Combining HIIT and normal exercise – does it undo the benefits of HIIT

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Combining HIIT and normal exercise – does it undo the benefits of HIIT

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  viking55803 9 years ago.

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  • I fully get the idea of HIIT and am doing my sessions in the pool but after a little recovery, I love to swim 20 gentle lengths, does that diminish the benefits of the HIIT?

    Not at all as far as I have read or experienced. The HIIT work you do can’t be undone. Put it into a primal context – our ancestors would have sprinted during a hunt, climbed over things and in between walked various differences. Then at some points after a successful hunt, they would have carried their kill back to their clan. A full mix of activities and barring injuries and wins by the hunted rather than the hunter, they thrived.

    I also think that if you love to swim gentle laps, then in this one life that you get, swim and enjoy. You’re doing the hard work for health and survival, so enjoy the time that survival provides you and do it in the way you like.

    No. In fact, high intensity interval training is a normal part of endurance athletic training, particularly in cycling. A couple of sessions/week of HIIT boost your VO2max. HIIT does not train the body for endurance, however, so even though your able to ride faster, it won’t necessarily help you ride longer. The muscles have to be conditioned for endurance along with the cardiovascular system.

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