Comin Back to 5:2 After Experimenting with Different Forms of Fasting

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Comin Back to 5:2 After Experimenting with Different Forms of Fasting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Suzanne Umm Ayoub 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on where you live!

    I am not new to 5:2. Over seven months ago, I heard about it on the news and felt almost instinctively that it would be perfect for me. I did it for about a month (even overeating on some of my feast days – although I do not recommend that), and still lost six pounds in one month. I got lazy, went off it, and promptly gained back the weight. Then I heard about The 8 Hour Diet (fast for 16 hours a day), and thought it would great since I don’t have to count anything. Did it for a month and gained weight on that one. Then I heard about alternate day fasting. No way could I stick to that. Like Dr. Mosley says in this book, it is far too restrictive, and I was so stressed out over having to fast every other day, it just wasn’t worth it.

    So now I’m back to 5:2. Well over seven months have passed. Who knows, I could be at goal weight now had I just stuck to something that worked. Oh the oddities of human nature!

    Hi javagal,welcome back, nothing odd about human nature. Strange that, isnt it?.
    Good luck, keep us posted on your trials and tribulations.

    Yes, you are right, we are like this, we have a tendency to always search for something else, even if the truth is in front of our eyes!

    Good luck with your fasting. Be patient, the success always come with patience.

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