changing the 600 calories meals

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Michaelmas 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Does eating 3x 200 calories meal on fast day have the same effect. My partner has been doing it for 6 weeks and it is really working for him. the fat is just vanishing and we are finding it easy and enjoyable.

    I take it your partner is a man because 600 calories are recommended for men and 500 for women. Because of a blood sugar and thyroxine issue my doctor advised me to have 3 meals that add up to 500 calories so I have for 17 weeks and lost 21 lbs. I have an egg and mushroom for breakfast(80 calories) homemade soup for lunch with 2 rice thins with skinny Philly 94 calories and fish and veges for dinner200 calories.
    My partner a man has a skinny latte (76 calories) as well.
    I do try to stop eating for 12 hours at least, so after tea at 6pm I don’t eat till 8:30 am.
    I think we work it out to suit us as long as we stick to 500 calories for women and 600 for men on two nonconsecutive days.
    We have tried a 2pm-2pm fast as well. But for us we preferred whole days.

    Yes,my partner is a man and he has 600 cal. a day. We have an early meal on the 2 days about 5.30 to 6p.m. and a couple of herbal teas during the evening but no other food. This has always been our routine so it is not new.
    We have a small bowl of muesli with some fruit for breakfast. My partner has 2 muesli bars 100cal each for lunch as it is more convenient at work,and I generally have a small bowl of vegetable soup.for the evening meal we have a protein portion usually about 100gms and lots of vegetables. I weigh everthing and make sure it is varied. We don’t call it a diet but rather a regime and are so happy with the results.I am 71yrs old and my partner is 65yrs. He has been overweight for years.

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