Big strong boy from England

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Rigpig 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I’ve always been a “big strong boy” and thirty-odd years in the offshore oil industry hasn’t helped that at all. I’ve never been bothered about being barrel-shaped, but it’s a matter of degree.

    I’m increasingly desk-bound and that doesnt help either.

    About once a year I lose 6 to 10 kg then eat it all back on, usually at Xmas.

    Nothing else seems to work and I definitely need to lose some weight, so let’s try this..

    Hi Rigpig and welcome:

    Here are some tips that might help:

    Good Luck!

    Yes, yes, I know all that. The challenge is to lose weight in a group of bored, overworked, under-exercised, stressed men with a general habit of eating free meals which a lot of people would probably find astonishing, as a primary recreation.

    The younger ones don’t have the same challenges, but for the older blokes who grew up in an industry where it was usual to eat 4,000-plus calories a day with red meat at every meal, and work it all off again, it’s hard.

    I lost 10kg easily, last time I was in a pipeline job, because I was active 12 hrs a day, and pretty much living on tea, coffee, oranges, olives, crusty bread, occasional grilled fish or lamb.

    Good luck Rigpig, hopefully you will enjoy this way of eating and the weight will fall off and stay off this time

    Hi Rigpig
    Can so sympathise with your job/diet situation, not that I work offshore but went from walking wards in hospital to driving a desk and moving papers about, spending hours in the car sitting on my ever increasing ar#e grabbing sandwiches and snacks in between meetings and then arriving to plates of “finger food” being so tired once home stopping off for takeaways etc etc……..

    I too have just come to fasting as a way to slowing cutting back on food/cals and fingers crossed it will work.
    But it’s so difficult to break a habit believe me I have more than one to break but for healths sake I need to do this and for it to work.

    So small changes for us both and stay busy – keeping liquids close at hand to help me get thru and getting up off that ar#se of mine even just to circle the desk every time I’m on the phone lol every step counts 😉

    Anyway stay positive you’ve taken the first step, keep logging on here there are some pros on here that offer great advice and a boot up if required. Would love to here how to progress


    I do know certain things from past experience

    – skipping breakfast doesn’t work, just makes me tired and bad-tempered, especially early afternoon
    – drinking coffe just makes it worse
    – porridge is good for breakfast. No fat, no sugar and stays with you for hours. Not true for the various rice and kasha preparations favoured in former Soviet countries, which I just find unsatisfying and tasteless
    – beans on toast is always a good option. Go for the catering type beans favoured in galleys!
    – the pickled vegetables common in FSU countries are a good option, although most Brits don’t care for them. Same goes for olives.
    – smoked salmon and gravlax may be expensive delicacies in England, but in Scandinavia or the FSU they are one step above cat-food. Available everywhere
    – go to bed early. Shuts out stress offshore, and interminable drivelling soap-operas when home (like most seamen I’m appalled with how my family waste their time when I’m home)

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