Changing the way I fast

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi All, I fast on a Monday and Weds and don’t eat anything until dinner time around 8pm. I have been stuggling with this and have now decided to spread my calorie allowance throughout the day. I have lost weight on this diet anyway, so now it use to maintain my weight, but wondered if my new way of eating will affect any health benefits that are mentioned (cancer prevention etc…) any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks

    @jg123 – from what I understand with fasting it is the length of time one does not eat that gives the benefits. Why not divide your food into two meals a day with the first meal being at least 4-6 hours after waking. Another type of fasting is to have an eating window of say 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, etc. You can customize fasting to suit your needs and lifestyle.

    I wouldn’t know about other health aspects, but purely for weight loss it doesn’t seem to make any difference for me. I have tried eating once a day and twice a day, now I take about 60% of my cal in the evening, the rest I divide between breakfast and lunch. More important is sticking to TDEE (or averaging it out) over the none fast days.

    Some quote the IGF-1 effect kicking in after 12 hours & others as much as 16 hours, so if you go for the longer time you should be safe. So if you eat your last morsel at say 8pm the night before then your first calories the next day at noon or later you should be good.

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