Coming off the 5:2 and move to Joe Wicks H.I.I.T.

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Coming off the 5:2 and move to Joe Wicks H.I.I.T.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TortoiseJoy88 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I wanted to stop following the 5:2 way of eating which I found quite easy except for the social side of life. I decided to try Joe Wicks High intensity interval training. Loads of protein and veg but very little carbohydrate. It is fine but again not easy for social occasions. Has anyone else tried it?

    Hello Enilorac,

    I really like the Lean in 15 meals (great for me on NFD’s and my husband who doesnt ever need to diet) I found his whole plan quite strict and difficult to stick to EVERY day though and 5 workouts a week – I think his food and exercises are great but it definitely takes a lot of planning and even more willpower than 5:2 as its a long term commitment. Hope this helps offer another opinion – let me know how you get on!

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