Book's Calorie list as a download.

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Book's Calorie list as a download.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Delia C 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Although there are calorie counters online, they seem to be pretty random in how they address the subject, for example, some give the calorie count for a slice of bread, but how thick is the slice?

    The book on the other hand has a very simple approach, calories per 100gm (or ml for fluid) this makes planning a fast day meal a lot easier, but it is less easy trying to navigate the pages as it is spread across quite a few. As a PDF file though we could print it off on A4 sheets and have a nice accessible and handy reference for the kitchen that would make planning and counting up a meal much easier.

    Any reason not to have this as a download?

    Flapjack, we’ll look into this.

    Many thanks! It would be excellent if you could arrange it, I am sure I am not the only one who would benefit.

    Should you stick to the 12 hours between meals?

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