Cannot fast while working!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  artyanna 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone!

    I have started 5:2 Fasting Diet 2 months ago. I was doing Monday and Thursday as my fast days to star with. After few weeks I’ve realised that I cannot concentrate on my work load in the office (auditor for the bank, lots of reading on the pc and loads of meeting to conduct daily). I swap for fasting days Saturday and Sunday, but this is not working out now, since lots of familly gatherings and alcohol involved over the weekend. So I have practicaly at the stand still pont!Have not done any fasting in last two weeks!
    Not sure what to do? I do wanna carry on, since I’ve lost a stone in two months! But need food while working, and 500kcal simply is not enough!
    Please send some help.

    Cheers, Angelika

    Hi Angelika

    I’ve only been on 5:2 for a couple of weeks and still find fast days quite hard.

    Could you do a Friday and have all your calories at lunch, or 100 breakfast and 400 lunch. That way, if you don’t feel great at least you’ve only got a few hours of Friday afternoon to get through?

    Also experiment with which meals fill you up the most. I find beef stew really good, whereas salmon still leaves me hungry. Make sure you get plenty of protein for your calories as that’s what fills you up.

    Hope that helps.


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