
This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  CoveBirder 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Beginning this diet tomorrow – I don’t eat cottage cheese, fish (allergic) so salmon, tuna etc out – any suggestions to substitute for these. On all days including fast, how much fruit is generally eaten by everyone – I usually have 3 on normal day. Thanks

    Hi, you can eat any types of protein that you like and can fit into the calorie limit. I often eat legumes because they are filling and give me some fibre along with the protein. I often eat eggs of fasts and I also eat small quantities of poultry or red meat sometimes. Again, you just need to be aware of the calorie content. If you want a higher calorie protein food you just get less of it.

    Most people seem to not eat fruit on fast days. I however usually eat one piece, which is less than I’d eat on other days. You can eat anything that suits you at what ever time of day suits you on a fast day, you just need to keep within the calorie limit. Everyone has a fairly personalised approach – which is as it should be. My recommendation is that you plan food for the times of day that you know your appetite is strongest. Including foods that contain some protein and some fibre will keep appetite at bay longer than eating simple carbohydrates.

    My fast day food usually includes:
    1 serve of protein (eg 2 eggs or 100g cooked legumes or 100g chicken) 100-150cal
    1 serve of dairy (up to 1 cup of LF milk for cups of tea) 90-120cal
    1 small piece of fruit 50-70cal
    3-5 serves of vegetables 70-200cal (depends on which veg I choose)

    Because I am rarely hungry in the mornings and I have an appetite which doesn’t really kick in until I start eating, my approach to fast days is to delay eating for as long as possible. (This approach suits me, but it’s not for everyone.) I drink cups of milky tea when I want them in the morning and afternoon. Usually by mid-afternoon I will start to feel hungry and I’ll usually choose to have a piece of fruit at this time. The protein and veg will be dinner. Because of the amount of vegetable, the size of the meal is the same as a normal dinner it’s just lower in calories than most of my normal dinners. After trying out lots of recipies I’ve settled into just 3 that make on fast days as they are quick to make, filling and I enjoy them. Most others that I know on the forum have done the same thing. I allocate calories for milk so that I don’t have to give up cups of tea on fast days – this is a personal choice and I know plenty of others who won’t use calories for drinks on fast days – just do what works for you.

    I think you need to start by looking at when you know you’ll want to eat throughout the day. Then you know how many meals or snacks you need to include. This gives you an idea of how many calories you can afford to use for those various meals. If you want to include fruit, just be aware of the calorie content. I often have a punnet of strawberries on a fast day as 250g of strawberries is only 65 calories and I can snack on them gradually throughout the afternoon if I’m feeling hungry.

    I hope you quickly find a fast day pattern that suits you. Planning ahead is helpful.

    Hi – many thanks for taking the time to post your helpful advice. Like you I will have to allocate for the milky tea (and cut out my small piece of homemade cake each day). I have about 5-6 kilos to lose but genetic bp and chol problems. I refuse to take statins so must try other methods. Thank you again. K

    Hi there I’m a beginner too just started last Monday don’t know if I’ve lost any weight I’ve no scales but feeling better already I want to lose 12 lbs in 13 weeks

    Hi whatsinaname,

    I just noticed you mention BP issues. Not sure it you are taking BP meds. If so please check with your doctor regularly. My BP meds had to be continually reduced as I lost weight. I now don’t need any medication as I have normal blood pressure.

    Hi Jaxx101

    Hope your first week has gone well. I found that having a kg goal was fine but not a time limit as my body lost weight in its own good time. I lost 9kg in 13 weeks with extremely slow weight loss in the latter half of that period. So if the weight doesn’t keep shifting as fast as you’d like please be patient.

    Hope it’s going well. To date no problems and I have lost approx. 1kg.

    Thank you. Am doing quite well and not hungry. I am eating well with 1 kg loss but I am also someone who walks a lot and does a few other exercises daily so that helps. I don’t take meds for bp as yet but keep in touch with my doctor and monitor it myself. Am still allowing myself about 1″ square slice of cake per day to appease myself or a hot chocolate a couple of times per week. At 5 ft 2 and 68 years of age, I won’t be trying to look like a super model. Your loss of 9kg (to me) is good. Thanks again.

    Hi from Denmark
    Just started up Yesterday, aften having read the Fast diet book.
    Thought it Might be Easier for me to fast just 2 days a week since I work evenings and have to cook where I workshop, so can´t always decide what I want for dinner.
    Might there be other Danes in this forum?
    Have not decided how quickly I want to lose Wright, as long as I manage to keep the kilos off in the long run it doesn´t really matter.
    Wishing all A Nice evening.

    Hi Beginner – beginning today for me! Am feeling quite empty now but have my mind on dinner – just two hours away now! Let’s do this!

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