calorie intake

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi I’m Carol and have just registered. I’m not sure how many calories I’m allowed on fasting and non fasting days. I’ve just put my details into the calculator and my BAR is 1291 and my TDEE is 2001. Does that mean I can eat 2001 calories on my non fasting days and 1291 on fasting days?
    Do I have to buy the books to do this diet?
    Thanks Carol

    Hi, Carol.
    The recommendation for women on a Fast Day is 500 calories total. I [64 yr-old woman when I began Fasting] ate the men’s recommended allotment of 600 calories. Both are acceptable. I lost the weight I wanted, my husband lost 40 pounds and in 4 years we have kept the weight off.

    2001 calories sounds WAY too high for a non-fasting [we call it a Slow Day] day. Did you enter your current weight or the weight you want to be? [should be the latter] Did you correctly assess your activity level?

    I don’t know what the BAR is, but my calorie intake on Fast Days is about 1400 calories. We still Fast twice a week, to help maintain our weight.

    You don’t have to buy the book, but have you seen the video? Look for it on YouTube. Must see.

    Make sure you have lots of good recipes aimed at the restrictions of Fasting: 300 calorie max [for each of 2 meals]; high in protein; low in carbs. OR choose 2 breakfast menus and 2 dinner menus that you’d love to eat and that way the first 4 days [2 weeks] of Fasting are easier because you planned it out.

    Planning ahead really helps. If you can find my Blog, I have lots of recipes and tips for Fasters.
    Good luck. I’ll keep watching for your progress on this site.

    Hi Carol,

    I think you mean BMR which is the amount of calories your body uses if you don’t do anything all day.

    TDEE is an estimate and it varies from person to person. It is the absolute maximum you should have on a non fast day.

    Putting your current weight into the calculation is what you are supposed to do but sometimes people forget to re-calculate as they lose weight (because lighter bodies need less calories) and their weight loss slows down or stalls.
    There are also quite a few who prefer to use their goal weight right from the start because in theory it speeds up weight loss and means there is no further caloric recuction required once goal weight is reached.
    It is entirely up to you which method you choose.

    You don’t need to buy the books but it is useful to read the fast diet book.

    This thread contains some useful information

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