Blow out after first fasting days

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  skibabe 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Started this this week – had two fasting days which were surprisingly easy. But – on the first day of “freedom” boy did I stack in those calories. I feel so guilty and disgusting now. I hope I’m not the only one to be naughty like this in the first week and any tips on how to behave like a sensible person would be brill.

    Hi Penster. That seems to be a fairly common experience, but lots of people including me found that the desire to eat more sensibly on non-fast days to cement the benefits of the fasting days just came naturally in a fairly short time frame. My theory is that the restraint you have to have throws some kind of switch and you begin to feel more in control. Lots of people say they have learned to like hearing their own tummy grumble. It is the sound of good things happening.

    Hi penster, welcome! don’t beat up on your self, it’s really easy to do that, in the beginning especially. I have found that my appetite is decreasing as I go on. your brain was probably just over reacting to the change. it will get easier, and you will get to dislike the feeling you get upon over eating, at lease I have. you can do this! by the way, a couple of days of over eating doesn’t make you disgusting, just means you are a regular ole human being. 🙂

    good luck with your next week, please let us know how you are doing.

    Hi penster, I’ve just started too and bought some chocolate to have on the day after my first fast day. I wolfed that down, and a chocolate milkshake! On any other diet, I would’ve felt guilty, angry with myself, etc. but I didn’t this time as I know the next fast (today) will sort it. I’m already noticing not only do some clothes fit better, I felt very full after my fast dinner, which was weird, to say the least! Hang in there, it’s not a race 🙂

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