi Lid. Are you making this a diary? Its a good idea. Good luck with your journey.

    I find one way to keep hunger at bay is to eat mainly protein foods and vegetables on fast days. Today i ate even less vegetables than usual because i buggered up my Sunday fast by eating breakfast, and allowing myself to get bored. Breakfast and carb foods seem to really kick ones appetite into gear so less carbs all around seems to make life easier. (But you have to replace carbs with fat for energy if you are doing it on other days otherwise you end up drained.)

    Buy carbs here i mean primarily bread, pasta, rice, sweets.

    How is it going, Lid?
    I started on Tuesday, joined the site today, which is my first Fast day. I don’t mind feeling hungry, it’s my watch that affects my desire to eat – it’s lunch time so I must must must eat. I haven’t. Yet. Hanging on.

    I’m the same height as you, 16 stone, size 28. 24lbs by Christmas sounds great! Can I walk along with you, please? Not up to running yet, haha.

    Good luck!


    Could someone pls help I havnt a clue how to work this x

    Hi Amanda, What can’t you work, the forum or the diet?

    For the diet, go to FAQ at the top of the page to learn the basics of doing this diet.
    Use the How menu to work out your TDEE and BMR.

    To use the forum, click on things that look like they might be links. yes the menus are rather small and insignificant to show you where you are but they are that top of this page in small purple print.

    Make sure you click the little tick box below your text window to get email notifications for follow up posts.

    To start a new thread conversation, look for text telling you to start a new topic. Yes its small and hard to find. unlike the submit button.

    Hi amandaNI and welcome:

    This thread will give you all you need to know to get started:

    Good Luck!

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