Can someone explain how 4:3 works?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Maj1 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi there, Delighted to be here amongst friends! I’ve been a good 2 stone overweight now for a few years and like many here had several false starts with trying to lose weight. I’m 47, 5ft 3 and prone to weight gain. I’m overbusy and sometimes feel squeezed with pressure from work, family and life in general. I really would love to feel a change in myself and so am attempting to tackle this from the outside in, starting with weight loss! I’d like some advice on the 4:3 approach and would welcome hearing how others make it work. Thanks:)

    4:3 is 4 days of eating “normally”, although I also went low carb when I started intermittent fasting, and dropping to 500 calories 3 days a week instead of the usual 2. It is a way to boost the weight loss for those who maybe have a harder time losing or more to lose. Since I am older and had been yoyo dieting for about 40 years with all the wrong eating advice, I quickly went into the Fast Beach diet (4:3 and low carb with hi intensity interval exercise thrown in occasionally). I dropped 45 lbs in 6months and have stayed there. Now I am fighting to get the last 10 off! So hard!

    I usually did every other day during the week, skipped breakfast altogether, ate a lite lunch, then a good dinner. Like I said, real low carb for me, no booze cause I can’t drink anyways, very little fruit, lots of good fats to fill me up.

    I think that’s all I have. You’ll do great, and you can always switch days if something comes up. Good luck!


    Thanks for taking the time to reply!

    It sounds like you found your formula and the magic ingredient of being consistent too.

    Wish me luck!

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