Battling the Menopause and now the need to Diet

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Battling the Menopause and now the need to Diet

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pinhead17 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi there. I’m am new to this site, new to dieting and battling with the menopause!
    I am 45 and in my second year of hot flushes, skin as thin as paper but manages to wrinkle like elephant skin under arms and on knees and now a waistline that I never thought I’d have 😔. It’s like everything has crept up on me, or maybe it was all happening and I managed to live in denial.

    Is there anyone else out there who suddenly finds themselves in this situation, as I’d really like to know I’m not alone. I’ve been fortunate to never really have weight issues, and if I have, a simple slight adjustment to my food intake for a week or two was enough to put me back on track. I exercise every other day, visiting the gym, going for a walk or swim, but suddenly it doesn’t matter what I do, the weight is still there and won’t budge … mostly around my stomach, thighs and backside. I feel disgusting.

    The 5:2 diet appeals to me massively, but I worry that this style of eating will have little benefit as the menopause seems to have created a whole new set of rules … is this my own new rule book or is it one issued to a certain group of ladies?!!

    Comments regarding success of the 5:2 plan would by hugely appreciated 👍

    Good luck I’m in a very similar situation 42 and the heaviest I’ve ever been and nothing seems to be working have just done 3 weeks at slimming world and apart from the initial loss on the 1st week nothing more – so disheartening!!! Starting 5:2 today fingers crossed for us both 😀

    Thank you FayeF 😊. I’m not alone, yay!!

    I did my first FD yesterday, was surprisingly easy, but I guess that’s the first day ‘high’ of starting something new and the hope and excitement of believing it’s going to work!
    Keep in touch and let me know how your getting on.

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