Bigger Meals Earlier Can Help Weight Loss

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  • Researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel conducted an experiment over a period of 3 months with 93 woman in 2012. The results show clearly that consuming more calories in the morning than in the evening have a much greater weight loss result than eating a light breakfast and a heavier dinner.

    This makes sense, as during the day -being active- the body burns more calories than during the night when it rests.

    Wall Street Journal: “Bigger Meals Earlier Can Help Weight Loss”

    So for now -just starting the 5:2 diet- I do it the other way around: a breakfast -or brunch if I don’t feel hungry early in the morning- which contains about 2/3 of the calories of the day, and for dinner the resting 1/3 part of calories intake.

    Today I’ll get my order of a digital kitchen scale and a bathroom scale, the latter one of those that calculate bone, muscle, and fat, and even has a memory… I didn’t even know until a few days ago those things existed. : D

    Many years ago I once fasted for 10 days. Towards the end I started to feel a bit weak, and very slowly walked to a restaurant to break my fast so as not to faint on the way. I ate little that first day, as I had heard that eating a lot right after a long fast is unhealthy. My mood was excellent, and when regaining energy after eating a little again, felt super light en energetic, as if I could almost fly.

    This time I won’t go to that extreme, but eating more in the morning and less in the evening seems like a good idea, especially during the 2 semi-fasting days.

    I feel curious to see what the result will be.

    Hello Lode, I find if I have a 250/300 calorie breakfast in the morning on fast days, it suits me better, as I’ve never been one to skip breakfast and no intention of starting now. I feel more energetic throughout the day doing it this way and I’m quite happy to have a smaller evening meal to use up the remaining calories of my 500. I had been having a 50 calorie snack, soup or an apple lunch time, but think I will cut this out and have those extra calories in the morning. Will see how it goes – all the best with yours.


    Looks like your doing it a bit the other way around too, or at least not eating more in the evenings than in the mornings those days.

    It could be interesting to compare our results, you almost balancing it out, me taking in more in the mornings than in the evenings.

    I find the health benefits actually more important than the looks benefits. Although I’m not against loosing that little belly and rolls in the waist.

    Success to your progress too!

    as the Italians say, have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper !

    Excellent! Never heard that one yet.

    Interesting how folk sayings from the past show that some things were already known before science discovered and confirmed them lately.

    Is it Italian? Well I never knew that. My mum always used to say that when we were kids – I thought it was a Yorkshire thing.

    Good luck on your about face fasting. If it works for you then it’s worth doing 😉

    could well be – Italian proverbs are often about food or drink so I could well have got confused! Either way, it makes sense !

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